Family: Stories

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Friend January 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo are back from their travels and introduces their family

Everyone is Needed

Friend December 2024 “Tying Hallacas” Ivette’s family gathering together to make hallacas, a Venezuelan holiday food. This year, Abuela had promised Ivette that she could help make them. When she found out that her job was to put her finger on the string to help finish the knot, she was disappointed and didn’t think her job was needed. Her Abuela said, “We all play a special part in making hallacas—just like we all play a special part in Heavenly Father’s family.”“We are all needed in this family,” Mom added. “It’s how we stay strong.” As she looked around at her family she realized that everyone was different. Her aunt told the best jokes. Her mom gave amazing hugs. And Abuela always knew what to say to make things better. Heavenly Father had given them all different gifts, but that was what made them special.

Family Service & Love

Friend January 2022 “Helping Like Jesus” Story about how the general primary president, Sister Johnson, helped her mother by helping with her siblings.

Friend September 2021 “Jesus Loves Everyone” Action poem

Friend September 2020 “Bedtime Brothers” Kyler helps his brother get to sleep.

Friend July 2020 “Helping a Sleepy Sister” Berrett noticed his sister was tired from studying late and he decided to be like Jesus and help her. He made her breakfast and lunch and wrote her a note saying he loved her.

Friend February 2020 “Free Dinosaur Hugs” After David’s grandma moved in with David’s family she became sad because she was missing her friends. David loves his grandma and wants her to be happy, so he made a card for her that said “Free hugs every day.”

Friend April 2021 “A Card for Grandma” Ethan’s grandma is sick. He prays for her and makes a card for her.

Friend October 2024 “Macy’s Loving Songs” Macy’s grandfather was in the hospital and she wanted to do something to help him. She prayed to know what to do. The next morning she had an idea. She went and sang “I am a child of God” with him and prayed with him. He said she helped him feel better.

Friend December 2019 “The Red Paper Bird” Eve got sick and was very sad when she couldn’t go to the school Christmas party. Her teacher sent home a red bird Christmas craft the kids made during the party, and Eve’s brother and sister helped her make it. Whenever she looked at the red bird, she felt very loved. (Make the craft. Have a family member do a secret act of service for someone and leave the bird. Then that person does an act of service and leaves the bird. How many times can you pass the bird?)

Friend June 2018 “Bedtime For Felix” Anton can’t wait to get back to his game, but he has to put his baby brother to bed first. As he snuggled with his brother he realized he felt the happiest he had been all day.

Service Super Hero

Friend March 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt makes a super hero costume and secretly helps his mom.

Families Listen to and Respect Each Other

Friend June 2017 “Tickling Trouble”  Lizzie and Max learn that we should listen to and respect each other. Pillow fights and tickling is only fun when everyone is having fun.

Family Discord

Friend September 2021 “Saying the Nice Things” Jonathon wasn’t looking forward to the weekend because lately there had been more bickering and teasing in the family. He prayed for help figuring out a way to make things better. Then he had an idea for home evening. When he conducted, he started a new thing where whoever conducts says a nice thing about each family member. Everyone felt warm and happy after Jonathon said nice things about them.

Family Council

Friend February 2017 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy decide they need a family council because they are disagreeing about chores.

Families Help and Support Each Other

Friend February 2022 “Matt and Mandy” Matt is disappointed that he didn’t make the soccer team, but he likes soccer, so he and Mandy play it together.

Friend April 2021 “The Sister Solo” Sophie loved to sing and wanted to take a singing class, but she had hearing problems and was afraid. Her sister volunteered to take the choir class too. Sophie was getting comfortable and having fun, but then she had problems with one of her solos. She prayed for help and the teacher suggested she sing the solo with her sister.

Friend January 2021 “Our Book of Mormon Goal” At Christmas, Mattea’s family all wrote down things that we were going to give Christ for the next year. Mattea’s grandma said she was going to read the Book of Mormon in four months. She had not gone to church since she was nine. All of Mattea’s aunts, uncles, and most of her cousins decided to read the Book of Mormon with her.

Friend March 2019 “Show and Tell” My sister has cerebral palsy and can’t talk or walk. I serve her each day by feeding her, playing with her, and making her laugh. I know when I serve her, I’m serving Heavenly Father.
Ensign T., age 10, Utah, USA

Friend August 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt promised to help Mandy with her campaign to run for student council. He’s been busy but he keeps his promise.

Friend May 2021 “Our Family Move” Boston and his family were having a hard time adjusting to their move, so Boston started thinking of ways to help his family.

