Focusing on Jesus
Friend December 2021 “For Little Friends”
Friend December 2020 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child asks the Friend the following: “I love getting presents at Christmastime. But how can I focus more on Jesus Christ?” Serving others and learning more about Jesus can help you feel the real joy of Christmas! The game below has lots of ideas.
Friend December 2024 “The Prince of Peace” President Dallin H. Oaks “At this Christmas season, the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace” (see more at link) Sharing the Savior’s Peace: You can share the love and peace of Jesus Christ! For 12 days leading up to Christmas, choose an activity to do with your family. Then color in an ornament.
For the Strength of Youth December 2022 “Fun Stop” Color by number. Color this drawing based on the number key below.
Friend December 2022 “Christmas Workshop” Make a nativity with paper plates
Symbolism of Christmas Decorations
Friend December 2018 “Funstuff” Word Search: A bright new star announced the birth of Jesus Christ. And other stars shone down on Bethlehem too. See if you can find all the words about these heavenly lights.
Friend December 2022 “Christmas Workshop” Mini origami stars

Christmas Crafts
Friend December 2022 “Christmas Workshop” Make paper plate nativity, Origami Stars, and Guatemalan cookies
Christmas Service
Friend December 2019 “Find It” These friends are collecting toys to give to others so that they can have an even happier Christmas. Can you find the hidden objects?

Friend December 2017 “Find It!”
Christmas Giving
To Neighbors
Friend December 2023 “Christmas Delivery” The Savior told us to love our neighbors as ourselves (see Matthew 22:39). Miles wants to take Christmas cards to his neighbors to show he cares about them. Use the clues to help him remember who lives where.
Just for Fun
Friend December 2016 “Funstuff: Puzzle Page”. Stockings could be used for a matching activity in teaching a song or concept. Copy and paste into word document to adjust size.
December 2024 For the Strength of Youth “Fun Stop” Fix the Ornament Mix-Up: Around the world, many people celebrate the Savior’s birth by decorating Christmas trees. Can you tell which three ornaments are not like the others?