The purpose of this page is to index the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints images that are available for use in members lessons at church or at home. A link is provided at the bottom of most of the images which will take you to where they are located. Many of the images are thumbnails of the original. Click on the image to see the full image. A copied and pasted image can be put into a word document in order to adjust the size.
Tag Archives: Lds Clipart
Book of Mormon: Clipart
Posted onCome, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Easter
Lehi’s Dream
Friend March 2018 cover
King Benjamin
Alma at the Waters of Mormon
Alma the Younger
Friend Sept 2019 Alma praying for his son
Friend June 2020 Abish
Helaman and Shiblon
The Stripling Warriors
Samuel the Lamanite
Book of Mormon Heroes

Reading the Book of Mormon
Friend December 2020 “Coloring Page: The Book of Mormon Is for Me!”