Friend August 2023 “Find It!” We can follow Jesus Christ every day by being kind to others. Can you find the hidden objects in the picture?
Friend January 2022 “Kindness Connection” Play this game, and then count up all your squares and do that many kind things!
Friend March 2021 “For Little Friends” Circle the ways you can show kindness!
Friend October 2020 “Who Did What?” Each of these kids wanted to do something extra nice for someone else to follow Jesus’s example. Follow the lines to see what they did.
Friend September 2021 “Service Challenge Origami” Make the origami folding craft and write kind acts underneath the flaps. Do the activity until it lands on one of the kind acts. Do that kind act for someone.
Words We Say
Friend October 2019 “Words Matter” The words we say make a big difference. Trace your finger along the lines to see how the words you say can make others feel. Also, make some kind notes to give to others.
Kind Words
Friend January 2019 Create a garden of kindness.
- Cut out a paper garden plant or creature. It can be a flower, veggie, bug, or even a worm!
- Write about a kind deed you did—or one someone did for you.
- Post it on a poster board or wall. Continue until you’ve created a beautiful garden of kindness.

Friend December 2020 “Kindness Garden Find It” Find the hidden objects!
Friend June 2019 “Friends by Mail” Activity day girls in Florida, USA, created a tropical kindness garden! It hangs in the Primary room for other children to add their kind deeds. (includes photo)
Friend August 2019 “Friends by Mail” We loved the idea of a kindness garden, so we decided to make our own. We put it up on a wall in our house, and every week we add a kind deed we did. We plan to do different things each month for our kindness garden. We want to be like Jesus and be kind. (includes photo)
Friend July 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy have both been helping people, so they decide to make something for the kindness garden.
Friend November 2019 “Kindness Flowers” A kindness game like the game “hangman” you can play with a friend or family member. Think of a kind word that describes the other person.Have the other person guess which letters are in the mystery word. If they guess correctly, write that letter in the blank. If they guess a letter that’s not in the word, draw a petal on the flower and write that letter in it.’
Friend January 2018 “Colors of Kindness” Crossword puzzle of ways Jesus showed kindness to others.
Friend March 2017 “Love Your Neighbor” Board game about showing kindness to people in various situations.
Friend March 2025 “For Older Kids” Kind Words Use two different colors and take turns with a friend drawing a horizontal or vertical line between two dots. When you draw a line that finishes a box, color in your box. Keep going until all the dots have been connected!
Now count up the squares that have your color inside. Say one nice thing about someone for each one you count!
Friendshipping and Including Others
Friend August 2022 “Find It” These kids like to make sure everyone has a friend at lunch. How can you be kind at school? Can you find all the hidden items?
Friend September 2021 “Find It” These friends invited others to play with them. They want everyone to feel welcome! Can you find the hidden items in the picture?
Friend January 2019 “Find It” On this snowy Saturday, Austin and Alicia are trying to be more like Jesus. Can you help them find two kids who look lonely? Can you also find the hidden objects?
Friend September 2017 “Find It” Everyone should have someone to play with at recess! Samantha and Jia want to help. Can you help them find these kids who might need a friend?
Friend February 2015 “Bulletin Board” Game idea for lesson where everyone seeks someone and hides with them – represents seeking someone lonely and staying with them.