Table of Contents
- Why Share the Gospel
- People are Searching for the Gospel
- Desire to be a Missionary
- Preparing to be a Missionary
- Being a Missionary Now
- Ways To Share the Gospel
- Give a Friend Magazine
- Share the Book of Mormon
- Read the Book of Mormon or Friend Around Others
- Give a Pass-Along Card
- Share and Sing Primary Songs
- Invite Them to Participate in a Church Activity
- Inviting Friends to Church
- Invite a Friend to Special Church Events
- Invite a Friend to FHE
- Be a Friend
- Serve and Love Your Friends
- How to Answer Questions
- Live the Gospel
- Be Service Minded
- Sometimes the Answer is No
- Share Your Testimony
- Sometimes We are Planting Seeds
- Prepared to Be a Missionary Now
- Preparing to Go on Mission
- Going on a Mission
- Sacrifices and Blessings to become a Missionary
- Safety
- Stories of Conversion because People Shared the Gospel
- Missionaries Teach
- Family Members on Missions
- Additional Mission Types
- Supporting Missionaries
Why Share the Gospel
The Gospel Helps with Life’s Problems
Friend September 2018 “No Matter What!” Christian’s friend at school feels useless because she made some mistakes in the school work. Christian tells her about the love of Jesus and that she is a child of God, so she is not useless. His friend wants to know where he learned that, and she asks her parents for permission to go to church with Christian.
Friend June 2020 ” Kelly’s Prayer” Kelly didn’t know much about Jesus Christ, but she felt the spirit when she and her mom are invited to go to church. She liked that special feeling and wanted to learn more and take the missionary lessons. The missionaries taught her and eventually challenged her to pray on her own. She prays for help when she feels nervous about a singing competition. Heavenly Father heard her prayer and helped her. She wanted to keep praying every day.

People are Searching for the Gospel
Friend April 2020 “A Church for Zulma” Zulma liked the church she was going to but she felt like there was more truth out there, so her and her brother started searching for it by attending different churches. Eventually they found the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and were baptized.
Friend July 2022 “Michael’s Long Search” Michael read a magazine from the church and wanted to learn more, but there weren’t any Latter-day Saint churches in India. He also read the Book of Mormon and prayed. He knew it was true! He wanted to be baptized. Many years later a senior missionary couple came to India. Finally, Michael was baptized! Later he became a translator for General Conference.

Missionaries Answer Life’s Questions
Friend November 2017 Elder Parrella once asked his mother if she would still be his mom when they were in heaven. She didn’t know the answer. Later, Elder Parrella was happy to learn from the missionaries that families can be together after this life.
Friend April 2022 “Harriet Meets the Missionaries” Harriet’s father died and she missed him so much and wondered if she would ever see him again. Then the missionaries came and they told them about the plan of salvation and about being with our families again after death.
Missionaries Help Generations
Friend July 2020 “The Surprise Mission Call” Edwin and his wife were from India. They had joined the church while working in Samoa. They wanted their families to learn about the gospel, so they wrote church headquarters to ask for missionaries to be sent there. To their surprise, they were called to as missionaries. They were able to baptize many of their family members and enough people to start a branch by the end of their mission in 1978. Now there are enough members for a temple in India.
Desire to be a Missionary
Friend October 2021 “For Older Kids” “My biggest dream is to be a missionary. One time when I was injured very badly, the missionaries came and gave me a blessing of healing. When I woke up and saw them, I felt more desire to serve and spread the gospel to the whole world! I love my Heavenly Father, and I know He cares for me and my family. ” Daniel L., age 13, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Preparing to be a Missionary
Friend June 2019 (“Show and Tell”) Missionary: “At our family reunion, we did a mini-mission activity. My companion was my cousin, and we taught our uncles and grandma a discussion. It was fun and got me excited to go on a real mission someday!” Calvin M., age 9, Texas, USA
Friend July 2016 “Mini Missionaries” Sam and Lindsey’s mom prepare a mini MTC for them to learn about being missionaries.
Friend February 2016 “Testimony Treasure” Sabrina learns that a testimony is a treasure you want to share with others.
Friend June 2021 “Baking Bread for My Mission” Taylor baked bread to sell to earn money for his mission. It was hard work. He had to get up at six to make the dough, he had to clean the cooking equipment, then he had to bag the bread and deliver it to people he didn’t know. He learned skills for his mission such as learning to work hard and talk to people.

