Praise to the Man – Verse Three
- Print the word pages and the pictures. Cut out the pictures. Cut out the word strips if you are doing the drawing activity. Fold up each word strip. Put the word pages into page protectors.
- Items needed: magnets, chalk and eraser, tape, paper, and pencils or crayons.
Presentation (I’ve included two teaching ideas for this verse, and they can be used together or individually.)
Explain to the children they are going to learn another verse of “Praise to the Man”, and it is about Joseph Smith’s rewards in heaven for his faithful service.
Post each word page on the board as you read them to the children. Explain that the chorus is sung after those four lines.
First teaching idea to help introduce and get the children thinking about the verse:
Give each child a paper and pencil, and explain that they are going to create visual aids for the verse. Give each class one of the folded up word strips that contain the lines from the verse. (If you have more than four classes you may need to divide the children into four groups.) Have each child in the group draw a picture of the line they’ve been given. Explain that they need to keep it secret from the other groups which line they are drawing.
When the children are finished drawing, have a random group come to the front and hold up their drawings so everyone can see them. Have the other primary children try to guess which line the class drew. Have the children vote for which line the pictures go with by raising their hands. Circle the one on the board with the most votes. Have the class reveal which line they drew by putting their pictures under the correct line (using magnets or tape). When only two classes are left, have both classes come up and show their pictures. Have the rest of the children vote on which line each group’s pictures go with.
In junior primary, if you are short on time, you can use the pictures that senior primary drew for this activity (if you are on the senior first schedule). Have junior vote for which line each group of pictures goes with. Choose a helper who can read, and give the helper the folded up matching line that goes with the class’s pictures. After the children vote, have the helper reveal which is the correct line by putting the pictures under the correct line.
Sing the verse. You may need to review one line at a time with junior primary, and then sing only that line before reviewing the next line.
Memorizing Activity
Explain that they are now going to memorize the verse. Cover up the words on the first page with the pictures that match each word. Discuss and explain those words if needed. Sing the verse. Continue in this manner until each page is covered with the pictures. Remove the word pages from the page protectors and see if the children can sing the song without the words.
Great – (large great) Great means large amount or wonderful.
Glory – (sun) Glory means the grandeur and blessings of heaven. Joseph Smith will inherit the highest degree of glory, the Celestial Kingdom, which is compared to the glory of the sun.
Endless – (arrow circle) Explain that the circle picture is used to represent the word “endless” because there is no end to a circle.
Priesthood –Â (Joseph receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood)Â Power and authority from God.
Ever and ever – (two rings) Explain that ever and ever means forever, and the picture of the rings is used to represent forever because rings have no end. The two rings are also meant to help them remember to say the word “ever” twice.
Keys –Â (keys) Keys are the directive and governing powers held by presiding priesthood holders.
Hold –Â (hand holding a key)
Faithful – (Yellowstone’s Old Faithful) Explain that Old Faithful is a geyser at Yellowstone National Park, and it got its name because its eruptions are regular and reliable, unlike other geysers in the park whose eruptions are unpredictable. Explain that Joseph Smith was also reliable. He could always be depended on to do what the Lord wanted him to do. He did the Lord’s bidding because he trusted and had faith in the Lord.
True – (blue diamond) Explain that real diamonds have great value and are hard rock-solid. Joseph was also solid; he was committed, and faithful to God. His beliefs were real and genuine, and his actions were always true to those beliefs. (The children can also try to remember the word “true” by thinking of true blue.)
Enter –Â (open door)
Kingdom – (castle) Explain that the castle picture is used to depict the word “kingdom” because a castle is part of a king’s kingdom.
Crowned –  (crowns) The word “crowned” means to confer royal status upon someone. (All those who are righteous, obedient, and faithful become heirs of God.)
Midst – (blue circle with the yellow middle) Explain that in the midst means in the middle of, or surrounded by.
Prophets of Old – (picture of prophets) Joseph, along with the prophets of old, will enter into the celestial kingdom, become heirs of God, and be crowned with glory because of their righteousness and faithful service.
Thank you for your beautiful explanation of this 3rd verse. Your thoughts were very helpful while planning this weeks sharing time, Thank you!
Thank you, your ideas are very helpful and fun! This is exactly what I needed.
Great approach! One comment: In your text pages, “Gods” is meant to be plural–there should be no apostrophe (you have it typed as God’s). Thanks!
Oh, I just found this and I’m so excited to do this for Primary today….I know I’m a slacker, but either way this is perfect! Thank you!