Doctrine and Covenants Section 3 Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1828, relating to the loss of 116 pages of manuscript translated from the first part of the Book of Mormon, which was called the book of Lehi. The Prophet had reluctantly allowed these pages to pass from his custody to that of Martin Harris, who had served for a brief period as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon. The revelation was given through the Urim and Thummim. (See section 10.)
Doctrine and Covenants Section 4 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to his father, Joseph Smith Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, February 1829.Harris. 1–4, Valiant service saves the Lord’s ministers; 5–6, Godly attributes qualify them for the ministry; 7, The things of God must be sought after.
Doctrine and Covenants Section 5 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, March 1829, at the request of Martin Harris. 1–10, This generation will receive the Lord’s word through Joseph Smith; 11–18, Three witnesses will testify of the Book of Mormon; 19–20, The word of the Lord will be verified as in previous times; 21–35, Martin Harris may repent and be one of the witnesses.
Translating the Gold Plates
Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates” Lesson includes the story of the lost 116 pages, questions ideas, activity ideas, etc.
Once Joseph and Emma Smith were settled in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Joseph began to translate the gold plates. At first Joseph spent a lot of time becoming familiar with the plates and the language in which they were written.
Display the page “Book of Mormon Titles.” Ask the children if they can read any of the words or characters. Help the children identify each language.
Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Translation of the Book of Mormon”
Discuss the many languages used throughout the world, and explain that the word translate means to change writing or speech from one language to another.
- What was the language of the writings on the gold plates? (Reformed Egyptian.)
Explain that usually translators need to understand both of the languages they work with. Joseph Smith, however, had had very little schooling and could not speak or read languages other than English. The reformed Egyptian characters on the plates were very strange to him. As he studied and prayed, the Urim and Thummim helped him understand the characters on the plates. Joseph learned that the process of translation requires faith, hard work, worthiness, patience, and obedience.
Martin Harris and the Lost 116 Pages
Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine and Covenants 3”
Martin Harris was a respected citizen of Palmyra and successful farmer who was one of only a few people in the area who believed Joseph Smith. Though almost twice his age, Martin was Joseph’s friend and gave him money so he could move to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to translate the Book of Mormon undisturbed. Martin also sacrificed to travel there himself and serve as scribe. As Joseph read out loud from the plates, Martin Harris wrote down the words Joseph read.
Martin’s wife, Lucy, was not supportive of his involvement with the Book of Mormon translation. Martin asked Joseph if he could show the first 116 pages of the translation to Lucy as evidence of their work. Joseph prayed about it twice and each time was told not to allow Martin to take the pages.
Joseph prayed a third time, and the Lord gave permission with strict conditions. Martin took the pages to Palmyra to show them to his wife.
- Why do you think Joseph did not follow through with the first two responses he received from the Lord?
The day after Martin left, Emma Smith gave birth to her and Joseph’s first child, a son. Tragically, the infant lived only a few hours, and it seemed Emma might die too. Thankfully, Emma’s health started improving after a couple weeks. Though Joseph did not want to leave her side, Emma urged him to travel to Palmyra and inquire about the manuscript.
When Joseph arrived at his parents’ home, they invited Martin to join them for breakfast. Martin didn’t come for more than four hours. When he finally arrived and sat down, he mournfully exclaimed, “I have lost my soul!” He had not followed the strict guidelines and had lost the manuscript.
“Oh, my God, my God. All is lost!” Joseph said. “Must I return to my wife with such a tale? And how shall I appear before the Lord?”
After Joseph returned to Harmony, Moroni appeared and took the plates from him. (See Saints, 1:50–54.)
Shortly after this experience, the Lord spoke to Joseph Smith, chastising him and giving him words of comfort.

