Table of Contents
My Shepherd
Friend January 2021 “My Shepherd” By Blaine Garner (Link includes a sing-along video)
1. Long ago in Galilee Jesus walked along the sea And told the fishermen To follow Him. Like the faithful long ago, I will choose to follow, For Jesus is calling me.
2. Jesus showed us long ago How to help the sick, the cold, To love and care for those Who need us the most. I will comfort those in need. I will strengthen feeble knees And show the love inside of me.
[Chorus] I will follow where my Savior leads. I will listen when He calls to me. I will live what I believe. And when I’m in need, He will carry me. He’s my Shepherd, and I’m His sheep.

When I Return to Him
Friend April 2019 “When I Return to Him” Music Video
Words and music by Sally DeFord
1. The Shepherd loves His little lambs,
And when they go astray,
He seeks them as they wander;
He calls each one by name.
They listen for the Shepherd’s voice;
They run to Him, and then
He welcomes them with loving arms
When they return to Him.
2. The Savior loves His little ones,
And if I leave His side,
He seeks me as I wander
By day or darkest night.
I’ll listen for the Savior’s call.
I’ll come to Him, and then
He’ll welcome me with loving arms
When I return to Him.
3. The Savior marks the path for me;
He shows me how to live.
And if I stray or wander,
I know He will forgive.
So I will heed the Savior’s voice;
I’ll turn away from sin,
And He will fill my heart with joy
When I return to Him.
The Miracle
Friend June 2018 “The Miracle” Jesus did many miracles, but the most incredible is the one that rescued each of us. Music Video
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
Friend June 2019 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives: I Can Play It” Sing-Along Video
Names of Jesus
Many Names of Jesus
Friend April 2017 ” Many Names of Jesus” Sheet Music, Music Video
Words by Jan Pinborough
Music by Michael F. Moody
Words: Jesus said that He would be my Shepherd.
Jesus said that I would be His lamb.
He calms my fears with tender words of comfort,
So when He calls, I gladly follow Him.
Jesus is my Friend; He’s like no other.
Jesus is the Son, the Bread of Life.
With Him, I’m not afraid; He is my Brother.
He knows my heart. He helps me choose the right.
Jesus said that He would be my Savior.
Jesus said that He would be my Light.
He made the stars, the oceans—my Creator,
Redeemer, Lord, the Way, the Truth, the Life.
So many names of Jesus,
So many ways to know Him,
And every name means, “I love you.”
The Prince of Peace, the King of Kings,
Jesus Christ salvation brings.

Following Jesus
I Will Shine
Friend January 2022 “I Will Shine”
1. There’s a light within me— The perfect light of Christ— And I have made a promise To keep it burning bright By walking in His footsteps And following His plan In every time and every place, In every way I can.
2. One simple act of kindness Will lift a lonely soul; One gentle word that’s spoken Turns sadness to hope. One choice to be like Jesus Will spread the love He gives, And one by one the world becomes A better place to live.
Chorus: I will shine like a candle in the dark; All it takes to make a difference is a spark. And it’s easy to see that the brightest I’ll be Is when I let His light shine through me. When I let His light shine through me.
This is My Beloved
Friend September 2020 “This is My Beloved Song: I Can Play It” Also Sing-along Video
1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters When His work had just begun. God the Father spoke from heaven:“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
2. Nephites gazing into heaven Saw their white-robed Savior come. And they heard the Father witness: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
3. Joseph saw two glorious beings Shining brighter than the sun. God again presented Jesus: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
4. As I read the scriptures daily— Words of Christ, the Holy One— In my heart I’ll hear God tell me: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
I Will Walk with Jesus
Friend February 2020 “I Will Walk with Jesus” Song and Sing-Along Video
1. Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth. He showed love to God and man while in His youth. Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way, Calling me to come and walk with Him each day.
2. I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day— Promising to walk His path and there to stay. Standing by my Savior, safe within His care, Step by step I’ll follow, and His love I’ll share.
3. I will trust in Jesus. I will hear His call. He will never leave me, even when I fall. Jesus gives me power, lifts and comforts me, Helping me to live and grow eternally.
Chorus: I will walk with Jesus to my home above. He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love, Change my heart forever and help me clearly see. I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.
I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
Friend April 2024 “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus: I Can Play It” Simplified version
Had I Been a Little Child
Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 17:21–25 with your family, which describes the Savior ministering to people after His Resurrection. Talk about what it might have felt like to be there.
- Draw or write these body parts on pieces of paper: hands, feet, knees, arms, eyes, and mouth. Pass them out to different family members.
- Listen to “Had I Been a Child” from pages 80–81 of the Children’s Songbook
- Whenever a body part is mentioned in the song, have the family member holding that paper lift it up for everyone to see.
Discussion: Talk about how Jesus has a resurrected body and how one day we’ll have a resurrected body too. Jesus used His body to serve others. How can we serve others and show them love?
“Had I Been A Child” Lyrics
- 1. Had I been a child when Jesus cameUnto the Nephites that blessed dayAnd showed them the wounds in his hands and his feetAnd knelt with them to pray.
- 2. Then he might have held me safe in his arms;He might have looked in my eyes and saidA word, with his blessing of kindness and love,His hands placed upon my head.
- 3. Someday, when the Savior comes again,Oh, how I hope that my heart will beAs pure as the hearts of the children that dayWho gathered around his knee.
Peace in Christ
Friend September 2021 “Peace in Christ” Song
1. There is peace in Christ When we learn of Him. Feel the love He felt for us When He bore our sins. Listen to His words. Let them come alive. If we know Him as He is, There is peace in Christ.
2. There is peace in Christ When we walk with Him Through the streets of Galilee To Jerusalem. Mend the broken hearts. Dry the tear-filled eyes. When we live the way He lived, There is peace in Christ.
Chorus: He gives us hope When hope is gone. He gives us strength When we can’t go on. He gives us shelter In the storms of life. When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.
Second ending: When there’s no peace on earth, There is peace in Christ.
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Friend March 2023 “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” I Can Play It
Gratitude for Jesus
Friend April 2023 “Because’ I Can Play It
1. Because He walked with men, I know the way. Because He calmed the storm, I’m not afraid. Because He bowed beneath all things, He lifted me above. Because I know He died for me, I feel His love.
2. Because He conquered death, I’ll live again. Because He is my Friend, I’ll follow Him. Because He felt all grief and pain, He calms and comforts me. And when He comes again, I’ll kneel before His feet.
Chorus: And I will praise forever The Savior of the world. And I will sing together With all the Saints on earth. Because He gave to me everything He had to give, I breathe, I see, I hope, I love, I live.