Jesus Loves Us
Friend December 2021 “Jesus Loves Us All”
Jesus as a Child
Friend January 2019 “Family Night Fun”
- Read the story about Jesus. Talk about how Jesus grew up in the same ways we do.
- Take turns rolling the cube. Read the cube and do the pose or roll again.
- Everyone stay posed until they say one thing they’re doing to grow in that way. Once everyone shares, the next person rolls.
- Coloring Page
Jesus was Baptized
Friend February 2019 “Coloring Page”
Jesus was Kind and Loving
Friend January 2018 “Colors of Kindness” Crossword puzzle of ways Jesus showed kindness to others.
Jesus with Children
Friend May 2019 “Coloring Page: Jesus Prayed for Children”
Jesus Heals
Names of Jesus
Friend November 2019 “Funstuff: Names of Jesus” There are many different names used for Jesus Christ in the scriptures. Can you find some of these names in the word search?
Friend December 2022 “The Many Names of Jesus”

Friend September 2021 “Singing for Jesus” Songs about Jesus can bring us peace and comfort
Jesus Teaches
Friend May 2019 “Funstuff: Jesus’s Parables” Jesus taught using parables, or stories. Help the traveler find his way through this New Testament city by answering questions about some parables Jesus taught.
Good Shepherd
Friend July 2020 “Help the Sheep” Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we are His sheep. Game: Roll the dice and move that many spaces. If you land on the end of a shepherd’s cane, go up to the end of the cane. If you land on sheep tracks, follow the tracks down. The first one to reach the finish square wins.
Friend June 2018 “Apostles Testify of Jesus” “Shepherds lead their sheep to food, water, and shelter and protect their sheep from harm. Jesus taught that He is the Good Shepherd. When we choose to follow Him, He can lead us to safety and peace. Lead the sheep safely home through the maze!”
Last Supper
Coloring Page
After Resurrection
Jesus’s Life
Friend November 2019 “Stories of Jesus” The stained-glass window in the visitors’ center of the Rome Italy Temple is full of stories about what Jesus taught and what He did. Can you find them in this coloring page?
Friend March 2018 “Let’s Learn About Jesus” Point to the picture that goes with each sentence.
Blessings from Jesus
Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Blessing from Jesus” Match the cards to finish each sentence. Examples: Because Jesus died for us… … everyone who dies will live again. Because Jesus paid for our sins… …we can repent and be forgiven.
The Living Christ
Friend January 2019 “The Living Christ” The prophets and apostles wrote “The Living Christ” to tell the world about Jesus. Read part of it each month and memorize the words in red. Fill in the blanks with words from the picture to learn more about this first quote. Also, color the card and collect a new one each month.
Friend February 2019 Names of Christ and Jesus is the creator of the earth.
Friend March 2019 Following Jesus example of helping others. Make a map of where you walk and ways you can help.
Friend April 2019 “The Living Christ” He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind.
Friend May 2019 “The Living Christ” Jesus’s life didn’t begin when He was born or end when He died. Use the scriptures to fill in the puzzle and talk about what Jesus did in each place of his life.
Friend November 2019 “The Living Christ” The apostles bear testimony of Jesus .Use the hints page to fill in the blanks. The highlighted letters give the final message!