Being a Missionary Now
Friend February 2025 “A Chat with Lili about Sharing the Gospel”

Friend February 2025 “Already a Missionary” Thad wanted to be like the missionaries and serve a mission when he was older. At dinner, the missionaries told him he could start being a missionary now by being a good example, a good friend, and serving his family. The next day he did all those things. His mother said he’s going to be a great missionary. Thad said, “I already am.”

Friend April 2022 “What Was That Song? Caleb spent time with his cousins and got Dengue Fever. He had to go to the hospital to be treated. He was afraid, so he sang a Primary song that made him feel better. The other children asked him about the song and he told them all about church and Primary and shared his testimony with them. He also told them scripture stories and sang other songs for them. He was glad he could share the gospel and help them too.

Friend March 2021 “Augusto Lim” Augusto’s little daughter asked why they didn’t attend church. Augusto prayed about it and a couple of days later missionaries showed up at their door. Augusto served Heavenly Father his whole life and became the first General Authority in the Philippines.
Friend February 2021 “Meet Raiarii from Tahiti” Story of Raiarii sharing the gospel by explaining scriptures and praying with two of his grandmother’s friends. (See story and photos at link.)

Friend October 2020 “Faneva the Missionary” Missionaries taught Faneva’s family the gospel. Faneva wanted to be a missionary when he grew up to teach people about what he was learning. In Primary they sang songs about being a missionary now and he decided that is what he wanted to do. He tried to be a good example. He invited people to church. He helped his neighbors. When he was older he also went on a mission.

Praying for Help
Friend November 2019 “Conference Notes “Every morning she prays for God to help her find someone who needs to hear about the gospel. Then she brings a Book of Mormon or pass-along card to share with them.”
Friend December 2016 “Blessings for Blessy” Blessy, from India, doesn’t have much luck getting friends to go to church with her, so she prays for help, and an opportunity comes to invite her whole school to church to learn more about Christmas.
Ways To Share the Gospel
Give a Friend Magazine
Friend July 2024 “Sharing the Friend“ A girl gave her Friend magazine to another girl that looked sad. She wanted the girl to feel the happiness she feels when she learns about Jesus.

Friend July 2019 “Bike Rack Buddies” Mindy introduced herself to a girl named Madison at the bike rack, and as they talked, religion came up. Mindy asked Madison if she would like a copy of the Friend. Madison accepted and read it, and then Mindy gave her a copy of the New Era. Madison read that too and said she wants to be baptized. Mindy hopes that will happen for Madison someday.
Friend November 2018 “Sharing Friendship” Elenoa’s parents buy extra copies of the Friend when they go to the temple and Elenoa and her sister share the Friend magazine with their friends. (Photos included in article.)
Friend November 2017 “For Older Kids”
One day my mom came home with a few December Friend magazines. I decided to give one to my friend at ballet. She looked excited when she received it. I felt the Spirit when I gave it to her. I hope she feels the Spirit also when she reads it. No one is too young to be a missionary.
Anna W., age 10, Washington, USA
Share the Book of Mormon
Friend November 2019 “Conference Notes” Elder Alliaud talked about staying with his uncle and aunt, before he was a member of the Church. They weren’t allowed to preach the gospel to him, but his room had many copies of the Book of Mormon. He read it in Spanish and prayed about it. The Holy Ghost told him it was true, and he was baptized!
Friend May 2024 “Scripture Story Time” At reading time at school, the teacher asked if anyone had a book they would like read. Nyameye raised his hand. He had brought the Book of Mormon Scripture Stories. The teacher read Nyameye’s favorite story of Lehi’s vision. After school his friend wanted to read another of the stories with him. Other classmates came to listen and some asked questions. Nyameye was glad his friends liked his favorite stories as much as he did.

Read the Book of Mormon or Friend Around Others
Friend July 2019 “Show and Tell” :Sometimes at school when I have no work to do, I read the Book of Mormon. When I read it while at school, many kids ask, “What is that?” so I tell them what it is and a little about the gospel. It makes me feel good to share.” Will M., age 12, California, USA
Give a Pass-Along Card
Friend October 2018 “Passing Along God’s Love” Allie wants to build her branch so she shares the gospel by giving a candy bar and a pass-along card to the store clerk whom she bought the candy from.
Share and Sing Primary Songs
Friend April 2021 “I Know a Song about That!” Annie goes to a Catholic School in Ireland. One day, when the teacher was talking about Jesus walking on the water, Annie remembered a song about the story she had learned in Primary. She was invited to share the song with the class.
Friend July 2022 “Fatima’s Favorite Song” Fatima’s teacher asked the kids to learn a song and share it in class. Fatima shares her favorite song “Families Can Be Together Forever.” Fatima’s mother invites the teacher to come hear more songs at church.