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 4: Martin Harris and the Lost Pages” Video and Images
Below Video: An elderly Martin Harris tells a young man the story of the lost manuscript
Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates”
Explain that even though Martin Harris lost the 116 pages of translation, he repented and went on to make important contributions to the Church. He was not permitted to assist Joseph further in the translation of the gold plates, but later he sold part of his farm to help pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon. He was one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon and testified of the truthfulness of the book throughout his life. Show the children “The Testimony of Three Witnesses,” printed at the front of the Book of Mormon.
Explain that the Lord told Joseph that Satan had influenced some wicked people
to take the pages. These people intended to change the words so people would
not believe the Book of Mormon (see D&C 10:10–19). Joseph was told not to
retranslate the first portion of the plates (see D&C 10:30–31). Because the Lord
knows all things, he knew that this incident would happen. He had therefore
commanded the ancient prophet Mormon to write a similar account of what
was included in the 116 pages in another part of the gold plates (see Words
of Mormon 1:3–7). Joseph translated this part instead of retranslating the lost
part (see D&C 10:38–42). Joseph learned that Satan and wicked people could
not stop Heavenly Father’s work (see D&C 3:1; 10:43).
I can choose the right when others try to get me to do wrong.
Doctrine and Covenants 3:5–10; 5:21–22
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 3-5” & CFM Primary 2021
- To start a discussion about learning to trust Heavenly Father, you might want to review the story of the lost manuscript pages (see Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 18–21). Give the children time to think about a situation where a friend might try to get them to do something wrong. Invite them to find a passage in Doctrine and Covenants 3:5–8; 5:21–22 that could help them during those situations. Role-play a few examples.
Friend April 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Fill in the the speaking bubbles with what you could say when someone tries to get you to do something that is not right. Try explaining why it’s important to you. Even if others don’t understand your reasons, ask them to be respectful.
- Cole’s friends ask him if he will share his answers from a homework assignment they did not do.
- See more situations at Come Follow Me Kid
Friend April 2015 “Courage and Clubs” Kate chooses not to join her friend’s club because the requirement to join is to say a bad word.
See more peer pressure stories at Choices: Stories
I should care more about pleasing God than pleasing others.
Read these words from Doctrine and Covenants 3:8: “He would have extended his arm and supported you.” Invite the children to stand and extend their arms as you read the phrase again. Share with them some ways the Lord may extend His arm to help them when others try to get them to do wrong things. Let them take turns extending their arms as they tell about other ways the Lord extends His arm to help us.
Help From God Activity – If we’re faithful against pressures to disobey God, how will He help us? Read D&C 3:7-8 and listen for what He’ll do for us (He’ll extend His arm and support us against all the fiery darts of the adversary, and He’ll be with us in every time of trouble).
- Talk about what some of the “fiery darts of the adversary” could be. How does Satan try to attack us? Take turns throwing something soft at family members (Nerf gun darts, crumpled papers that say some of the ways Satan tries to attack us, etc.). Whoever is throwing will share something Satan might do to try to attack us with temptations.
- Another person will stretch out their arms and block the attacks toward that person. Relate this to how God will protect us and strengthen us if we’re faithful to Him.
Friend August 2020 “Choosing the Channel” Camille’s best friend told her about a TV show, but it had some bad words in it so she turned it off. Camille was afraid to tell her friend that she didn’t watch it. They were best friends that did everything together and liked the same things. She was afraid they wouldn’t be friends anymore. She prayed for help, and her friend was understanding and said they could find a show they both liked.

When we fear God more than man, He will support us during times of trouble (see Doctrine and Covenants 3:7–8).
The fear of God means the love of God or respect for Him and His law. …
Friend January 2021 “Come Follow Me“
Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates” Write the following on the chalkboard: “When the Lord commands, do it.” Explain that Joseph Smith learned from his mistakes and challenges. Even though he faced despair when the 116 pages were lost, he learned the importance of obedience, repentance, and accepting the will of Heavenly Father. He learned to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and grew in his ability to use the Urim and Thummim. Later in life he was able to say, “I made this my rule: When the Lord commands, do it” (History of the Church, 2:170).
The Lord invites me to help with His work.
Though he had not yet associated himself with any organized religion, Joseph Smith Sr. believed what his son shared about his heavenly visions and supported him in his translation of the Book of Mormon. Joseph Sr. wanted to serve God but did not know what to do. In February 1829, he and his wife visited Joseph Jr. in Harmony, Pennsylvania. During that visit, the Prophet Joseph received Doctrine and Covenants 4 in answer to his father’s question. (Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine & Covenants 4”)
Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery”
Joseph and Emma Smith lived on a little farm near Harmony, Pennsylvania. Joseph’s father came to visit them. They were happy to see him. Joseph’s father was a good man.
Jesus gave Joseph a revelation for his father. The revelation told how people could help Jesus. They should love Jesus. They should work hard to teach the gospel. They should love and help other people.
People who want to help Jesus should also pray and have faith. Jesus said people who help Him will be blessed.
Joseph’s father went home and tried to do the things Jesus had told him to do. He shared the gospel with many of his family members.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 3-5”
- Each verse in Doctrine and Covenants 4 contains precious truths that can help your children learn about serving God. Here are some ideas to help them discover these truths:
1. You could read together Doctrine and Covenants 4:1 and show pictures that depict God’s “marvelous” latter-day work (such as missionaries, temples, and the Book of Mormon).

