Table of Contents
The Lord Chooses His Apostles
Jesus called Twelve Apostles and gave them power to do His work.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 9–10; Mark 5; Luke 9” Do the children you teach know that we have twelve Apostles today? How can you use these verses to teach them about the importance of modern-day Apostles and what they are called to do?
- Summarize Matthew 10:1–10 in simple terms. Explain that Jesus calls Apostles to help Him build His Church. Let the children count the Apostles in the picture Christ Ordaining the Apostles (Gospel Art Book, no. 38) and in a picture of the current Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (see or a general conference issue of the Liahona). Explain that we have twelve Apostles today, just as in Jesus’s time. Share your testimony of the Lord’s Apostles and of something they have taught recently.
- Hide pictures of the modern-day Apostles around the room (for pictures, see a recent general conference issue of the Liahona). Invite the children to find the pictures, and tell them a little about each Apostle (see “Meet Today’s Prophets and Apostles” at (See also Latter Day Apostles)
- Invite a child to hold up a picture of the First Presidency and a picture of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Ask the child to lead the other children around the room to a picture of Jesus. Testify that the prophets and apostles lead us to Jesus Christ.
The Twelve Apostles can teach me about Jesus.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 9–10; Mark 5; Luke 9” How can learning about the Twelve Apostles in Christ’s day help the children better understand what the Twelve Apostles do today?
- Show pictures of the Apostles in Jesus’s time and in our day (see Christ Ordaining the Apostles [Gospel Art Book, no. 38] and a recent conference issue of the Liahona). Ask the children to read Matthew 10:7 to find out what Apostles do (see also Luke 9:1–2, 6; Doctrine and Covenants 107:23).
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Matthew 9:36–38; 10”
- What did the Savior command His Apostles to do?
- What similarities did you notice between the things Jesus did and what He commanded His Apostles to do?
- Why would accepting the Savior’s Apostles be like accepting the Savior? Matthew 10:40
- Because the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles represent the Savior and are special witnesses of Him, studying their teachings is like studying the Savior’s teachings
(A) Strongly agree (B) Agree (C) Neutral (D) Disagree
- I believe the Apostles of Jesus Christ are very important.
- I want to hear what the Savior’s Apostles have to say, and I pay attention when I have the chance to listen to them.
- I could share one or two things Apostles of Jesus Christ have recently taught.
- Invite the children to write on the board the names of as many of the original Apostles as they can remember. Then ask them to list as many living Apostles as they can remember. Let them check their lists with Matthew 10:2–4 and a recent conference issue of the Liahona. You could also play a matching game in which the children match each living Apostle’s name with his picture. Pictures can be found at
For the Strength of Youth February 2023 “Who Were Jesus Christ’s Early Apostles?”

Friend May 2011 “Jesus Christ’s Twelve Apostles”
- Several days before class, invite a few children to come prepared to share a story told by one of the living Apostles (see issues of the Liahona or Friend for ideas). How did that Apostle use the story to inspire us to become more like the Savior?
Friend Jan 2015 “You Are the Savior’s Hands”

Friend January 2015
- Share several examples of modern-day Apostles’ testimonies of Christ with the children (see recent general conference messages or “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles” []).
Friend January 2019 “The Living Christ” The prophets and apostles wrote “The Living Christ” to tell the world about Jesus. Read part of it each month and memorize the words in red. Fill in the blanks with words from the picture to learn more about this first quote. Also, color the card and collect a new one each month.
Friend November 2019 “The Living Christ” The apostles bear testimony of Jesus .Use the hints page to fill in the blanks. The highlighted letters give the final message!
Friend March 2019 Following Jesus example of helping others. Make a map of where you walk and ways you can help.
- Help the children memorize and understand Articles of Faith 1:6.
Friend May 2021 “Matt and Mandy” The Coopers learn the sixth article of faith.
See also Latter Day Apostles
Characteristics of Apostles
Ensign July 2019 “Family Study Fun”
Acts 6:1-8
As you read these verses in Acts, make a list of any Christlike attributes you see in the disciples chosen to be the Lord’s servants.
- On your smartphone or computer, go to the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the current Apostles and General Auxiliary leaders.
- Scroll through their posts and read about some of their recent experiences visiting members of the Church throughout the world.
Discussion: What Christlike attributes do you see in the individual Apostles and other Church leaders? Why would the Lord value these attributes in choosing His servants? Which of these attributes would you like to develop?
What Do Apostles Do?
Friend October 2023 “What Do Apostles Do?” By Dale G. Renlund
Apostles Testify of Christ
Friend November 2019 “The Living Christ” The apostles bear testimony of Jesus .Use the hints page to fill in the blanks. The highlighted letters give the final message!
Friend November 2018 D. Todd Christofferson testifies of Jesus being the Bread of Life. (The link includes a painting of Jesus breaking bread.)
Doctrine and Covenants 112: 1–10, The Twelve are to send the gospel and raise the warning voice to all nations and people; 11–15, They are to take up their cross, follow Jesus, and feed His sheep;
Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 29: Missionaries Go to Other Nations,” Link includes stories, activities, and discussion questions.
Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “The Apostles Preached the Gospel to All Nations”
Apostles Minister