Invite Them to Participate in a Church Activity
Friend December 2022 “Chieko Learns about Jesus” Chieko’s family were Buddhists and she had never heard of Jesus, but she was invited to be in a nativity play. Years later she met missionaries who asked if she would like to learn more about Jesus. She accepted and was later baptized. When she was 60 she served in the Relief Society General Presidency and travelled the world and shared the Savior’s love.
Inviting Friends to Church
Friend July 2024 “The Sunday Choice” Anita invited Evolett to come play at her house on Sunday. Evolett explained that she was going to church with her family to learn more about Jesus Christ. Anita asked if she could go to church with them.

Friend December 2021 “ Olga Bing” After World War 2 started, church attendance started going down in Olga’s branch after the missionaries were all sent home. Olga prayed about how to make their branch strong again. She decided to invite children in the neighborhood to church class, and the children and their parents came.
Friend February 2021 “Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.
Friend August 2018 “Show and Tell”
I was nervous starting Cub Scouts, so I invited my friend to come with me. I am a missionary just like my older brothers!
William T., age 10, Alberta, Canada
Invite a Friend to Special Church Events
Friend November 2020 “For Older Kids” I recently invited a friend to a stake activity. She said she was pretty confused about most of it. But when she heard the missionaries’ stories, she said she felt a warm, happy feeling inside. Then she said that she wanted to come again! I said I would invite her to more activities when I could. I really hope she studies the gospel more. Samantha T., age 9, Arizona, USA
Friend July 2019 “Will You Come to My Baptism” Oliver tells everyone about his upcoming baptism and invites them to it. He likes being a missionary.
Friend February 2025 “Sundae’s Song” Sundae invited her friend Amy to her baptism. She sang a song and could tell that Amy was feeling the Holy Ghost.

Friend February 2019 “Show and Tell” Before my baptism, I asked my friends from school who don’t go to our church if they would come, and they said yes! I was happy to see them at my baptism and know they supported me! Alison H., age 8, California, USA
Invite a Friend to FHE
Friend July 2023 “It Started on a Baseball Field” When Elder Mark A. Bragg of the Seventy was a child he wasn’t a member of the church. Twins from his baseball team invited him to their FHE. His family went and they felt something special. A few months later Mark was baptized. He was forever grateful that his cared enough about him to share the gospel.
Be a Friend
Friend July 2018 “A Friend and a Missionary” Juan invited his best friend to lots of church activities and family dinner and family home evening. His friend sees the family praying and learning the gospel at these activities and starts to ask questions.

Serve and Love Your Friends
Friend May 2023 “Flooded with Love” Marius made a friend and they were supposed to go bowling but a storm hit and flooded the neighborhood and some homes are flooded. Marius’s grandmother made food for those affected, and Marius asked to take some of the food to his friend. He comforted his crying friend and sang him the song “I Am a Child of God”. His friend wanted to learn more about Jesus that Marius was singing about.

How to Answer Questions
Friend March 2017 “Matt and Mandy” Matt’s friend asks him why he goes to church so much.
Friend January 2018 “An Answer For Lucia” Lucia asks the missionaries why some scriptures (and religions) make it sound like Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are the same person. The missionaries use scriptures to show that they are one in purpose.
Does Your Church Believe in the Bible?
Friend July 2021 “Matt and Mandy”
Are you a Christian?
Friend July 2019 “I’m Christian” Poem about the ways we are Christians.
Name of the Church
Friend July 2019 “It is His Church” When Taniela B. Wakolo of the Seventy was learning about the church, the missionaries asked him what he would name his grocery store if he had one. He said he would call after his name because it would be his store. They then ask who a church should be name after. He knew that the true Church would be named after Jesus because it’s His Church. (Activity: In any language, the Church is still named after Jesus Christ. Match each language with the Church’s name in that language.
Live the Gospel
Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.
Friend July 2024 “Visiting Grandma and Grandpa” While Ernesto’s family were visiting his grandparents in Indonesia, he was able to share his beliefs with them by explaining why he doesn’t drink tea when offered some, and by reading the scriptures and praying with his family and inviting his grandparents to join with them.

Be Service Minded
Friend March 2021 “A Piano for Prophet” A boy named prophet set two goals: first, learn how to play the piano, and second, teach others how to play. Several people became interested in learning more about the church as they learned how to play using the Primary songs. (Link includes a Video of the story.)