Friend October 2021 “Meet Nathan from the Republic of the Congo” Nathan likes to help his younger siblings Stephy and Aaron learn to read. He helps them with their homework and reads Book of Mormon stories with them. Nathan also helps his siblings make their beds and get ready for school with their snacks and backpacks. (see photo)

Friend November 2021 “Meet Magali from Uruguay” Magali helps her family on the farm and she helps her grandmother read the scriptures.

Families Play Together

Friend June 2017 “Little Builders” Siblings build a blanket fort together.

Families Spend Time Together

Family Dinners

Friend March 2019 “The No-Phone Zone” At a family reunion, Tyler’s grandmother has everyone put their phones in a basket before dinner. At dinner (and after dinner), Tyler listened to all the family stories. He learned more about his dad as a child. He didn’t think about his phone at all. He told his grandma it was the best dinner ever.

Family Time Together

“Matt and Mandy” Each family member wants to do something different on their last Saturday before school starts, but they compromise and spend time together doing those things.

Family Love

Friend December 2019 “The Bike Monster” April wanted a bike for Christmas so she could fit in at school. At Christmas she got an old used bike with big fat tires. Some kids at school said that if her family wasn’t so big they could afford a new bike for her. April thought about that and realized she wouldn’t trade a bike for any of her brothers or sisters.

Gifts of Love

Friend January 2017 “An Extra Special Present” Hadley is too young to earn money, but she wants to give her mom a birthday present, so she writes her mom a special poem of love.

Appreciating Family & Home

Friend November 2021 “My Family” Action Poem

Friend February 2016 Poem about the strange and annoying things a child’s family members does, but also realizing the wonderful things about them.

Friend June 1987 “Leaving Home” Three boys decide to live in their fort so they won’t have anybody telling them what to do. They encounter difficulties and realize their homes are wonderful.

Friend August 1988 “She’s Some Sister”   Jason’s sister is getting married and he realizes he’s going to miss her.

Families Can Be Together Forever

Friend March 2021 “Forever” A family adopts a little girl and then are sealed together at the temple.

Friend July 2018 “A Forever Feeling” Mia wants a forever family like her friend Zoey’s. Zoey’s home feels warm and happy. Mia and her family learn about the gospel and are baptized and sealed in the temple.

Friend March 2018 “Always Brothers” Luis is sad and mad that his new baby brother is going to die, but he is glad to learn that they will be brothers in heaven.

Friend February 2017 “Forever Family” Poem a girl created after her grandma passed away.

Friend October 2015 –  Elder Oaks didn’t think of his mother as a widow because his mother taught him he had a father and they would always be a family.

Friend September 1988 “Mrs. Brocklebank” (Part Two) Kenneth’s grandmother joins the church and they are sealed as a family in the temple.

Friend July 2021 “A Postponed Trip” Freddie’s dad is going to South Korea because Freddie’s grandfather needs surgery. Freddie is sad that he doesn’t get to go because he is afraid his grandfather will die and he won’t get to see him again. His dad reminds him that families are forever and he will get to see his grandfather again.

Friend July 2023 “What’s on Your Mind?”

You are a child of heavenly parents. Even before you came to this earth, you were part of Their family. And that will never change! So no matter what, you will always be part of a forever family!

Heavenly Father loves you and your parents very much. He wants you all to return to Him. He will keep blessing and guiding you and your family. Pray to Him about your worries, and He will comfort you.

Family Prayer

Friend July 2018 “Arturo’s Family Prayer” Arturo’s dad asks the family members what they need help with before saying the family prayer. He then prays for those things.

Friend October 2021 “Ana’s Family Prayer” Ana’s family has night time family prayer before Ana goes to bed and before Ana’s father goes to work.

Praying for Family Members

Friend June 2021 “A Prayer for Papi” Danna was worried about her Papi; he looked tired and sad. Her mom suggested she say a prayer for him. She asked Heavenly Father how she could help him. After her prayer, she had an idea. She wrote a letter to him telling him thank you for everything he does and reminding him that Heavenly Father loves him. It helped her father feel happy.

Friend July 2017 “Prayers and Butterflies” Sarah’s grandma hurt her leg. Sarah’s family discuss ways to help her. Sarah suggests saying a prayer that she’ll feel better. Afterwards the kids are inspired to draw pictures for her which makes her feel better.

Friend September 2016 “Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers” Small stories. One about a brother praying for another brother because he knew the brother was worried about soccer. Also a story about a mother praying for her son to find a friend.