Friend January 2019 “President Ballard Visits Texas” After Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, President Ballard flew to Texas to help.
Apostles Travel to Visit Members Around the World
Friend August 2021 “Elder Rasband Visits South Africa” Elder Rasband dedicates the Durban South Africa Temple. (Photos)
Friend June 2021 “Elder Christofferson Visits Vietnam” Elder Christofferson said President Nelson’s visit was a reminder to the Vietnamese people that they matter to Heavenly Father. (See photos of his visit at link)
Friend May 2021 “Elder Cook Visits the Philippines” While he was in the Philippines, a volcano erupted. He comforted the people and told them that God loves them and will help them.
Friend September 2019 “Elder Stephenson Visits Chile” Elder Stephenson visits Chile for a temple dedication, the second temple in Chile
Friend February 2021 “Elder Holland Visits Africa” A visit to South Africa and Mozambique.
Friend July 2021 “Elder Andersen Visits Thailand”
Friend August 2019 “Elder Rasband Visits Cape Verde” Elder Rasband visited a school were many of the children don’t have parents to take care of them. The Church gives money to help the children’s school that Elder Rasband visited. (Activity: Four children donated money to the Church’s Humanitarian Aid Fund. Follow the shapes along the path to see what each child’s money was used for. (Also includes instructions on how to donate money to humanitarian aid.)
Friend July 2019 “Elder Andersen Visits Ivory Coast” Elder Neil L. Andersen and his wife, Sister Kathy Andersen, traveled to Ivory Coast for the groundbreaking of a new temple. (Activity: Children sing the words “I love to see the temple” in many different languages. Follow the line from each of these sentences to the correct language.)
Friend June 2019 “Elder Christofferson Visits the Philippines”
Friend April 2019 “Elder Bednar Visits India”
Friend March 2019 “Elder Uchdorf Visits Russia” He encourages them to prepare themselves for the new temple that will be built there. It will be the first temple in Russia. Link includes photos.
Friend February 2019 “Elder Holland’s Trip with the Prophet” Elder Holland and the prophet visited eight countries. Match the flag with its country. Link includes photos.
Friend October 2019 “Elder Renlund Visits Children” Elder Renlund travels all over the world to visit with the saints. His favorite thing is meeting and shaking hands with children. Sometimes he even visits them in Primary! (Activity: Color the postcards from some of the places Elder and Sister Renlund have visited. Then draw your own postcard!)
Friend October 2021 “Elder Renlund Visits the Caribbean”
Friend May 2019 “Elder Cook Visits Brazil” He invited everyone to be a light. That means being a good example and helping others, like Jesus did. “When we are a light, we influence the world for the better.”
Craft: Make a light with different colors using a jar and tissue paper. Maybe have the children say how they can be a light at home, in their neighborhood, and at school for each strip of colored paper they add to the jar.
Friend January 2021 “President Ballard Visits Canada” President Ballard was a mission president in Ontario, Canada 46 years ago. He travelled to Ontario to visit the people there.
Friend April 2021 “Elder Bednar Visits Central America”
Friend September 2021 “Elder Stevenson Visits Australia Online” Because of COVID-19, it wasn’t safe to travel. So Elder Gary E. Stevenson and his wife, Lesa, had a video conference with 600 missionaries in Australia.
Apostles Travel to Dedicate Temples
Friend November 2021 “Elder Gong and the Temple”
Friend November 2019 “Elder Gong Visits Italy” Elder Gong traveled to Italy when the Rome Italy Temple was dedicated. It’s the first temple to be built in a place where Jesus’s Apostles taught in Bible times!
Friend March 2021″Elder Uchtdorf Visits Germany” Elder Uchtdorf and his wife visit Germany for the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple. (Article includes photos)
Friend December 2020 “Elder Soares Visits Colombia” Elder Ulisses Soares traveled with President Dallin H. Oaks to help dedicate a new temple in Colombia. (Also a build a temple activity)

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