Sometimes the Answer is No
Friend May 2020 “Conference Notes” Elder Christofferson talked about a family who invited their neighbor to home evenings and baptisms. They called him “Uncle Jonathan.” He didn’t want to join the Church. But they kept loving, helping, and spending time with him. Twenty years later, he was baptized! This teaches me:
Share Your Testimony
Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.
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Sometimes We are Planting Seeds
Friend November 2017 “The Ripple Effect” Ryan gives his friend a Book of Mormon but is afraid Matt won’t read it. His mother explains that sometimes you can’t always see the impact right away, but little actions make a big difference.
Helping New Members & Being a Good Example
We share the gospel because we love and care about others
Friend November 1988 “The Lantern, the Moon Cake, and the Book” A boy gives his new friend a Book of Mormon as a way to love his neighbor.
Friend September 1988 “Missionary Book Report” A boy gives a book report about the Book of Mormon.
The Spirit Guides
Friend November 2016 “Abish and Abby” Abby, like Abish, knows when it is time to share the gospel with her neighbors.
Speak Up When Opportunities Arise
Friend August 2017 “At school we did state reports. My friend reported on Utah and said that it was first settled by Mormons. I said I was a Mormon and shared my beliefs with my friends at school, which made me happy!” Eliza D., age 10, Pennsylvania, USA
Share the Gospel through Love and Example
Friend July 2017 “Bright Examples” Two stories about ways to be a missionary.
Friend September 2016 “A Gift for Lane” Addie gives a Book of Mormon to her friend, Lane, but Lane’s parents won’t let her read it. Addie is sad. (Finish the end yourself story, or read other’s ideas on how to finish the story here.)
Friend May 2016 “A Tower for King Benjamin” Brady tells his friend, Jamie, about Book of Mormon heroes as they play.
Friend December 2017 “Be Brave and Share” Elder Pieper’s family shared the gospel wherever they lived.
Friend September 2016 “Show and Tell” Individual stories of children being missionaries such as sharing their Friend magazine at school or going with the missionaries to teach.
Friend May 2016 “Better then Hopscotch” Emma tells her friends about the church. Years later, Emma’s friend remembers and wants to know more about the church.
Friend March 2016 “One Piece of Candy” Jose gives away his coffee flavored candy, and when a friend wants to know why, he shares the gospel.
Friend October 1987 “Peace, My Brother” A family writes their testimonies in Book of Mormons, and they receive letters back about the results.
Friend July 2016 Primary children from the Kirtland Ward, Kirtland Ohio Stake, USA, marched in the City of Kirtland Strawberry Festival. They showed photos from ward members’ ancestors on their “family tree.” They also handed out almost 900 pass-along cards.
Friend October 1988 “Eye to Eye” Andy learns in Primary that every member should be a missionary, but he doesn’t know how, so he asks his friend Mr. Weber, who is bedridden, and he learns that he has been a missionary by his kind acts of visiting Mr. Weber.
Friend September 2016 “BEE-ing a Missionary” Jesse does a school project on the beehive state, Utah.
Friend July 2016 “Want to Come to Church” Emma invites her cousin’s boyfriend to church. Because of that one simple question he is baptized and the couple are able to marry in the temple.
Friend March 1983 – “The Seaweed Boy” – Boy inspired to share gospel with a boy who is sometimes mean.
Friend Feb 1983– “A Good Neighbor” – Boy does service for new neighbors and invites them to church
Friend December 1983 – “The Offering” – Boy shares bible and passage about life after death with a sad man who lost a son in a war.
Friend May 1984 – “Grandpa’s Trunk” – Boy Shares gospel with his grandfather by inviting him to hear his Primary talk.
Friend February 1987 “Forever Family” A family uses their sealing in the temple as an opportunity to share the gospel with other family members.
Friend February 1985 “Best Friends”- Boy invites neighbor friend to Primary sacrament program
Friend October 2015 “My Golden Ribbon Dance”- Girl shares her testimony in a dance using church pictures and music.
Friend October 1984 “A Very Good Day” -A wife who lost a husband mourns and searches for a church that teaches about life after death.
Friend October 2015 – “Matt & Mandy” – Matt tries to figure out how to be a missionary to his friend.
Friend August 1986 “Bi Hsia’s Goose” A Taiwanese girl doesn’t think a missionary from the affluent US could ever accept her people and their customs, but his considerate service changes her mind.
Friend August 1986 “Last Day Kids” Ryan tries to share the gospel with his friend, but the friend teases him and other kids hear. One of those wants to go to church with Ryan.
Prepared to Be a Missionary Now
FriendFebruary2016 A man carries a Book of Mormon daily and prays to meet someone prepared to accept gospel.
Preparing to Go on Mission
Save for a Mission
Friend January 2019 “The Ice-Candy Mission Fund” Jared makes and sells coconut ice candy to earn money for his mission. (Recipe for coconut ice candy)
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For the Strength of Youth February 2024 “The Same in Every Mission” A young man wonders what his mission will be like and where he will go. His sister explains that on every mission there is one thing that is the same. She said, “Jesus Christ is the same. You serve a mission to preach His gospel. He’ll help you no matter where you go.”
Going on a Mission
Friend February 2020 “More Important than Basketball” When Elder Taylor was young he loved basketball. His oldest brother loved it too. He had to decide whether to serve a mission or keep playing on his college team. He decided to go when he realized his example would affect his younger siblings. A college roommate also explained that making a winning shot in basketball can’t compare to how it feels to teach and baptize someone on a mission.
Game: Play this game to practice sharing the gospel! Cut out the squares and crumple them into balls. Set a bowl at the end of a table or desk. Then take turns shooting the balls into the bowl. When a ball lands in the bowl, open the paper and read the question. Practice answering it as if you were talking to someone who wants to learn more about the Church.
Friend June 2017 “Being Like Shiblon”
Sacrifices and Blessings to become a Missionary
Friend August 2018 “Soccer and Sundays” When Elder Klebingat was young, soccer was his life. After he joined the church he learned that he shouldn’t play soccer on Sundays, and he should go on a mission. He got an offer to play professionally, but he went on a mission instead because he knew the church was true.
Friend April 2018 “A Long Shot: part one” When Elder Condie gave up basketball to go on a mission, he didn’t know if he would ever play again, but then he was invited to form a missionary team to help prepare Australia’s basketball team for the Olympics. He and his fellow missionaries were able to be public ambassadors for the church. May 2018 “One Shot at a Time: Part Two”