Blessings of the gospel Activity: Read the clues below (not the answer) and let the children pick which picture it is describing.
- Prophet: Because of this blessing of the gospel we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman.
- Book of Mormon: Because of this blessing of the gospel we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.
- Temples: This blessing of the gospel allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever.
- Priesthood: Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism.
- Baptism Because this blessing of the gospel, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.
- Holy Ghost Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.
2. Your children could think of actions or draw pictures depicting the phrase “serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2).
(It might help to explain that our heart refers to our feelings and love and our mind refers to our thoughts.)
Friend June 2021 “One Peach at a Time” When Sister Eubanks was a child she went to a church farm to help pick peaches. Pretty soon she and her sister didn’t want to do it anymore because the peach fuzz was making their arms itch. Their mother explained that the peaches would be going to feed families who needed food. After that they stopped worrying about their itchy arms because they were helping to feed families who needed food! (They had a willing heart and mind.)

Friend September 2013 “I Will Serve God with All My Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength” Article includes a story of a child serving with her heart. It also describes what it means to serve with each of the following: heart, mind, and strength.
(Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine & Covenants 4”)
Imagine someone doing one of the following acts of service for you:
- Talking to you to see how you are doing
- Helping you with a task you have to do
- Praying for you
How might it affect you if they served in the following ways? Why?
- Wholeheartedly or half-heartedly
- Patiently or impatiently
- Motivated by love for you or by something else
Friend December 2018 Match each sentence with a picture. In the blank spot, draw yourself helping at church.
Friend February 2025 “Come, Follow Me Activities” We can follow Jesus Christ with all our hearts (see Doctrine and Covenants 4:2). Cut out 10 small paper hearts. On each heart, write one way you can follow the Savior. Place the hearts overlapping each other in a circle and glue in place to make a wreath.
For younger children: Cut out a heart for your child to color. As they color, tell them how you try to follow Jesus Christ with all your heart.
Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine & Covenants 4”
What blessings do these verses contain for those who serve God with all their heart, might, mind, and strength?
- May stand blameless before God at the last day. Vs 2
- Bringeth salvation to his soul. Vs 4
After teaching about the blessings of serving God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, the Lord listed multiple attributes that can help us as we serve. Jesus Christ possesses each of these attributes and invites us to develop them in our own lives. As we do so, we become more like Him and can serve as He serves.
3. Bring tools (or pictures of tools) that someone might use to work in a field. How do these tools help us? Then your children could find things in Doctrine and Covenants 4:5–6 that are like tools for doing God’s work.
Come Follow Me Kid The Lord’s Worker Hat – Talk about different jobs and what qualifies people to do those jobs (bakers need to know how to combine ingredients, mailmen need to know how to drive and where the different envelopes and packages go, etc.). What do people need to know about and be able to do if their job is to be a grocery store clerk? Doctor? Garbage man? Etc. The manual says, “Section 4 is often applied to full-time missionaries. However, it’s interesting to note that this revelation was given originally to Joseph Smith Sr., who wasn’t being called on a mission but still had ‘desires to serve God’ (verse 3). One way to read this section is to imagine it as a job description for someone who wants to do the Lord’s work. What are the qualifications? Why are these skills or characteristics necessary?”
- Hat: Give them a “The Lord’s Worker” hat (on pages 3, 4, and 5 below) and tell them that the Lord has said He’s doing a “marvelous” work right now and we get to be his working helpers! While putting the hat together, discuss specific things we might to do to help the Lord with His work (be kind to others, stand up for what’s right, etc.).
- What if our job was to do the Lord’s work? What kinds of things would we need to know? What would we need to be able to do? What kind of people should we be?
- Stars: Glue the “job description” stars (on page 5 below) onto the hat while discussing each. Explain that we’re not expected to have all of these characteristics automatically. They take time to develop and improve. The student manual says, “The Lord does not require a person to be physically gifted or intellectually brilliant to help with His work. He asks that the person strive to develop Christlike attributes.”
- Put the hat on and take turns sharing ways you can be a worker for the Lord at home, school, and with friends.