Friend January 2017  “Don’t Forget to Pray for Erik” Kari doesn’t understand why Heavenly Father hasn’t answered their many family prayers for Erik to come back to the gospel.

Family Members Teach Each Other

Friend June 1987 “Harold Gets a Job” Susan teaches her little brother many things.

Family Influence & Example

Friend April 2021 “Braden Leads the Way” When Braden and his family had started taking missionary lessons, Braden was very interested and read all the assignments and wanted to get baptized. His father was a member but hadn’t been going to church and his mother wasn’t sure about joining the church. He kept encouraging his family to read and pray and eventually everyone was ready to join the gospel.

Friend November 2019 “Being an Example” Ivy is a good example for her brother. When she prays or reads her scriptures, he wants to do it too. Ivy is trying to follow her older brother’s example too (Jesus) by being kind. Activity Included: Draw a line to match the pictures of Jesus with ways you can be kind too.

Friend June 2018 “Show and Tell” “My younger brother and sister were fighting. I reminded them that Jesus taught us not to fight. It felt good to be a good example.” Tequan K., age 10, Lusaka, Zambia

Friend May 2018 “Finding Floppy” Sam’s big sister helps him look for his lost stuffed elephant, Floppy. When they can’t find Floppy, she suggests they say a prayer. After finding Floppy she suggests they say a prayer of thanks.

Friend April 2018

“I choose not to go to friends’ birthday parties when they are on Sundays. My younger brother was invited to his first friend party and was sad that it was on Sunday. He told me that he followed my example of keeping the Sabbath day holy, even though it was a hard choice.” John M., age 9, Texas, USA

Friend July 2017 “Show and Tell”

My dad doesn’t go to church, but I try to keep the commandments when I am at his house and show an example of living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dashel P., age 6, Colorado, USA

Friend August 2015
Friend August 2015 – Brother’s example makes Quentin Cook want a testimony


Siblings Help and Teach Each Other

Friend August 2020 “Jalen Helps His Sister” Jalen shows Nia how to clean up their toys, brush her teeth, wash her hands, listen to the scriptures, and to pray.

Jalen is helping Nia pick up crayons that spilled. How many crayons can you count?

Friend June 2024 “Elise the Engineer” Elise wants to be an engineer when she grows up, but one day at school she couldn’t figure out how to do a math problem. She began to think she wasn’t smart enough to be an engineer, but her sister said, “When something is hard, that doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. It just means you need more practice.” With her sister’s help she was able to learn how to do the math problem, and her confidence returned. She was grateful for an older sister who loved her and wanted to help her..

Being Kind & Considerate of Each Other

Friend February 2021 “The Play” James set a goal to put on a scripture story play each week with his brother. Their little brother wanted be in it too. James was kind and gave him the part of playing a lion.

Siblings Play and Work Together

Friend June 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy bake together and figure out ways to help their dad too.

Kindness Despite Differences

Friend August 2020 “As Different as Pythons and Peacocks” Siblings, Andrea and Michael both like the zoo, but they like very different things at the zoo. Even though they are different, they are kind and considerate of each other. (How many animals can you count in this story?)


“Babysitting Blues”- Friend July 2015– Girl learns that spending time with siblings while babysitting them helps her and them be happy. Link includes some babysitting tips.

Baby Sibling

Friend June 2018 “Funny Faces for Nathan” Cameron and his mom did everything together—until his new baby brother, Nathan, was born. Now his mom is always busy with Nathan. One day his mother asked him to help with the baby. Cameron helped him stop crying and made him laugh. He liked helping his brother. It felt good. He decides he likes having a baby brother.

Friend August 2019 “Brownies and a Big Sister” Molly isn’t sure if she wants a baby sister. Grandma asks for her help making a surprise treat for her parents for when they get home from the hospital. Grandma also tells her that her mom and dad will need her help by being a kind big sister. Molly decides to make a welcome home sign for her mom, dad, and new sister.

Friend March 2016 “Finally a Big Brother” Nolan is excited to have a new baby sister and to be a big brother.


Baby Blessing

Friend June 2019 “Baby’s Blessing Day”  Kate learns that a baby blessing is special when her baby sister gets blessed.

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Having Parents that don’t go to Church

Friend February 2025 “Cole’s Answer” Cole’s father didn’t go to church anymore. Cole prayed for his Dad every day. But months went on, and nothing changed. Cole worried that his family wouldn’t be together forever. One Sunday, while he and his mom watched conference, he was surprised to learn that President Nelson’s parents didn’t go to church either when he was young. President Nelson had to wait many years for his family to be sealed. Cole felt the Holy Ghost whisper to him that things with Dad would be OK too. Cole would have to be patient. But Heavenly Father would help his family, just like He had helped President Nelson’s family.

