Music: Activities & Games

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Singing Hymns

Friend November 2022 “Activity Time” Can you find the missing pieces in the puzzle?

Primary Songs

Friend November 2022 “For Little Friends” Sofia likes to sing Primary songs. Can you finish the pattern of musical notes?

Familys Sing Together

Friend February 2022 “Family Treasure Hunt” Collect family history music items such as:

  • Make a list of songs and hymns your family likes.
  • Record your family singing.
  • Draw an instrument that someone in your family plays.

Friend January 2022 “For Little Friends” Coloring Page

History of Primary Songs

Friend October 1984 Add song composers/authors as notes and then play the song. Adjust if needed, then add words.

Friend October 1984
Friend October 1984

Friend October 1985 Matching composer/author with song.

Friend October 1986

Friend October 1986
Friend October 1986
Friend October 1986  Music box memory game.

General Music Activities

Friend August 2021 “Music Countdown”

Friend May 2017 “Conference Puzzles” Draw a line to finish the title of the song.

Crossword puzzle song review idea– make a crossword puzzle with sentences from the song being reviewed. The missing word in the sentenc will be on the crossword puzzle.  Going in numerical order, have the classes take turns telling what word is missing. If they don’t know what the word is, have everyone sing the song and have the class listen carefully for the word. Have a child from the class fill in the word on the puzzle.

Song Review Ideas

Attach a ribbon to a stick. Have the children sing louder when the stick is waved high and quieter when the stick is waved low.

Friend May 2016 Freeze Dance. Pick one person to be the music master. That person picks songs to play, and everyone else dances to the music. When the music master pauses the song, everyone else freezes! Anyone who moves is out. The last person dancing becomes the new music master, or you can take turns if there is a tie. (Or make it non-competitive and no one gets out. After the song is done a new music master is chosen according to who froze or sang the best.) Download free, fun music at (Could also be used as an activity sing idea to get wiggles out.)

Music in the Home

Friend November 2017 “For Little Ones” Activity ideas for using music in the home.

Just for Fun

For the Strength of Youth March 2025 “Fun Stop” The Lord loves “the song of the heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 25:__). Find the verse number for this scripture by figuring out what the symbols represent in the math puzzle and then solving the final equation. The numbers are even and the largest number is 8.