2 Nephi CHAPTER 26 Christ will minister to the Nephites—Nephi foresees the destruction of his people—They will speak from the dust—The Gentiles will build up false churches and secret combinations—The Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi CHAPTER 27 Darkness and apostasy will cover the earth in the last days—The Book of Mormon will come forth—Three witnesses will testify of the book—The learned man will say he cannot read the sealed book—The Lord will do a marvelous work and a wonder—Compare Isaiah 29. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi CHAPTER 28 Many false churches will be built up in the last days—They will teach false, vain, and foolish doctrines—Apostasy will abound because of false teachers—The devil will rage in the hearts of men—He will teach all manner of false doctrines. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi CHAPTER 29 Many Gentiles will reject the Book of Mormon—They will say, We need no more Bible—The Lord speaks to many nations—He will judge the world out of the books which will be written. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi CHAPTER 30 Converted Gentiles will be numbered with the covenant people—Many Lamanites and Jews will believe the word and become delightsome—Israel will be restored and the wicked destroyed. About 559–545 B.C.
Jesus Christ wants everyone to come unto Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” To teach your children about the Savior’s invitations in these verses, you might talk with them about times they invited people to a special event, like a birthday party. Then you could read 2 Nephi 26:23–28 together and find out what Jesus is inviting us to do. Your children might like to create a card inviting someone to come unto Jesus Christ. Encourage them to use a phrase from these verses in their invitation.

Friend March 2024 “I Can Invite Others to Follow Jesus”
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” The painting at the end of this outline shows people from many backgrounds. Maybe your children could look at this picture as you read 2 Nephi 26:33. You could repeat the phrase “Jesus invites all to come unto Him” as your children point to each person in the picture—and then to themselves. How do we come unto Jesus?
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Display pictures of people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds (you may find some in Church magazines). Ask the children to describe some of the details they see in the pictures. Open the scriptures to 2 Nephi 26:33 and read, “[Jesus Christ] inviteth them all to come unto him.” Repeat this phrase with the children as you point to each picture. Then point to each child and say, “Jesus Christ invites you to come unto Him.” What can we do to come unto the Savior?
Friend September 2003 “All Over the World: A Matching Game” Read the clues; then match each child to the country on the map where he or she lives.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30 Read 2 Nephi 26:33 with the children, and help them make a list of who, according to this verse, is invited to “partake of [the Lord’s] goodness.” (You may need to explain that “the heathen” are those who don’t believe in God.) Invite them to add their own names to the list. How do we partake of the Lord’s goodness? Invite the children to draw a picture of Jesus with many different children.
- A song about loving all people, such as “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41), could help you teach the message of 2 Nephi 26:33.
Nephi Foretells the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
The words of Lehi’s seed (his descendants) speaking from “low out of the dust” with a “familiar spirit” and being “sealed up in a book” (2 Nephi 26:14–17; see also Isaiah 29:4).
What does voices from the dust mean? The prophets who wrote the Book of Mormon are long gone and their bodies have turned to dust, but we hear their words by reading the Book of Mormon.
Marvelous Work and Wonder
Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” In 2 Nephi 27, the Lord testified of something marvelous He would do to help us through the wickedness and apostasy of the last days.
Read 2 Nephi 27:25–26, looking for what the Lord promised He would do. Nephi prophesied that the Book of Mormon would come forth to help with the problems of the last days (see 2 Nephi 27:6).
President Russell M. Nelson stated that this “marvelous work would include the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel” (“Scriptural Witnesses,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 46).
Martin Harris Visits Professor Anthon
Nephi also wrote that God would allow a few witnesses to behold the plates the Book of Mormon was translated from and to testify of the truthfulness of the book to the world (see 2 Nephi 27:12–14). Nephi then shared a prophecy about some of the details related to the translation of the Book of Mormon.
A portion of the book being given to a learned man who says, “I cannot read it” (2 Nephi 27:15–20; Joseph Smith—History 1:64–65; see also Isaiah 29:11).

Teach the children about Martin Harris’s experiences with Professor Anthon and Dr. Mitchell, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:62–65. Help the children understand that these events fulfilled a prophecy made by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 29:11–12; see also 2 Nephi 27:15–20) thousands of years before Joseph Smith’s time. (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Lesson 5)
Church History Topics “Martin Harris’s Consultations with Scholars” This article tells the story and has pictures of Martin Harris and Professor Anthon.
- What did Professor Anthon say when Martin Harris first showed him a copy of some of the Book of Mormon writings? (JS—H 1:64.) Why do you think Professor Anthon tore up the certificate when he learned that an angel had shown Joseph Smith where to find the gold plates? (JS—H 1:65.
- Why do you think the Lord used Joseph Smith, who was an unlearned man, to bring forth the Book of Mormon?
Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) “2 Nephi 27” Read 2 Nephi 27:20–23, looking for reasons why God chose someone who was not learned to translate the Book of Mormon.
Emma Smith (1804–1879), the wife of the Prophet, testified of the divine assistance Joseph received in his translation of the Book of Mormon:
Joseph Smith could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter, let alone dictat[e] a book like the Book of Mormon. And, though I was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, … it is marvelous to me, “a marvel and a wonder.” …
My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity—I have not the slightest doubt of it. … It would have been improbable that a learned man could do this; and, for one so ignorant and unlearned as he was, it was simply impossible. (Emma Smith, in “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” The Saints’ Herald, Oct. 1, 1879, 290)
The Book of Mormon is a Blessing
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Explain that because of Heavenly Father’s great love for us, he has given us a gift to help us achieve eternal life (the kind of life Heavenly Father has).Show the children a Book of Mormon wrapped as a gift, and tell them that something valuable is inside. Let them hold the gift, and give clues to help them guess what it is; for example, it’s something the Lord has given us, it helps us believe in Jesus Christ, and so on. Read from 2 Nephi 30:6: “It is a blessing unto them from the hand of God.” Let the children open the gift, and then explain that we must open the Book of Mormon and read it to receive the blessings it contains.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” Tell your children why the Book of Mormon is of great worth to you, and let them share their feelings too.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Read 2 Nephi 28:2 to the children. Explain that Nephi saw that the Book of Mormon would “be of great worth” to us, which means that it will help and bless us. Tell the children why the Book of Mormon is of great worth to you. Share your favorite verse or story from the Book of Mormon, and invite the children to share theirs. Show pictures from the Gospel Art Book to give them ideas.
Friend February 2012 “The Book of Mormon: Our True Guide” President Henry B. Eyring teaches how the Book of Mormon is our guide to return home. The article includes a simple maze activity.

The Book of Mormon and the Bible work together.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Because we have the Bible, some people believe that the Book of Mormon is unnecessary. These verses can help the children understand, and explain to others, why we are thankful for both books of scripture.
- Give one child a copy of the Book of Mormon and another a copy of the Bible. Ask them how these books are similar and how they are different. Show the children a map of the world, and help them match each book with the part of the world it came from. Read and discuss 2 Nephi 29:8. Why did God give us two “testimonies” or books of scripture that teach us about Him?
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” Consider asking your children to imagine that a friend says, “I don’t need to read the Book of Mormon. I’ve already read the Bible.” What could we say to our friend? Read together 2 Nephi 29:7–11 to learn why God wants us to have both books. (Then ask them to share ideas about what they might say to their friend.)
Friend May 2001 “Hand in Hand Together (The Bible and the Book of Mormon)” Words and music by Janice Kapp Perry
Hand in Hand song lyrics
Bible stories teach us How to live like Jesus. Book of Mormon stories, too, Tell what He would have us do.
Hand in hand together, the Bible and the Book of Mormon stand forever to tell of Jesus Christ.
Bible prophets tell us things to bless and help us. Book of Mormon prophets, too, Testify of all that’s true.
Hand in hand together, the Bible and the Book of Mormon stand forever to tell of Jesus Christ. Hand in hand together, the Bible and the Book of Mormon stand forever to tell of Jesus Christ.
Hand in Hand piano
The Book of Mormon Exposes Satan’s Lies
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” “I prophesy unto you concerning the last days,” Nephi wrote (2 Nephi 26:14). In other words, he was writing about our day. And there’s reason to be concerned about what he saw: people denying the power and miracles of God, rampant envy and strife, the devil binding people with strong cords. [But he also spoke of] a book that speaks from the dust, that exposes Satan’s lies, and that gathers the righteous like a standard. That book is the Book of Mormon.
Satan Seeks to Deceive
Things Satan wants people to believe:
- You don’t need to strive to improve yourself because you are already good enough. (Verse 21)
- God will justify a little sin. He may punish you a little, but he will still allow you to be saved in His Kingdom. (Verse 8)
- There is no hell or devil. (Verse 22)
- God has already given all His words. You don’t need more. (Verse 29)
- Beware of those who say miracles still occur. Miracles don’t need to happen anymore. (Verse 6)
What could the personal consequences be for believing each of the above lies? (You could wrap some thread around someone’s wrists to represent “a flaxen cord” as the family members mention possible consequences. Then read the following: [Satan] leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever. 2 Nephi 26:22)
Object lesson: Ask for a volunteer. Have the volunteer put their hands together. Wrap one layer of the masking tape around their fingers and thumbs. Ask them if they can break free. Explain that when we first make a mistake or sin we are easily able to break free of its grasp and repent. But Satan knows that if he continue to gets us to sin, little by little, eventually the sin will become accepted and then we become bound in captivity to the sin because it becomes a habit or an addiction. (Wrap the tape around the child’s hands several times, layering one area around the fingers and thumbs.) Ask the child to try and break free from the bindings. They shouldn’t be able to. Satan wants us to be miserable like he is, and he knows that sin binds us in captivity and destroys lives.
