Table of Contents
Friend January 2019 “Coloring Page: I Am Growing”
Good Health
Friend June 2017 “Healthy from Head to Toe” Match the numbered body part with the statement about body health.
Eating Healthy Foods
Friend June 2021 “For Little Friends” Heavenly Father wants us to take care of our bodies with healthy foods. Where are the red vegetables? What other colors do you see?
Friend June 2022 “Healthy Choices” One way to take care of our bodies is by eating healthy foods. Find the foods below.
Word of Wisdom
Friend May 2018 “Find It!: Funstuff” These kids are having lots of fun playing outside together. We’re promised that when we live the Word of Wisdom, we can “run and not be weary” (D&C 89:20). Find the hidden objects. Can you also find 10 basketballs? Then go to page 32to read about a basketball team who kept the Word of Wisdom!
Physical Activity
Friend August 2021 “I Can Take Care of My Body” Coloring page
Ensign August 2017 Play a game together that involves some sort of physical activity, and talk about the different, wonderful things our bodies can do. For example, you could play freeze tag. In order to be “unfrozen,” a player has to say something they like about what their body can do.
Friend May 2017 “At the Playground” Take turns pointing to a picture and then doing something to move that part of your body.
Friend August 2021 “Animal Games” Heavenly Father gave us amazing bodies. Getting good exercise is one way to care for them. Play an animal game with friends or family. Try hopping like a bunny or waddling like a duck. Take turns coming up with ideas! Or see who can make the best animal noises.