I Love to See the Temple
- Print the I Love to See the Temple Visuals.
- Cut out the temple pieces. You will need to leave the top white edges on all the pieces and the right white edge on the right-sided pieces. Arrange the pieces in the correct order and then glue each piece together (the white edges will give you edges to glue each piece to).
- Cut open the windows on the temple with an exacto knife as shown on the visual. Fold the back edge of the windows so they can open and close. Cut out the window pictures and tape each picture to the back of its appropriate window slot.
- Cut open the door and crease its back edge so it will open and close. Glue a light yellow background behind the door.
- To trace the sign’s shape around the words that will be on it, center the words over the sign shape on the temple, then trace the outside shape around the words, and then cut it out. Cut the sign in half so one side says “Holiness to the Lord” and the other says “House of the Lord”.
- Close the windows and doors with sticky tack.
- Cut out around the boy, the girl figure, and the walking stones. (Optional: Put magnets on the back of the these pieces.)
- Items needed: a black marker and magnets or tape.
Put the picture of the temple on the chalkboard. Post or show the visuals as you discuss each of the following lines of the song:
I love to see the temple – Put the picture of the boy to the left of the temple.
I’m going there someday – Ask the children what age they must be to attend the temple for the first time, and ask what they will do there. (Twelve and baptisms for the dead) Open the window where the baptismal font is.
To feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray – Open the window of the girl praying. Explain that the temple’s sacredness and its peaceful atmosphere is maintained so that the things of the Spirit can be felt abundantly.
For the temple is a House of God – Post the “House of the Lord” on the bottom of the sign area. Explain that these words are etched into the outside of each of the temples. The temple is a house of God. It is a place where his spirit can dwell and a place where he instructs his children.
A place of love and beauty – Open the window to the picture of the celestial room, and point out how beautiful the insides and outsides of temples are. Also point out the heart that is in the picture. Explain that the heart is to help remind them that the temple is a place of love. We feel love from our Heavenly Father as we participate in saving ordinances he provides for our salvation. We also feel love for our ancestors as we do service for them in the temple
I’ll prepare myself while I am young. This is my sacred duty – Ask the children what things they need to do in order to prepare to go to the temple. Responses might include: pay tithing, attend church, be baptized, be honest, gain a testimony, obey the Word of Wisdom, etc. Write their responses on the walking stones, and put the stones on the board to make a path from the children to the temple. Ask the children why it is their sacred duty to prepare themselves to go to the temple. (If we wish to return to live with our Heavenly Father we must go to the temple so that we can receive certain necessary saving ordinances found only in the temple.)
Second Verse
I love to see the temple. I’ll go inside someday – Open the temple doors. Discuss when they will be able to go to the temple for the first time as adults, such as when they are married or going on a mission.
I’ll covenant with my Father. I”ll promise to obey – Open the window to the words “Covenant, Promise, Obey”, and explain that we make sacred covenants in the temple. Covenants are promises we make with the Lord. The covenants we make help us achieve exaltation, but we must obey the promises we make if we wish to receive the promised blessings.
For the temple is a holy place – Put the top half of the sign on that says “Holiness to the Lord,” and explain that these words are also etched onto the outside of temples. Explain that the temple is a holy place with holy purposes.
Where we are sealed together – Open the window that shows the couple in white.
As a child of God I’ve learned this truth, a family is forever – Show the picture of the girl, and then open the window and show the family.
Note: All the pictures come from church produced materials.
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