(In verse 4, the Lord compares wheat that is ready to harvest to people who are ready to receive the gospel. A sickle is a tool for harvesting.)
Ensign August 2015 “Thrust in Your Sickle”

- You could sing together a song about missionary work, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168).
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work .
Latter Day Kids “The Field is White” Includes lesson, song and activity ideas.
“I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162)
I can be a witness that the Book of Mormon is true.
Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–7, 11, 16, 23–24
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 “D&C 3-5”
- To teach your children about witnesses, you could ask them to imagine that a friend told them they saw a cat walking on its front legs. Would they believe it? What if another friend said the same thing? Talk about what a “witness” is and why witnesses are important.
- You could then help your children search Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–3, 7, 11 for answers to questions like these:
1)What did Martin Harris want to know?
Lucy Harris, the wife of Martin Harris, was upset about the time and money her husband was dedicating to the publication of the Book of Mormon. She filed a legal complaint against Joseph Smith and gathered several people who were willing to testify that he had lied about the existence of the plates. Martin was warned that if he did not join them in testifying against Joseph, Martin could also be sent to prison. Though Martin had previously been a scribe for Joseph, had shown characters from the plates to scholars to verify their antiquity, and had lost 116 pages of the original manuscript, Martin still sought a further witness of the reality of the gold plates. He traveled to Joseph Smith’s home, where Joseph inquired of the Lord and received the revelation in Doctrine and Covenants 5. Although Martin was not allowed to see the gold plates at that time, this revelation strengthened him in a way that enabled him to bear powerful testimony of the Prophet. (Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Teacher Manual “Doctrine & Covenants 5”)
2) Who could Joseph Smith show the gold plates to?
3 That you should not show them except to those persons to whom I commanded you;
11 And in addition to your testimony, the testimony of three of my servants, whom I shall call and ordain, unto whom I will show these things, and they shall go forth with my words that are given through you.
3) Why would seeing the plates probably not convince someone the Book of Mormon is true?
7 Behold, if they will not believe my words, they would not believe you, my servant Joseph, if it were possible that you should show them all these things which I have committed unto you.
“There is no other way to gain a testimony but through the witness of the Holy Ghost. You can rely on nothing else. … We have numerous scriptural examples of how pointless a physical manifestation can be without the accompanying receipt of the witness of the Holy Ghost. Conversion comes not by physical manifestations from heaven.” (Glenn L. Pace, “The Elusive Balance,” New Era, Mar. 1989, 49)
Martin Harris was promised that he could be one of the witnesses of the gold plates if he was faithful [and humbled himself]. We won’t see the plates like Martin did, but we can receive a spiritual witness of the Book of Mormon.
Friend June 2016 “Jason’s Study Buddy” Jason reads the entire Book of Mormon before his baptism. His testimony grows.

4) What can we do to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon? (see Doctrine and Covenants 5:16; Moroni 10:3–5).
Friend August 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy shares with her friend a time when she prayed about the Book of Mormon and felt it was true. She also shared that she is still praying and reading to help her faith grow stronger.
Have the children think of ways they can be witnesses of the Book of Mormon and its teachings. List their answers on the chalkboard. Have the children dramatize what they could do to be witnesses in particular situations, such as when someone asks them what their church believes or what the Book of Mormon says.
We have received the word of God through Joseph Smith.
Hide a picture of Joseph Smith somewhere in the room (see Gospel Art Book, no. 87). Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:10 “But this generation shall have my word through you,” and invite the children to look for the picture to find out who the word “you” is referring to. Show the children copies of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. Explain that God gave us these scriptures through Joseph Smith.
Additional Resources
- Saints Volume 1 “All is Lost”
- Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Martin Harris
- Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars
- Lost Manuscript of the Book of Mormon‘
- Come Follow Me Kid Lesson ideas
- The Red Crystal Lesson ideas
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