Table of Contents
- Temples
- Families Can Be Sealed Together in the Temple
- Blessings of Temples
- Temple Dedication
- Preparing to Go to the Temple
- Traveling to the Temple
- Interior of Temples
- Temple History
- Temples Around the World
- Temples Being Built or Remodeled
- Temple Cards
- Baptism for the Dead
- Activity Sheets
- Temple Arts & Crafts
Friend September 2024 “Color By Shape”
Friend February 2022 “A Holy Place” Elder Eyring tells of the first time he went inside a temple. He felt that he had been in a sacred place like that before he was born. (Activity: Copy the lines on the grid to finish the other half of the Calgary Alberta Temple.)

Friend October 2021 “Build a Temple” Cut along the dotted lines to make a puzzle of what the Bangkok Thailand Temple will look like.
Friend July 2022 “For Little Friends”
Friend February 2025 “For Little Ones”
Friend December 2020 “For Older Kids” Temples have beautiful chandeliers that sparkle with light. Light reminds us of Jesus Christ, who is the Light of the World.
Friend November 2020 “For Older Kids” In the temple, waiting is a special time to feel the Spirit. Each temple has places where people can read scriptures and listen to peaceful music while they wait to do temple baptisms or other ordinances. (Circle every third letter to find out what country this temple is in.)\
Friend September 2019 “For Older Kids” Unscramble the words to find out what is written on each temple. (Holiness to the Lord)
Friend March 2020 “For Older Kids: A Look Inside the Temple” You can stand in for your ancestors as they receive the Holy Ghost! (Also, can you crack the code to find out which temple is in the picture? (See answers below.)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Cut out the windows with the ordinances that are done inside the temple, and match them with the pictures in the windows of the temple.
Friend January 2019 “For Older Kids” Use Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 to fill in the blanks. The temple is a house of …
For the Strength of Youth February 2025 “Fun Stop”
Families Can Be Sealed Together in the Temple
Friend April 2022 “For Little Friends”
Friend July 2022 “Find It” This family was just sealed in the temple. Can you find the hidden objects?
Blessings of Temples
Friend March 2025 “Peace from the Temple” President Eyring tells a story of when he and his wife were at the Idaho Falls Temple they heard that the Teton Dam had broken and their town was flooded. They worried for the safety of their children and others affected by the flood. After saying a prayer, these words came clearly to his mind: “Whatever the outcome, all will be well because of the temple.” The temple brings peace.
Friend November 2020 “We are Moving Forward: Temples Bless People All around the World” “The Lord’s ordinances and covenants prepare us for eternal life.” President Russell M. Nelson (Draw a picture of yourself in front of a temple.)
Friend September 2019 “Funstuff: Temples in Our Day” Many blessings are available to us because of temples. Solve the message below to discover just one of those blessings.
Temple Dedication
Friend October 2017 “Snacks and Crafts” Make a needle point or puff paint temple on a white handkerchief for a temple dedication.
Preparing to Go to the Temple
Friend October 2017 “Snacks and Crafts” Make a sugar cube temple. Place a sugar cube every time you do something to prepare to go to the temple.
Friend July 2017 “Snacks and Crafts” Draw a temple outline on a mirror so you will think about how you are preparing to go to the temple every time you look in the mirror.
Friend May 2022 “For Older Kids”
Friend March 2022 “For Older Kids”
Traveling to the Temple
Friend January 2021 “Traveling to the Temple” All over the world, people travel to the temple in different ways. Some people can reach a temple in a few minutes. Others must travel for days! Can you help these families visit their nearest temples?
Friend January 2025 “Boat Trip to the Temple” In 1992 Church members in Brazil took a boat trip to the temple. They ran out of drinking water and prayed for help. Soon a storm came and brought fresh water to drink. Can you find the hidden items?
Interior of Temples
Friend October 2020 “For Older Kids” Sealing Room
Friend June 2020 “For Older Kids” Some temples have beautiful staircases. They can help us remember that we are here to grow and become closer to Heavenly Father, one step at a time. Circle every third letter to find out where this temple is located. The first two are marked for you.
Friend May 2020 “For Older Kids” This room in the temple is called an endowment room. (Read to learn more.) Use this word search to find where this temple is.
Friend April 2020 “For Older Kids” All temples have beautiful art inside, especially of our Savior. It helps us to focus on Jesus when we’re in the temple. Can you guess which temple this stained-glass window is from?
Temple History
Friend February 2021 “Finish the Temple” The Cardston Alberta Temple was the first temple built outside of the United States. Use this outline and the photo to draw it!
Friend September 2019 “Funstuff: Temples in Our Day” Pioneers worked very hard to build temples. In fact, the Salt Lake Temple took 40 years of hard work and sacrifice to finish. Try drawing this holy temple using the letter A!
Friend May 2019 “For Older Kids” Question: Which of these temples doesn’t have an angel Moroni?
Temples Around the World
Friend August 2021 “For Little Friends”
Friend August 2021 “Inside-Outside Temple Match” Can you match the outside of each temple with a picture from inside?
Friend June 2021 “Temple Match” Temples come in different shapes and sizes. They are all beautiful houses of God! Trace the lines to match each place with its temple.
Rome, Italy Temple
Friend November 2019 “Stories of Jesus” The stained-glass window in the visitors’ center of the Rome Italy Temple is full of stories about what Jesus taught and what He did. Can you find them in this coloring page?
