Spiritual Goals
Friend February 2022 “Goals for Baptism” After hearing about the Children and Youth program, Zoe set a goal to read the Book of Mormon before her baptism. As she read, she wanted to do more good things, so she joined the world wide fast about Covid, and she prayed and fasted for a testimony.

Friend January 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy make goals to serve people during the year.
Goals Help Us Achieve
Friend July 2021 “A Dream for Dieter” When he was a boy, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf loved airplanes and wanted to be a pilot someday. But Dieter’s family were refugees and poor so sometimes he felt like his dream was impossible. He worked hard and had faith and was able to attain his dream of being a pilot.

Friend June 2021 “Baking Bread for My Mission” Taylor set a goal to bake bread to sell and earn money for his mission. It was hard work. He had to get up at six to make the dough, he had to clean the cooking equipment, then he had to bag the bread and deliver it to people he didn’t know. He learned skills for his mission such as learning to work hard and talk to people.

Friend April 2021 “I Played a Hymn!” Raihau set a goal to play the piano in sacrament meeting. He worked hard to learn a song, then Covid hit. His family had sacrament meeting at home and he played the piano, so he accomplished his goal.

Friend March 2021 “A Piano for Prophet” A boy named prophet set two goals: first, learn how to play the piano, and second, teach others how to play. Several people became interested in learning more about the church as they learned how to play using the Primary songs. (Link includes a Video of the story.)

Friend February 2021 “The Play” James set a goal to put on a scripture story play each week with his brother. Their little brother wanted be in it too. James was kind and gave him the part of playing a lion.
Friend August 2020 “Growing with Good Goals” Four short stories about children who set goals. One to learn to read better, one to feed the hungry, one to teach other kids how to play the piano, and one to share the gospel using the Friend magazine. Each story has a photo of the child.

Friend June 2020 “My Cooking Goal” Fernanda wanted to get better at cooking so she set a goal in her Children’s Guidebook to cook with her dad. Now she loves cooking. She knows Heavenly Father helped her with her goal because He wants her to grow her talents. (photos included in this true story)
Friend January 2020 “A Little Better Every Day” When Sister Joy D. Jones (Primary general president) was young she played the violin. She wanted it to sound pretty, but it squeaked. If she practiced, it sounded better. She made goals to practice a little each day. She encourages children to set goals (such as in the Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook) to learn a little more each day. She says, “Don’t give up. Jesus will help you.”
Friend August 2022 “Ready to Ride” Quade doesn’t know how to ride a bike, but he wants to learn so he can ride with his friends. The only problem is that the wobbly bike is very scary. He says a prayer asking for help. After several more attempts, he is riding without help. He keeps practicing and soon he is able to ride with his friends.
Friend October 2023 “Reaching My Goals” Goals Erica sets help her learn and grow in her life.

Goals Help Us Become Better
Friend October 2024 “Better Every Day” Heber sets goals to prepare to go to the temple, read scriptures, help friends, practice karate and soccer, and learn English.
Friend November 2024 “My Temple Sketchbook” Brayden made a goal to draw all the temples. It has helped his brothers love the temple more. It has also helped him find his interests. He discovered he loves to design and wants to be an architect some day. It has also help him feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus. Whenever he draws a temple, he feels the Spirit.
Goals Help Us Gain Skills
Friend April 2024 “Breakfast is Ready” For a goal in the Children’s Guidebook, David asked his father to help teach him to cook. After much practice with his father he was able to make breakfast for the family of cut up fruit, pancakes, and bacon.
Family Goals
Friend January 2021 “Our Book of Mormon Goal” At Christmas, Mattea’s family all wrote down things that we were going to give Christ for the next year. Mattea’s grandma said she was going to read the Book of Mormon in four months. She had not gone to church since she was nine. All of Mattea’s aunts, uncles, and most of her cousins decided to read the Book of Mormon with her.
It’s Important to Try Your Best
Even if Fail
Friend January 2020 “Try Pie” Eliza tried out for volleyball team. She had practiced and prepared, but she didn’t make it. She wanted to hide in her bedroom, but her mom made her favorite, Key Lime Pie. Eliza asked why they were having dessert, and her father told her, “Part of learning new things means not always succeeding. That can be scary. But the important thing is you still tried.” Her parents were proud of her for trying something hard, and they thought that was worth celebrating with pie!
[unitegallery Janu2020]
New Year’s Goals
Friend January 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paulo evaluate the past year, and then make a goal to continue to grow even more like Jesus.
Goals Can Help Us Improve in Areas We Struggle
Friend January 2024 “The Reading Goal” Anders had dyslexia, and it made it difficult for him follow along or read during family scripture study because his brain mixed up words and letters. He decided to set a goal to read one scripture verse out loud each day. At first he did it in his room so no one could hear him. He didn’t think he was getting any better, but his teacher at school noticed how much he was improving. He realized the words were easier to understand. That night he read a verse out loud during family scripture study. Everyone was so happy for him, and he was proud of himself.

Friend October 2023 “Tashi’s Test” Tashi was having problems learning a language at school. His mom suggested that he set a goal to work on it and pulled out Tashi’s Children’s Guidebook. Every day he worked on it, and even he got extra help from teachers. Tashi felt proud of himself for working hard, and he also felt really good when he took his exams.