Church History: Lesson Ideas

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Apostasy & Restoration

Joseph Smith

* Joseph Smith’s Childhood

* First Vision

For the Strength of Youth January 2921 “Joseph Smith Jr.”

Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon was given to us by the power of God.

Show the children a picture of Moroni talking to Joseph Smith as you read Revelation 14:6 (see Gospel Art Book, no. 91). Invite the children to point to the angel in the picture. Share with them the account of Moroni’s visit (see “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates,” in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 13–17, or the corresponding video on, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 6–14”)

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

Why were some ancient records written on metal plates? (Take a piece of paper, tear it, and pour a little water on it.) Explain that during ancient times, the people used other materials than paper for written communications, but those materials could also be easily damaged and could decompose and disintegrates over time. Some ancient historians used metal if they had an important message that they wanted to endure for a long period of time.

Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One “How We Got the Book of Mormon” Video and images about the story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates.

Friend December 2015

Friend December 2015
  1. After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move left three dots
  2. Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)
    • True: Move up one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  3. Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move left two dots
  4. Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)
    • True: Move right three dots
    • False: Move down two dots
  5. Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)
    • True: Move down and right one dot
    • False: Move diagonally up and right two dots
  6. Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  7. Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)
    • True: Move down one dot
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  8. Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)
    • True: Move down two dots
    • False: Move up two dots
  9. Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)
    • True: Move up two dots
    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
  10. The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)
    • True: Move left three dots
    • False: Move right one dot.

Friend February 2017 “Golden Plates to Book of Mormon”

Friend July 1988 “Calendar Cutouts” Read one scripture each day. Match the highlighted scriptures to the correct picture. Ezekiel 37:15-20, 2 Nephi 3:12; 29:8, Psalm 85:11& Mormon 8:16, Moses 7:62 & Isaiah 29:4, 2 Nephi 26:14-17, Ether1:1 & 2:11, Enos 1:15-16, Mormon 5:12-14, Revelation 14:6, 1 Nephi 1:1 & 9:5, Omni 1:8-9, Introduction to Helaman, 3 Nephi 23:4-5, 3 Nephi 23:6-14, Words of Mormon 1:1-2, Mormon 8:1 & Moroni 10:1-2, Joseph Smith History 1:30-35, D&C 27:5 & 128:20, Joseph Smith History 1:44-47, Joseph Smith History 1:48-50, Joseph Smith History 1:51-52, Joseph Smith History 1:53-54, Joseph Smith History 1:59, Joseph Smith History 1:62, Joseph Smith History 1:67 & D&C 3:preface, D&C 25:1&5-6, Isaiah 29:11, Joseph Smith History 1:61 & 63-65, 2 Corinthians 13:1 & D&C 5:4 &11&13, D&C 19:preface & 26 & 34-35, Joseph Smith History 1:60

Friend July 1988

What does translate mean? Translate means to change from one language to another.

Show the paper with the words “Le Livre De Mormon” written on it. Tell the children that the words are French. The English version of these words is “The Book of Mormon”. Show this paper. Both sets of words mean the same thing, but they are different languages.

The gold plates were written in an ancient language that needed to be translated into a language others could read.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon”

Show the children an image of characters from the golden plates. Explain that God helped Joseph translate these characters into words we can read and understand.

If someone asked you where the Book of Mormon came from, what would you say? How would you describe God’s involvement in giving us the Book of Mormon?

Lost 116 Pages

Friend January 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Plain and Precious Plates” The Lord told Nephi to make another set of plates for a special and wise purpose (see 1 Nephi 9). Make your own set of plates out of folded paper or pieces of cardboard. (You can even wrap your paper or cardboard with aluminum foil!) Write or draw what you learn from the Book of Mormon on your plates.

As Nephi was writing the record of his people, God directed him to create two sets of plates, called the small plates and the large plates of Nephi. Nephi didn’t know why he was commanded to create two sets of plates, but he trusted that the Lord had “a wise purpose … , which purpose I know not” (1 Nephi 9:5

Centuries later, as Mormon was abridging Nephi’s large plates, he came across the small plates. The small plates covered many of the same events described in the large plates that Mormon had already abridged, but the small plates focused more on spiritual matters and the ministry and teachings of the prophets. God inspired Mormon to include the small plates of Nephi in his record in addition to the large plates.

Like Nephi, Mormon didn’t understand God’s purpose for having both sets of plates, but he trusted that it was “for a wise purpose” (Words of Mormon 1:7).

Today we know what God’s purpose was. In 1828, after Joseph Smith had translated part of Mormon’s abridgment of Nephi’s large plates (116 manuscript pages), Martin Harris lost those pages. God commanded Joseph not to retranslate this portion because evil men would change the words and try to discredit Joseph (see Doctrine and Covenants 10, section heading; Doctrine and Covenants 10:14–19, 30–45).

Video and Images from Doctrine and Covenants Stories

Thankfully, God had foreseen this and provided the small plates, which covered the same history that was lost with the 116 pages. The small plates compose the books that come before Words of Mormon, and Mormon’s abridgment of the large plates begins after the Words of Mormon.

Words of Mormon 1:3–8

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Enos-Words of Mormon” Mormon followed the guidance of the Holy Ghost to include the small plates of Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Everything we’ve studied in the Book of Mormon so far this year has come to us because Mormon made the choice to listen to the Spirit. How can you help your children learn about listening to the Spirit? Invite them to take turns reading the verses from Words of Mormon 1:3–8. You could talk about what they learn from each verse. Your children could then:

Invite the children to share stories they have learned from the Book of Mormon so far this year (pictures from the Gospel Art Book may help them remember). Explain that we have these stories in the Book of Mormon because Mormon listened when the Holy Ghost told him to include them.

