Table of Contents
Friend December 2023 “I Can Sing about Jesus Christ” I can sing songs about Jesus to celebrate His birth.
Friend December 2024 “Music: Gloria” Sheet music
Long ago, far away, There was a baby who lay on the hay. All was calm, all was bright, For Jesus was born on this holy night.
Lo, a star shone so bright. Wise men who saw it were filled with delight. Shepherds heard the angel say, “Good news I bring to you on this day.”
Chorus: Gloria, glory to God, Alleluia, alleluia. Sing and rejoice like the angels above. Sing glory, gloria.
Stars Were Gleaming
Mary’s Lullaby
Friend December 2021 “Mary’s Lullaby: I Can Play It” Also Sing-along video
- Lullaby, lullaby, my little one. Lullaby, my child so dear. Thy precious life has just begun; Thy mother holds thee near. While Joseph watches through the night, A star reflects thy radiant light.
- Thy gentle head shall wear a crown, For thy Father is the King. Thy tender hands, so tiny now, Have blessings great to bring. Let all creation join my song, For peace and love this night are born.
- Chorus: Lullaby, lullaby, my little one. Lullaby, my child so dear.

My Christmas Testimony
Friend December 2019 “My Christmas Testimony”
- It’s true. I know What happened in that village long ago— How one bright star did light the way To where the infant Christ Child lay, So humbly in His bed of hay.
- It’s true. I know— Because the holy scriptures tell me so— Of angels’ music in the air, Of Babe and mother sweet and fair, And shepherds sent to find them there.
- It’s true. I know. The Holy Ghost has whispered that it’s so, That Jesus, born that holy night, Has filled the world with truth and light And showed us how to live what’s right.
- I know. Oh, yes! I know!
I’ll Make the World Brighter
Friend December 2020 “I’ll Make the World Brighter”
- Like the star that shone over the stable, Guiding Wise Men to Christ through the night, I’ll help to lead others to Jesus By reflecting His love and His light.
- Like a lamp shining bright from a window Through the dark at the end of the day, With warm, caring friendship and service, I can help to show others the way.
- Chorus: Like bright lights of Christmas that bring joy and cheer, Good deeds can spread happiness all through the year.
Make Room For Him
Friend December 2017 “Make Room for Him”
- When Baby Jesus came to earth So many years ago, The inn was full, no room to spare, Poor Mary found no safe place there For our dear Savior’s birth.
- Just like the inn of Bethlehem, Our lives can be so full Of all the busy things we do, That sometimes without meaning to We don’t leave room for Him.
- We can’t go back to Bethlehem To let the Dear Child in. But we can open our heart’s door To young and old, to rich and poor. And share Christ’s love with them.

God’s Christmas Gift
“God’s Christmas Gift” Sheet Music
- Long ago, in Bethlehem, God sent His Holy Son; A precious Gift to save the world: The pure, Anointed One.
- Every year, at Christmastime, The presents ‘round the tree Remind me to receive the Christ: The Gift God gives to me.
- Jesus Christ gave His life; God planned it from the start. Each day I live, each gift I give Will show my thankful heart. Jesus is the Christmas gift God gives to you and me.
The Nativity
“The Nativity” Sheet Music
- One little shepherd, two baby lambs, Three noble Wise Men with gifts in their hands; A shining angel watches above; I wish I’d been there to give Jesus my love.
- Quick to the stable, shepherds make haste; A star through the desert the Wise Men have chased; And down from heav’n came angels to call; So I too will seek Him, the Savior of all.
Our Christmas Story Tree
“Our Christmas Story Tree” Sing before decorating tree.

The Way to Bethlehem
“The Way to Bethlehem” Sheet Music Four verses: 1. shepherds 2. wiseman 3. Mary and Joseph 4. stars and angels.
- Shepherds, shepherds, leave your lambs And find the way to Bethlehem, For the Baby sleeping there Is your Savior good and fair. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
- Wise Men, look up to the sky For one bright star to travel by. Bring your gold and precious things. Kneel before the King of kings. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
- See how Mary holds her Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy One. Joseph guards with tender care. Peace and gladness fill the air. Stars and angels shine His light. Find the way to Bethlehem tonight.
- Find your way this holy Christmas night.
The First Noel
Silent Night
Friend December 2023 “Silent Night” I Can Play It
The Nativity Song
The Nativity Song Friend August 1980

The Shepherds Carol
The Shepherds Carol Teaching Ideas

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells Friend December 2018 sheet music

Friend December 2019 “Christmas Clues” Can you figure out the names of all these Christmas songs?
Friend December 2018 “Have a Song-a-Day Christmas” Starting 12 days before Christmas, sing along each day with one of these Christmas songs on Color the music notes when you hear each phrase!
Friend December 2018 “Funstuff” Have your family or a group of friends take turns unscrambling the titles of the Christmas songs below. (It’s fun to work in teams.) Then have everyone choose a favorite one to sing!
The Messiah by Handel
Friend December 2017 “Christmas Peace” Handel created beautiful music about Jesus. Scriptures were used for the words. Fill in the blank of the scripture. Also, we can create something beautiful to show our love for Jesus.
Friend December 1985 Story of George Frideric Handel the composer of the Messiah.