Heavenly Father teaches me little by little.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” Perhaps you can think of an object lesson that will help your children understand what it means to learn “line upon line.” For example, they could put together a puzzle or build something with blocks, one piece at a time. Or you could teach them a skill step by step, such as tying a bow or drawing a picture. You could then read 2 Nephi 28:30 and discuss how Heavenly Father teaches us one truth at a time.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Give them one puzzle piece or one block at a time, and while they are building, explain that this is the way Heavenly Father teaches us—one truth at a time. What would happen if we tried to put all of the pieces together at once?
Help the children draw this temple one step at a time:
Or have the children do this dot-to-dot one line at a time:
When we follow the numbers and draw line upon line, we are able to create a beautiful drawing of the temple. How hard would it be to draw the entire temple without the small number directions to guide us to draw each line? When we study and follow God’s words and increase line upon line, we can eventually become like our Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Or have the children put together this puzzle one piece at a time:
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 26-30” Another idea could be to choose a phrase from 2 Nephi 28:30 and take turns writing it, one word at a time. How is this like the way God gives us truth? Why does God reveal truth to us “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little” instead of all at once? How can we show God that we want to receive more truth from Him?
Come Follow Me Kid “A Marvoulous Work and Wonder” Hold up a Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 30:6 says that this book is “a blessing unto them from the hand of God.” 2 Nephi 28:2 says that it is “of great worth.” Discuss how it is a valuable blessing to us. Open up a Bible as well as a Book of Mormon and point out how there are LOTS of lines in them. The scriptures teach us that we learn “line upon line.” Heavenly Father and Jesus don’t expect us to know everything all at once, but we should try to learn a little each day.
Activity: Cut apart the lines from 2 Nephi 28:30 below. Mix them up and have them sequence them into the right order. Discuss each one as it’s placed in order.
How many lines did we just learn about? (5). How many lines do you think there are in all of the scriptures? (Lots!). How many lines have been taught by prophets and apostles? (Lots!). How many MORE good lines of good things do you think we’ll learn throughout our lives from the scriptures, prophets, apostles, etc.? (Lots!) Summarize how we should never feel that “we have enough” of the word of God.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30” Why does God reveal truth to us “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little” instead of all at once?
Teaching Children the Gospel “Ordinance (and Covenants) Progression Lesson” Why do we receive saving ordinances at different times in our lives? We need to start with ordinances that lay a foundation and then add to that as we understand and are prepared to receive more. (See more at link)

Gospel Living “What does “line upon line” mean?”
You may have heard the phrase “line upon line” in church. Or in scriptures like 2 Nephi 28:30. But what does it mean? Joseph Smith explained it this way:
“When you climb up a ladder, you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the gospel—you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation.”1
You can’t reach the top of a ladder without climbing the steps upward. Similarly, we become like our Heavenly Father one gospel step at a time. So don’t worry if it seems like you don’t have a super strong testimony yet. Or you make a mistake while learning how to do your calling. It’s all part of building faith, step-by-step.
Latter Day Kids “Line Upon Line” See link for great Lesson and activity idea!
Friend March 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Line upon Line Storytime” Heavenly Father helps us learn “line upon line,” or a little bit at a time (2 Nephi 28:30). Together, tell a favorite scripture story one line at a time! Everyone takes turns saying one sentence of the story until the story’s done.
Nephi warned against the attitude that we don’t need any more truth from God. Help the children see gospel learning as a gradual, lifelong pursuit.
God’s word in the Book of Mormon helps us see and avoid Satan’s deceptions, and He continues to give revelation to us individually, and to His prophets that teach us His words. But He reminds us that, “for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.” (Review Satan’s lies pertaining to the idea of not needing to do or learn more. Also point out that Heavenly Father doesn’t expect us to know everything at once. Point out that we learn “line upon line.” Do the activity below to help the children understand one of the reasons for that.)
Friend February 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Sit in a circle to play this game.
The first person says, “I’m going to church, and I’m going to learn ______.” The next person repeats what the first person said and adds their own item at the end. Continue going around the circle, repeating all the items and adding more one by one. Can you remember them all? Too much at once can be a little overwhelming and hard to remember. But when we try to learn a little each day, we are able to retain it better. Reading the Book of Mormon each day helps us learn “line upon line” and helps us avoid Satan’s temptations and stay on the path to Eternal Life.
Additional Resources
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “2 Nephi 26-30”
Cknscratch.com Book of Mormon ideas to help teach Come Follow Me “2 Nephi 26-30”
The Red Crystal 2020
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