Friend March 2025 “Sharing the Gospel on Stage” In Austria in the 1960s, Church members organized a theater group. They wrote and performed plays about the gospel. Hundreds of people who were not members of the Church came and watched. Can you find the hidden items?
Friend February 2023 “Hello From Sweden!”
Friend February 2023 “Following Jesus in Sweden” Three girls from Sweden follow Jesus by reading scriptures and being a missionary. Felicia told her teacher about general conference. “He already knows I’m a Christian,” she says. “I told him the name of the Church and a little about my baptism.”
Friend January 2023 “Hello from England!”

Friend January 2023 “Following Jesus in England” Their great-grandad had an operation on his hand. He couldn’t tend to his garden so they helped him. They also help their nana take care of the ponies.
Friend August 2021 “Olga Šnederfler” Olga longed to go to the temple but there were no temples close by, and it was too hard to leave her country or even worship. Many years passed before they were able to go to the temple and be sealed. Later her husband became the temple president of the Germany Temple and she became the temple matron.
Friend August 2021 “Adventures in Poland with Margo and Paolo”

Friend August 2021 “Meet Porter from Poland” Porter likes to help out at home and school. Porter also helps out by participating in the BillionGraves project. He and his family take photos of headstones at a cemetery and then upload them so people can find information on their Polish ancestors.

Join the Helping Hands Team. When Porter saw a problem (like the recess toys being left out), he helped. You can follow Jesus by looking for ways you can solve problems and serve.
Friend December 2020 “Hello from France”
Friend May 2022 “Activity Time” Follow the maze to help Félix get to church in Paris!
Friend March 2019 “Hello from Italy”
Friend November 2019 “Elder Gong Visits Italy” Elder Gong traveled to Italy when the Rome Italy Temple was dedicated. It’s the first temple to be built in a place where Jesus’s Apostles taught in Bible times!
Friend April 2019 “Hello from Estonia” (Also conversion story of an Estonian boy and his mother. “Feeling New” )

Friend January 2025 “Hello from Estonia!

Friend January 2025 “Following Jesus in Estonia”

Friend June 2020 “Hello From Germany”

Friend March 2021″Elder Uchtdorf Visits Germany” Elder Uchtdorf and his wife visit Germany for the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple. (Article includes photos)
Friend April 2022 “Find It” In Germany, many people decorate with eggs to celebrate Easter. How do you celebrate the Savior’s Resurrection? Find the hidden items.
Friend February 2021 “Funstuff”
Friend May 2021 “Meet Sophie” Sophie and her younger brother, Jacob, love to help their grandmother clean the beach by carefully removing pieces of glass and other items. They make sure the beach is clean and safe for both animals and people. (Photos)
Friend May 2021 “Adventures in Norway with Margo and Paolo”

Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.
Friend July 2022 “Hello from Finland!”
Friend July 2022 “Meet Ella from Finland” Ella likes to include others. She doesn’t want anyone to feel left out. Ella and her family like to help people in their neighborhood too. Ella says that serving makes her happy.
Friend June 2023 “Hello from Portugal!”

Friend June 2023 “Following Jesus in Portugal” Matilde gave several of her stuffed animals to children who had to leave their countries with their families.
Friend April 2024 “Hello from Northern Ireland!”

Friend April 2024 “Following Jesus in Northern Ireland”
Friend June 2024 “Following Jesus in Belgium” Eloise follows Jesus by praying for comfort. Maëline follows the Savior by sharing her testimony with her friends. (See full story and more photos at link.)
Friend June 2024 “Hello from Belgium!”

For the Strength of Youth January 2025 “Connect with Ivan B. from Croatia”

Friend February 2025 “A Chat with Lili about Sharing the Gospel”

For the Strength of Youth March 2025

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