Friend July 2020 “A Sunbeam for Mommy” McKay was sad that his mom didn’t go to church with them. In Primary, they sang his favorite song “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam.” They also made sun necklaces. He made his bright yellow and with a happy face for his mom because he wanted her to feel as happy as he did.

Friend June 2019 “Grateful for Parents” President Nelson’s parents didn’t attend church when he was young, and he wanted them to. The thing he wanted for Christmas every year was to be sealed to his parents. (Story includes a handout quote: “Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers and for comfort.” —President Russell M. Nelson)

Friend July 2023 “Magnolia’s Amazing Dad” Some kids in Primary weren’t kind to Magnolia. They told her that her family wasn’t a good family because her Dad wasn’t a member of the church, but he went to church with them and he did scripture study and prayer with the family. It made her want to cry because her father was an amazing dad. Magnolia talked to her parents and said. “Jesus taught us to be kind to everyone. Saying mean things doesn’t seem like following Jesus.” “You’re right,” said Dad. “Maybe when you feel like saying something mean, you can remember how you felt when others were unkind to you. Then you can say something kind instead.”

Friend March 2019 “A Lesson from My Parents” Elder Massimo De Feo‘s Parents never joined the church, but they supported him and his brother taking the missionary lessons, and later they supported him going on a mission. They showed Christ like love for him and we’re good examples throughout his life.

Friend October 2016 “Lessons From Mother” Elder Mazaggardi’s mother wasn’t LDS but she taught him many important things such as honesty and giving tithes to the Lord.


Friend April 2023 “A Sunday Surprise” Janarthn was sad his father didn’t go to church with him and his mom. He prayed that his father would have time to come with them to church. One Sunday his mom was too sick to go to church. Janarthen was sad to miss church, but he decided to read stories in the Friend to keep the Sabbath Day holy. Then he got a surprise when his father said he would go with him to church. Janarthn felt so happy to be with his dad at church!

Friend July 2023 “What’s on Your Mind?”

You are a child of heavenly parents. Even before you came to this earth, you were part of Their family. And that will never change! So no matter what, you will always be part of a forever family!

Heavenly Father loves you and your parents very much. He wants you all to return to Him. He will keep blessing and guiding you and your family. Pray to Him about your worries, and He will comfort you.


Friend October 2022 “Find It” This family is talking with grandparents who live far away! Can you find the items hidden below?

Friend January 2020 “Gracie’s Goal” Gracie got a set of scriptures from her grandparents at her baptism. She set a goal to read the Book of Mormon by her next birthday, but she is struggling with the goal because some of the words and chapters are hard to understand. She told her grandma that she was having a problem keeping up with her goal. Her grandma suggested that they read the Book of Mormon together every night on the phone. Gracie was able to accomplish her goal and understand the Book of Mormon better with her grandma’s help.

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Friend June 2017 “Welcome to Cousin Camp” Carson’s grandma has cousin camp every year. This year’s theme is on service. They do many service projects together.

Family Service for Grandparents

Friend September 2020 “The Most Important Job” Amelia’s family was going to help clean grandma’s house. Amelia’s mom wanted her to do the special job of just listening to grandma while the rest of them cleaned. Amelia’s grandma told her lots of stories from her childhood. Amelia gave grandma a big hug before leaving. Grandma had tears in her eyes and told Amelia she loved her. Amelia felt warm inside. It had been cool learning so much about her grandma.

Grandparent with Alzheimers

Friend January 2023 “Remembering with Grandma” Mari was frustrated when her grandmother told her the same story over and over again. Her dad explained that grandma has a sickness in her brain that makes her forget things, and her stories are her way of trying to remember who she is. Mari remembered how her grandmother had always treated her with love. Mari decided to do the same for her grandma.

Extended Family (Aunt, Uncles, Cousins, Etc

Keeping In Touch

Friend July 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy’s cousins in Australia send a video about what they have been up to.

Friend November 2021 “Let’s Invite Everyone” Most of Jarom’s family were not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They did not know much about baptism. But they knew it was a special day for Jarom, so when he invited all his aunts, uncles, and cousins to his baptism they said, “We will be there!” A special saying that the Maori love is, “What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, the people, the people.”

