Friend March 2024 “Media Match” Follow each person’s path to see how technology helps them! What are some good ways you use media?
Stay Media Safe
Friend March 2022 “Technology Tips” How to use technology wisely.

After reading these verses, family members could write down some everyday things that influence your family (such as movies, songs, games, or people) on slips of paper and place them in a bowl. Then they could take turns picking one and discussing whether it “persuadeth [them] to do good” (Ether 4:12). What changes does your family feel inspired to make?,Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Ether 1–5: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief””
Ensign June 2018 “Helping Children Make Good Media Choices”
Friend March 2021 “Stay Media Safe”

Friend March 2024 “What’s on Your Mind?”
Answer: Everything you watch or listen to affects how you think, feel, and act. And that affects the person you become. To become your best self, watch and listen to the best things. We are taught to seek after things that are “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” (Articles of Faith 1:13). And we can know something is good if it makes us want to do good and “to believe in Christ” (Moroni 7:16). What you watch or listen to matters so much because you matter so much.
Ensign April 2017 “Growing a Healthy Technology Garden”
Friend January 2019 “Show and Tell” If I see a bad word on a website, I close the page immediately.
Brycen J., age 8, Minnesota, USA
Friend June 2023 “My Media Safety Plan”
Help After Seeing Something Bad
Friend June 2018 “What’s on Your Mind?” How to feel good again after accidentally seeing something bad.
Online Bullying
Friend September 2018 “What’s on Your Mind” What should you do when you or someone else is getting bullied or made fun of online?
Internet Safety
Liahona August 2022 “Protecting Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits”
Conversation Starters about Online Safety
If you’re not sure how to talk to your children about online safety, consider asking them questions like these (adapted from “Scams and Safety,” Federal Bureau of Investigation,
- I have heard about adults pressuring kids online to send pictures of their bodies to the adult. Have you ever heard about something like that?
- Has someone at school ever had a picture taken of them that was sent around to a lot of people? What could happen to that person if the picture was embarrassing?
- Has anyone you don’t know ever tried to contact you or talk to you online?
- Why do you think an adult would want to talk to a kid online?
Ensign August 2017 “Eight Stratagies to Help Children Reject Pornography”
Family Rules:
Keep computers and tablets in common areas.
Ask children and teens to turn in their phones and mobile devices at night.
Establish an open-book policy; parents can view texts and social media accounts at any time.
Ensign October 2019 “Four Ways to Protect Your Family from Pornography” Even young children can learn to recognize it in a simple way: “You might accidentally see a picture or video of someone with their clothes off. That’s called pornography. When you see it, you might feel an ‘uh-oh’ feeling inside. That’s the Holy Ghost telling you, ‘That’s pornography. Stay away.’”
Friend October 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” A child sees a picture of someone without clothes on and asks the Friend what to do. The Friend explains that it is probably pornography and gives some ideas on what to do. They also include a TAG to keep by the computer that says Turn away, tell an Adult, and do something Good.
Friend November 2017 “Question Corner” Children give responses about what to do when friends look at bad pictures or show them on their phones.
Ensign October 2019 “Addressing Pornography” Joy D. Jones tells a story of a boy trusting a rattlesnake and picking it up and carrying it. When the snake bites him and the boy is shocked, the snake says,“You knew what I was when you picked me up.” Sister Jones says, “I see many parents handing their child a snake. I am speaking of smartphones.” She says that until the reasoning and decision-making abilities are fully developed and children are sufficiently taught, “we cannot put cell phones with internet access into the hands of young children.” Sister Jones also shares some ways others have protected their children from the dangers of the internet.
Ensign October 2015 Use this article to help children know what to do when they encounter pornography. See also the video “What Should I Do When I See Pornography?” and some family home evening lessons on this topic at
Using Media Wisely
For the Strength of Youth June 2024 “Do You Use Technology … or Is Technology Using You?” Technology is a great tool, but sometimes we can get so wrapped up in using it that we miss out on other important things. A new guide, Taking Charge of Technology, can help you develop a better relationship with your devices.
Don’t Be Deceived
Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 3”
Reflect for a moment on the significance of water in your life.
- When does having water matter the most to you?
- Why is the source of the water you drink important?
Seeking truth can be like drinking water: the source matters. Think of sources you turn to when you have questions or concerns. [such as the Internet] How confident are you that these sources provide true answers? Heavenly Father desires to answer your sincere questions and has provided trustworthy sources to guide you. [The prophet, from the scriptures, from the Holy Ghost. Don’t drown in the depths of filthy water. Go to the source of living water.]