Alma CHAPTER 17 The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—They go their several ways to declare the word to the Lamanites—Ammon goes to the land of Ishmael and becomes the servant of King Lamoni—Ammon saves the king’s flocks and slays his enemies at the water of Sebus. Verses 1–3, about 77 B.C.; verse 4, about 91–77 B.C.; and verses 5–39, about 91 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 18 King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is the Great Spirit—Ammon teaches the king about the Creation, God’s dealings with men, and the redemption that comes through Christ—Lamoni believes and falls to the earth as if dead. About 90 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 19 Lamoni receives the light of everlasting life and sees the Redeemer—His household falls into a trance, and many see angels—Ammon is preserved miraculously—He baptizes many and establishes a church among them. About 90 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 20 The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to deliver his imprisoned brethren—Ammon and Lamoni meet Lamoni’s father, who is king over all the land—Ammon compels the old king to approve the release of his brethren. About 90 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 21 Aaron teaches the Amalekites about Christ and His Atonement—Aaron and his brethren are imprisoned in Middoni—After their deliverance, they teach in the synagogues and make many converts—Lamoni grants religious freedom to the people in the land of Ishmael. About 90–77 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 22 Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the Creation, the Fall of Adam, and the plan of redemption through Christ—The king and all his household are converted—The division of the land between the Nephites and the Lamanites is explained. About 90–77 B.C.
Friend July 2024 “I Can Read the Book of Mormon” After you read, color part of the picture. You can read these scriptures that go along with each week’s reading from Come, Follow Me.
Sons of Mosiah fast, pray, and study before their mission
Alma 17
My testimony of Jesus Christ grows when I read the scriptures, pray, and fast.
Mosiah’s sons grew strong in the gospel and became mighty missionaries because they diligently studied the scriptures, prayed, and fasted.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”
- How can the examples of Mosiah’s sons help your children build their testimonies of Jesus Christ? You could help your children find what the sons of Mosiah did to build their spiritual strength in Alma 17:2–3. Then they could draw pictures or find objects that represent these things. Help them plan what they will do to strengthen their testimonies of the Savior.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Bring to class items that represent scriptures, prayer, and fasting, such as a set of scriptures, a picture of someone praying, and a picture of food, and explain what each item represents. Read Alma 17:1–4, and ask the children how these things helped the sons of Mosiah. How does reading the scriptures, praying, and fasting help us come closer to Heavenly Father?

Use the topics index of the Children’s Songbook to help the children find songs about scripture study and prayer. Sing some of these songs together, and help the children identify what the songs teach about
( Alma 17:1–2). What do you learn from the sons of Mosiah about how to keep your faith in the gospel and commitment to it strong?
(Alma 17:3). How did the spiritual preparation of the sons of Mosiah affect their work with the Lamanites?
Ammon and King Lamoni

Book of Mormon Stories “Ammon a Great Servant” Images
Friend May 2016 “Ammon’s Good Example” Video
Media Library “Ammon Defends the Flocks of King Lamoni”
Friend May 2012 “Ammon, a Great Servant”
Alma 17-19
I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 17-22” Think of all of the reasons people might give for not sharing the gospel: “I don’t know enough” or “I’m don’t know if they would be interested.” The Nephites had an additional reason for not sharing the gospel with the Lamanites: they were “a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering the Nephites” (Alma 17:14; Alma 26:23–25). But the sons of Mosiah had an even stronger reason why they felt they must share the gospel with the Lamanites: “They were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish” (Mosiah 28:3). This love that inspired Ammon and his brothers can also inspire you to share the gospel with your family, friends, and acquaintances—even those who may not seem likely to accept it.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”
- To learn about being an instrument in God’s hands, as the sons of Mosiah were, you and your children could look at an instrument or tool and talk about what it’s used for. Then you could read Alma 17:11 and talk about what it means to be Heavenly Father’s instruments to help people learn about Jesus Christ.
Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon Chapter 17 Show the children a few tools or instruments used by builders, doctors, gardeners, painters, and so forth. Ask the children to tell what they know about each one, who uses it, and how it is used.
Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Instruments in God’s Hands” Ammon said to his brothers, “We have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work” (Alma 26:3). Gather objects you can use to make music. Then make up beats and songs. Just like we use instruments to make music, God can use us to help build Jesus Christ’s Church.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Explain that just as we use instruments or tools to get things done, Heavenly Father can use us to do His work. Read Alma 17:11, and explain that Ammon and his brothers were Heavenly Father’s instruments to help the Lamanites learn the gospel. How can you be an instrument in God’s hands to bless others? President Thomas S. Monson said, “I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him” (“On the Lord’s Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson,”
Help the children act out Ammon’s story in Alma 17–19. If you think the children would enjoy it, bring simple costumes and props. Tell the children what you learn from the story, and invite them to do the same.
Friend June 2013 “Let’s Put on a Pageant!” Script for acting out the story of Ammon (for older kids)

Friend October 2000 “Missionary Challenge” Modern day Ammon story
Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves sharing the gospel with someone. Help them think of specific things they can share.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”
- This week’s activity page has pictures representing truths Ammon taught King Lamoni. You could help your children find these truths in Alma 18:24–40. Your children could pretend to be missionaries and share what they know about these truths.
Friend July 2024 “Plan of Happiness Craft” Aaron and Ammon both taught about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. They called it the plan of redemption (see Alma 18:36–39 and Alma 22).