Friend April 2015 “The Titanic and the Telegram” Six missionaries that are booked on the Titanic have to take a different ship home when one missionary is delayed.

Friend July 2017 “Don’t Stop Seeking. President Uchdorf tells about two missionaries who knocked on every door in an apartment building. Nobody was interested until the last door. The last door was the family of Pres. Uchdorf’s future wife. He says we should perservere and not stop seeking to get close to the Lord.

People Searching for the Gospel
Friend July 2018 “A Forever Feeling” Mia wants a forever family like her friend Zoey’s. Zoey’s home feels warm and happy. Mia and her family learn about the gospel and are baptized and sealed in the temple.

Stories of Conversion because People Shared the Gospel
Friend October 2020 “Sharing the Gospel” Elder Edward Dube Of the Seventy tells his story of joining the church in Zimbabwe. Someone gave him a Book of Mormon, and, later, someone invited him to church. He felt something in his heart as he read and attended church.

Friend October 1988 “Pulling in the Gospel Net” A mother superior nun joins the church.
Missionaries Teach
Friend April 2017 “Mia’s First Sacrament” Mia learns about the sacrament when she goes to church with the missionaries.
Friend October 1988 “Conversion in Honduras” A child tells Senora Chali about the Book of Mormon and she wants to read it. Eventually missionaries give her a copy, and she reads it and knows it is true but has to wait for missionaries to come again.

Family Members on Missions
Friend May 2017 “Missionary Shoes” Dallin wants to be just like his uncle and serve a mission and work hard to find people to teach.
Friend June 1988 “A Special Way to Serve” Philippe and Chantal’s grandparents are going on a mission, and they are setting a good example for their grandchildren.

Friend May 2016 “Mission Building Blocks” Caden’s grandma gives him 730 blocks and a building pad. She tells him to put one block on for every day his uncle is on his mission.

Friend December 1985 “Greg’s Christmas” Greg misses his grandparents at Christmas, but he gets a letter from a family they helped convert and it helps him understand the wonderful work they are doing.

Additional Mission Types
Service Missionary
For the Strength of Youth February 2025 “A Week in the Life of a Service Missionary”
Labour Missionary
Friend May 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Sam Beazley” Sam was called to serve as a Labour Missionary building a church school for teenagers. His labor also helped build the Hamilton New Zealand Temple which he later was called to serve in.
Supporting Missionaries
Friend February 2022 “Teaching with the Friend” Julian helped Elder Haines learn to read the German language by translating the Friend magazine for him as he read.