Nephi Foretells the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon

2 Nephi 26:14–17

The words of Lehi’s seed (his descendants) speaking from “low out of the dust” with a “familiar spirit” and being “sealed up in a book” (2 Nephi 26:14–17; see also Isaiah 29:4).

What does voices from the dust mean?  The prophets who wrote the Book of Mormon are long gone and their bodies have turned to dust, but we hear their words by reading the Book of Mormon.

Marvelous Work and Wonder

2 Nephi 27

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” In 2 Nephi 27, the Lord testified of something marvelous He would do to help us through the wickedness and apostasy of the last days.

Read 2 Nephi 27:25–26, looking for what the Lord promised He would do. Nephi prophesied that the Book of Mormon would come forth to help with the problems of the last days (see 2 Nephi 27:6).

President Russell M. Nelson stated that this “marvelous work would include the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel” (“Scriptural Witnesses,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 46).

Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon

2 Nephi 27:15–20

Nephi also wrote that God would allow a few witnesses to behold the plates the Book of Mormon was translated from and to testify of the truthfulness of the book to the world (see 2 Nephi 27:12–14). Nephi then shared a prophecy about some of the details related to the translation of the Book of Mormon.

A portion of the book being given to a learned man who says, “I cannot read it” (2 Nephi 27:15–20Joseph Smith—History 1:64–65; see also Isaiah 29:11).

Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)

Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.

  • What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.
  • Why do you think the Lord used Joseph Smith, who was an unlearned man, to bring forth the Book of Mormon?

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” Read 2 Nephi 27:20–23, looking for reasons why God chose someone who was not learned to translate the Book of Mormon.

Emma Smith (1804–1879), the wife of the Prophet, testified of the divine assistance Joseph received in his translation of the Book of Mormon:

Emma Smith

Joseph Smith could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter, let alone dictat[e] a book like the Book of Mormon. And, though I was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, … it is marvelous to me, “a marvel and a wonder.” …

My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity—I have not the slightest doubt of it. … It would have been improbable that a learned man could do this; and, for one so ignorant and unlearned as he was, it was simply impossible. (Emma Smith, in “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” The Saints’ Herald, Oct. 1, 1879, 290)

Witnesses of the Gold Plates

For the Strength of Youth January 2024 “Who saw the gold plates besides Joseph Smith?”

Emma Smith

Friend January 2021 “Church History Cards”

Early Missionaries


Friend May 2021 “Church History Cards”


Friend February 2023 “How to Have Joy” In the winter of 1838, members of the Church had to leave their homes in Missouri, USA. It was very cold. Some spent the night outside near a campfire. They sang hymns and roasted potatoes.Sister Eliza R. Snow said, “Not a complaint was heard—all were cheerful.” Sometimes it doesn’t seem like we can feel joy when something bad happens. But joy comes from focusing on the Savior. (See more at link)

Crossing the Plains


Click on above link for more info about the pioneers

Wards and Companies

Friend July 2018 “Take Care of Each Other” Joseph Smith organized wards in Nauvoo as a way to take care of the many people who were moving there. Companies were organized when crossing the plains. These also helped take care of each other better. President Eyring’s Great grandfather was helped when he got sick on the trail west. Today, wards continue to help us take care of each other.

Salt Lake Valley


Friend November 2021 “Church History Cards” Missionaries

Tabernacle Choir

Tabernacle Organ and Musicians  “Sharing Time: Making Music for the Church” Friend October 1987

World Wide Church

The Church in Great Britain   Friend August 1987



Friend November 2018 “Conference News” Changes to length of Primary and the manuals used.


Name of the Church

Friend November 2018 “The Correct Name of the Church” The prophet, Russell M. Nelson, directs church members to use the correct name of the church. Questions are answered to explain why. Also a book mark is included and an example cartoon of how to respond when people ask what church we belong to.

Baptized Members can be Witnesses at Baptism

Friend November 2019 “Conference News” President Nelson announced that anyone who has been baptized can be an official witness at another person’s baptism.

Friend February 2021 “Show and Tell” I was a witness at my cousin’s baptism. This experience was very powerful and special for me. I know we should follow Jesus’s example and be baptized. Liberty H. (right), age 9, Georgia, USA (Link includes photo)

Global Pandemic, Natural Disasters, & Commotion

Friend November 2020 “We are Moving Forward” During the past few months, a global pandemic, wildfires, and other natural disasters have turned our world upside down. With social distancing, face masks, and video meetings, we have had to learn to do some things differently. Yet the work of the Lord is steadily moving forward!

Conference News

New Church Symbol

Friend May 2020 “Conference News” Announcements and changes such as a new church symbol, a new proclamation about the restoration, etc.

Friend November 2020 “Conference News”

Friend May 2021 “Conference News”

New Youth Guidebook “For the Strength of Youth”

Friend November 2022 “Conference News” New Youth Guidbook

Friend May 2024 “Conference News” See how much the Church has grown since President Oaks was born!

Kirtland Temple Purchased

Friend May 2024 “Temple Power” The Kirtland Temple was built in Kirtland, Ohio, USA, in 1836. It was the first temple of the restored Church.

Later, Church members had to leave it behind to move west. Another church cared for the building for many years. Recently, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bought the temple.

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