Abish, in gathering the people together to witness the power of God and reaching out her hand to the queen, she played a crucial role in the conversion of many of King Lamoni’s people.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”
- After you read about Abish with your children (see Alma 19:16–20, 28–29), they could pretend to be like Abish by running in place, knocking on doors, and telling about what happened in Alma 19:1–17. How can we be like Abish and share what we know about Jesus Christ and His gospel? Your children could draw pictures of themselves sharing the gospel with someone (Help them think of specific things they can share), or sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75).
Friend July 2024 “Who Was Abish?”

Friend February 1988 “Abish, Lamanite Woman of God”
Friend June 2020 “Abish had Faith in God” Coloring page
Friend November 2016 “Abish and Abby” Abby, like Abish, knows when it is time to share the gospel with her neighbors.
Ammon and Lamoni’s father
Alma 20-21
I can help others come unto Christ by showing my love for them.
Alma 17:21–25; 20:8–27; 22:1–3
Ammon’s love and service softened the hearts of King Lamoni and his father.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 17-22”
- At first, both King Lamoni and his father had hard hearts toward the gospel. Later, their hearts were softened, and they believed in Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Help your children discover answers to this question as you review with them Ammon’s experiences. They could act out “Chapter 23: Ammon: A Great Servant” and “Chapter 24: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father” (Book of Mormon Stories, 64–68, 69–70). Or perhaps your children would like to draw pictures of different parts of the story and use the pictures to tell the stories. What did Ammon do to help Lamoni and his father open their hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ? (see Alma 17:21–25; 20:8–27; 22:1–3).

Book of Mormon Stories: Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father Images
- Perhaps you and your children could think of someone who needs to know about Jesus Christ. Help them think of ways they can be good examples and show love to that person, like Ammon did for Lamoni and his father.
Ensign June 2020″ Family Study Fun” Read Alma 17:27–39 together. Talk about how Ammon agreed to serve King Lamoni and saved the king’s flocks that had been scattered.

- Sit around a table or in a circle on the floor. Put 5–10 cotton balls in the center to represent flocks, such as sheep.
- On the count of three, everyone tries to “scatter” the sheep by blowing on the cotton balls for about 10 seconds.
- To “gather” the sheep, go around the circle and have each person put the cotton ball nearest to them back in the center. As they do, ask them to share one act of service they could do for someone this week. Keep going until all the cotton balls are returned.
Discussion: What can we learn from Ammon’s example of humility? What blessings can we experience as we serve others?
Lesson 17 Ammon: A Mighty Missionary Has an activity about service breaking the barriers people put up.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020
- Invite the children to think of someone they can serve today, and discuss how they can serve that person.
- Read Alma 22:1–3, and ask the children to listen for how Ammon’s good example affected King Lamoni’s father. Invite them to think of someone they know who needs to know about the gospel. Suggest to the children that their love and good example might help this person see how great the gospel is. Help the children think of ways they can be good examples and show love to the people they thought of.
- Invite full-time missionaries or a recently returned missionary to share the story of Ammon in Alma 17–18. Ask them to share what they learned about missionary work from Ammon and the role service played in their efforts. Discuss with the children ways they can follow Ammon’s example.
Lesson 18 – King Lamoni’s Father Lesson and activity ideas

Aaron teaches Lamoni’s Father
Alma 22
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Point out that one reason the heart of Lamoni’s father changed was because Ammon loved Lamoni so much. Invite the children to draw a picture of something they can do to show love for someone.
Book of Mormon Stories: Aaron Teaches King Lamoni’s Father” Images
Friend July 2024 “Aaron Teaches the King”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 Alma 20:23 Review to see what Lamoni’s father was willing to give up in order to save his life. Then review Alma 22:15 to see what he was willing to give up in order to receive the joy of the gospel. What was he willing to give up in order to know God? (see verse 18). Perhaps family members could each write a plan to give up something in order to know God more fully.
Additional Resources
Primary 4: Book of Mormon “King Lamoni’s Father Is Converted”
- Draw a large square on the chalkboard or paper, and divide it into nine equal squares. Number the squares from one to nine as shown:
- Divide the class into two teams. Assign each team a mark, such as X and O. Ask someone from the first team to choose a number from one to nine; then read the corresponding question below. Any member of the team may answer the question. If the team members answer the question correctly, they can put their team’s mark in the square that has the same number as the question they answered. If they don’t answer the question correctly, leave the square blank. Have the two teams alternate turns. The game is over when either team gets three marks in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- What is Heavenly Father’s great plan for us called? (The plan of salvation, the plan of redemption, or the plan of happiness.)
- What does redeem mean? (Save us from the bondage of sin.)
- Who created the earth? (Jesus Christ, under Heavenly Father’s direction.)
- Who were the first people on the earth? (Adam and Eve.)
- What happened because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit? (They were cast out of the Garden of Eden, they could have children, they became mortal, and they were able to choose between right and wrong [see Moses 5:11].)
- Aaron taught the king from the scriptures or the brass plates. What are the four books of scripture we use to teach the gospel, or plan of redemption? (The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.)
- What was the first thing Aaron taught King Lamoni’s father? (There is a God.)
- How did Jesus make it possible for us to return to live with him again? (He suffered and died for our sins.)
- What must we do to be able to return to Heavenly Father? (Repent of our sins, keep our covenants, do good works.)To play the game again, make up questions from the lesson.
Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024)
Book of Mormon Stories