Church Around the World: South America

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Table of Contents


Friend July 2020 “Hello from Argentina”

Friend July 2020 “Food and Fun” Empanadas recipe and a game that is played in Argentina

Friend June 2022 “Moira’s First Talk” President Scott asked Moira to give a talk in district conference. Moira was only 12 and she was a new member of the church. She wasn’t sure if she could do it but she said she would try. She knew Heavenly Father would help her.


Friend February 2024 “Hello from Bolivia!”

Friend February 2024 “Following Jesus in Bolivia” Davinia follows Jesus by going to church and the temple. Learn more about her at the link.


Friend February 2020 “Hello from Brazil”

Friend January 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo are back from their travels and introduces their family

Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Find It” About half of Brazil is covered in rainforest. Can you find and color all 12 animals and insects in this rainforest scene?

Friend February 2020 “Food and Fun” Recipe for Brazilian Limeade

Friend May 2019 “Elder Cook Visits Brazil” He invited everyone to be a light. That means being a good example and helping others, like Jesus did. “When we are a light, we influence the world for the better.”

Craft: Make a light with different colors using a jar and tissue paper. Maybe have the children say how they can be a light at home, in their neighborhood, and at school for each strip of colored paper they add to the jar.

Friend December 2021 “ Olga Bing” After World War 2 started, church attendance started going down in Olga’s branch after the missionaries were all sent home. Olga prayed about how to make their branch strong again. She decided to invite children in the neighborhood to church class, and the children and their parents came.

Friend May 2022 “Meet Isabella from Brazil” Isabella studies in a school for the Deaf. Her friends call her a peacemaker. (Photos included)

Friend May 2022 “Hello From Brazil”

Friend May 2022 “Brazilian Snacks”


Friend February 2025 “Hello from Colombia!”

Friend December 2019 “Hello from Columbia”

Friend February 2025 “Following Jesus in Colombia” Ruben follows Jesus Christ by sharing the gospel. “When I follow Jesus, I feel happy.” he says. “When I help others, I feel peace.” With his family, he loves to read the scriptures, study Come, Follow Me, and eat ice cream. He serves his family by doing chores and watching his younger sister. (See photos at link)

Friend December 2019 “Family Night Fun” Columbia Gelatin Treat

Friend December 2020 “Elder Soares Visits Colombia” Elder Ulisses Soares traveled with President Dallin H. Oaks to help dedicate a new temple in Colombia. (Also a build a temple activity)


Friend September 2019 “Elder Stephenson Visits Chile” Elder Stephenson visits Chile for a temple dedication, the second temple in Chile


Friend June 2021 “Ana Cumandá Rivera” Ana taught her companion how to read while on her mission. After her mission, Ana wanted to continue to serve. She was invited to teach others how to read.

Friend March 2022 Danial is helping his mom in the garden. Find the objects in the picture. How do you help at home?


Friend October 2023 “Hello from Peru!”

Friend October 2023 “Following Jesus in Peru” Rafael follows Jesus by helping his blind great-grandmother walk up stairs. He also shares hymnbooks with visitors at church.


Friend November 2021 “Meet Magali from Uruguay” Magali helps her family on the farm and she helps her grandmother read the scriptures. (See photos at link.)

Friend November 2021 “Adventures in Uruguay with Margo and Paolo”

Friend January 2022 “Jesus Helped People in Need”

My family ministers to Sister Rosa. Sister Rosa is 90, so she can’t go out of her home. I help Dad to load and transport firewood for Rosa. (Ignacio G., age 9, Canelones Department, Uruguay) (See images at link.)


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