Family Sacrifice

Friend January 1987 “The rush-rush Day” Jarod sacrificed what he wanted to do so his family members could get the things done they needed to.

Family Members Help Each Other

Friend May 2019 “Kindness at the Carnival” A boy is looking forward to playing with his friends, but then his sister comes home upset because she doesn’t have any real friends and nobody will go with her to school carnival. The brother wants to help, so he volunteers to go with her, and tells her that she is his friend too.

Friend June 2018 “Showing Her Love” A girl named Love from Nigeria helps her family in many ways. (Link includes photos.)

Friend April 2018 “Prayer in the Checkout Line” Eli helps his mom with his fussy siblings at the store. He also says a prayer for her when he sees how their fussiness is making things hard for her

Friend January 2018 “Adam’s Big Green Cast” Matthew’s little brother broke his leg and has to wear a cast that doesn’t let him move. Matthew helps his brother feel better by playing with him and finding things Adam can do without moving.

Friend October 2017 “Helping Mrs. Brewster” Ryan helps his brother Jackson rake the neighbor’s leaves.

Friend October 2017  “I Like to Help” Poem – A boy helps his family members during the week.

Friend May 2017 “That’s My Brother” Eric doesn’t have any friends yet and doesn’t like going to recess, but his brother comes and helps him find a friend during recess.

Friend May 2017 “The Gecko Rescue” Andrea sews up a hole in her mom’s gecko beanbag so her mom wouldn’t be sad.

Story Activiy: Children can draw a line to a number on the gecko for every way they mention that they can help and serve family members.

Friend February 2017 “Double Happy” Lily helps her little brother, Sam, feel comfortable in Primary, but her parents want her to let Sam’s teacher do that now so Lily can go to her class. Lily obeys even though she’s worried about Sam, and they both have a great time in Primary.

Friend Novepmber 2016 “Big Sister Madelyn” Madelyn’s mother is sick, so Madelyn helps with the baby. Also an activity to find what toys are okay for the baby.


Friend October 2016 “Brave Enough” Christine asks her brother for help when she gets scared of a noise at her window.


Friend June 2015  “The Funny Face Fix” Ben helps his sister feel happy by making funny faces.

Friend September 2015 “Secret Helpers”

Friend September 2015

Friend June 2015 – Girl feels sad aunt is sick and can’t go to beach, so she brings aunt something from the beach.

Things are Better when You Work Together

Friend October 2019 “Frowns, Smiles, and Leaf Piles” Siblings, Tony and Erin fight over a cookie. Their mother has them rake and bag the leaves without helping each other. They soon realize that it is hard to do alone and would be easier working together. They also realize that things are easier and better when they work together as a team.

Families Come in a Variety of Ways

Friend February 2019 “My Eternal Family” Addie was born in South Korea and adopted by a family in Washington USA. She was then sealed to her new family. (Also how to make Addie’s favorite food and craft.)

Friend July 2018 “Goodly Grandparents”  Andrew lives with his grandparents, so when his class has a Bring-a-Parent-to-School Day so he doesn’t know what to do. But then he realizes his grandparents do all the kind, loving things parents do.

Friend January 2018 “Am I a Child of God?” Chloe hears the song “I am a Child of God”in Primary and wonders why she wasn’t born to “parents kind and dear,” and wonders if she is a child of God, but she has an adopted family who loves her.

Friend July 2020 “Different but Together” Ellie and her family went on a trip to visit their cousins. The cousins didn’t want Ellie’s family to talk about church things while they were there so that they wouldn’t have disagreements. Ellie had had a lot of fun visiting with her cousins. She realized that even if they believed in different things, they could still be a happy family.

Family Members with Disabilities
Friend October 2017 Tyler’s brother is

Family Difficulties

Unhappy Home Life

Friend October 2021 “Peace and Primary Songs” Max loved Primary because he felt safe and loved there. His family wasn’t like the happy families they sang about in Primary. One Sunday, the chorister asked them to imagine being grown up with a family. Max imagined praying with his family and having family home evening and playing with them. It made Max feel happy and peaceful to know that someday he could have a family like that.


Friend May 2021 “Charlotte’s Family” In Primary, Charlotte didn’t want to hear the song “Families are Forever” so she sat in the hall. Her parents were getting a divorce and it made her feel sick. Sister Henry came and talked to her about what made her feel better when her parents got a divorce, such as remembering that her parents loved her and also thinking about her perfect family in heaven. Charlotte decided to think about her heavenly family when they sang the song “Families are Forever.”