Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus

Mobile Instructions:
- Click on the above mobile item pictures and then print and cut them out.
- Cut two pieces of string each 17 inches long and three pieces of string each 10 inches long.
- Punch a hole in the top of each of the circle pictures and put the long strings through the holes on the Isaiah, Samuel, and Adam cards. Put the short strings through the holes in the Nephi and Micah cards.
- Use tape to attach the title card to the top of the hanger. Tie each card onto the hanger rod after reading the scriptures. Tape the string to the rod so they don’t move around. (Alternate: Holes could be punched into the bottom of the title card instead of using a hanger.)
Mobile images are from: Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth, Nephi’s Vision of the Virgin Mary,
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