Temples Being Built or Remodeled
Friend July 2019 “For Older Kids”The Arequipa Peru Temple is under construction. Connect the dots to finish the temple!
Friend June 2019 “Temple Map Match” Fill in the numbers for these recently announced temples on the map! Also, match the first part to the rest of its name of some other temples that have been announced.
Friend May 2019 “Conference News” Announcements were made about pioneer temples being remodeled and about seven new temples being built in countries around the world. Match the colored boxes to fill in the missing vowels to find out the names of the countries where the seven new temples will be built.
Friend November 2018 “Conference News” In the October 2018 General Conference, President Nelson announced 12 new temples! Use the clues to fill in the names of the countries or states where they will be built.
Friend August 2018 “Temples Around the World” Use the clues to match the temple with its picture.
New Temples
Friend November 2020 “Conference News” Six new temples announced. Write an a in each blank tile to discover where the newest temples will be built!
Friend November 2019 “Conference News” Eight new temples announced in October 2019 Conference. Match the cities with the countries (and states) where they will be.
Temple Cards
Friend October 2021 “Temple Cards”
Friend May 2023 “Temple Cards”
Friend January 2024 “What Are Temples?” Temples are beautiful buildings where we can feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Each temple has the words “The House of the Lord” written on it. This reminds us that the temple is holy and different from the rest of the world. Prophets have promised that we can feel peace inside the temple.
Friend March 2024 “What Is a Temple Recommend?”
Friend February 2024 “What Happens in Temples?” In the temple, we learn more about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the plan of salvation. We receive ordinances and make sacred covenants. We can also do this for those who died without making those covenants. We can feel the Holy Ghost and receive answers to our prayers. Prophets have promised that going to the temple will help us receive guidance for our lives.
Friend April 2024 “What Are Temple Baptisms?” Jesus Christ taught that we need to be baptized to live with God again (John 3:5). If a person dies without being baptized, someone can be baptized for them in the temple. Then the person who died can choose to accept the baptism. Prophets have promised that doing temple baptisms will help us love our ancestors more.
Friend May 2024 “What Are Ordinances and Covenants?” An ordinance is a sacred act done with priesthood authority, like baptism and the sacrament. A covenant is a promise you make with Heavenly Father through a priesthood ordinance. Ordinances and covenants help us grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Someday you can make more covenants in the temple.
Friend June 2024 “What Is It Like inside the Temple?” Inside, the temple is a quiet, peaceful place. All around are beautiful paintings and places to sit and feel the Holy Ghost. There are rooms for different parts of temple worship, like a room with a baptism font and rooms for families to be sealed together. Prophets have promised that we can feel the Savior’s love inside His holy temples.
Friend July 2024 “What Are Temple Dedications?” When a new temple is finished, a prophet or apostle says an important prayer to dedicate, or bless, the temple. This prayer sets the temple apart to be a holy place where we can do God’s work. Prophets have promised that hundreds of temples will be dedicated to the Lord.
Friend August 2024 “Why Do We Call the Temple the House of the Lord?” Every temple has the words “The House of the Lord” near the entrance. The temple is the Lord’s house on earth, and it is filled with His power. Prophets have promised that the Lord will bring us miracles when we make the temple an important part of our life.
Friend September 2024 “What Does “Gathering Israel” Mean?” Gathering Israel means helping people make and keep covenants, or promises, with Heavenly Father. Inside the temple we can do this by being baptized for those who have died. Prophets have promised that as we help gather Israel, we will feel Jesus Christ’s love for us.
Friend October 2024 “What Is the Endowment?” When you are older, you can go inside the temple for a special ceremony called the endowment. During the endowment, we learn about God’s plan and Jesus Christ, and we promise to follow Them. The knowledge we receive and the covenants we make during the endowment are gifts from God. Prophets have promised that the endowment will give us more hope, comfort, and peace.
Friend November 2024 “What Is a Temple Sealing?” A temple sealing is an ordinance that binds families together forever. This means that if we keep our covenants and obey God, we will live with our family again after we die. Prophets have promised that because of Jesus Christ, families can be eternal.
Friend December 2024 “Why Do We Wear White in the Temple?” In the temple, we wear white clothing to remind us that we can be made pure and clean through Jesus Christ. It also shows that we are all equal in God’s eyes. Prophets have promised that as we do temple work, our lives will be filled with peace and purpose.
Friend January 2025 “Temple Cards”
Friend February 2025 “Temple Cards”
Friend March 2025 “Temple Cards”
Baptism for the Dead
Friend October 2019 “The Temple Challenge” Temple Scramble: This girl has taken a family name to the temple. Can you put the pictures in order?
Friend September 2019 “For Older Kids” Brain Teaser: Twelve brothers stand tall, With a bowl upon their backs, In a holy place. What is it?
Friend June 1993
Friend July 2015 also stained glass craft
Friend 1979
Activity Sheets
Friend November 2019 “For Older Kids” Decode the message. (I Love to See the Temple)
Temple Arts & Crafts
Friend January 2021 “Learn to Draw” Follow the steps below to draw the Hong Kong China Temple.
Friend October 2020 “Friends by Mail” “We made temples out of marshmallows and toothpicks for home evening (Dec. 2019)!”