For the Strength of Youth September 2023 “Fun Stop” Can you match these eight members of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve Apostles with their picture from the past?

Dallin H. Oaks
Friend January 2017 “Will Heavenly Father Always Answer My Prayers” When Elder Oaks was seven his father became sick and died.

Friend March 2022 “Overcoming Your Challenges” President Dallin H. Oaks discusses the challenges he faced growing up, such as having his father die when he was seven, or being bullied and made fun of by other kids because he couldn’t spell or do math very well. Heavenly Father and Dallin’s family helped him and things got better. President Oaks wants the children to know that Heavenly Father will help them and to not give up. (Coloring page “I Can Overcome Challenges”)

Jeffery R. Holland
Friend February 2020 “Meet the Apostles: Jeffery R. Holland”
Friend March 2017 “What if I feel Like I Don’t Measure Up” Elder Holland got discouraged during college and wondered if he should just give up, but his wife encouraged him not to to give up.
Friend February 2024 While Elder Holland was serving his mission in Great Britain, his parents were called on a mission to serve there too!
Henry B. Eyring
Friend August 2019 President Eyring does watercolor paintings.
Friend April 2016 “Your Future Home” President Eyring remembers reading scriptures in school, and he remembers what his favorite scripture was and why.

Friend July 2018 “Taking Care of Each Other” When President Eyring’s great grandfather was crossing the plains, he got sick. Someone was sent to help him. He fell in love with one of the women and married her. Also, link includes “Getting to Know President Henry B. Eyring.”
Dieter F. Uchdorf
Friend July 2021 “A Dream for Dieter” When he was a boy, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf loved airplanes and wanted to be a pilot someday. But Dieter’s family were refugees and poor so sometimes he felt like his dream was impossible. He worked hard and had faith and was able to attain his dream of being a pilot.

Friend July 2017 “Don’t Stop Seeking” President Uchdorf tells about two missionaries who knocked on every door in an apartment building. Nobody was interested until the last door. The last door was the family of Pres. Uchdorf’s future wife. He says we should persevere and not stop seeking to get close to the Lord.
Friend April 2022 “Harriet Meets the Missionaries” Harriet’s father died and she missed him so much and wondered if she would ever see him again. Then the missionaries came and they told them about the plan of salvation and about being with our families again after death. Harriet and her family joined the church and Harriet grew up and married Dieter F. Uchdorf.
Friend March 2020 “Meet the Apostles” Some info about the life of Dieter F. Uchdorf.

Friend March 2021″Elder Uchtdorf Visits Germany” Elder Uchtdorf and his wife visit Germany for the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple. (Article includes photos)
Friend November 2024 “Conference Notes”

David A. Bednar
Friend April 2020 “Meet the Apostles: Elder David A. Bednar”

Friend April 2017 “Be Consistent and Keep Trying” Elder Bednar’s father was not a member of the church, but Elder Bednar was able to baptize him.
Ronald A. Rasband

D. Todd Christopherson
Friend June 2020 “Meet the Apostles: D. Todd Christopherson”
New Era January 2019 Some info about the life of D. Todd Christopherson.

Friend June 2017 “Why are Fathers so Important?” Elder Christopherson’s father set an example of honesty and service and Elder Christopherson wanted to be just,like his father.
Quentin L. Cook

For the Strength of Youth July 2023
Dale G. Renlund
Friend October 2020 “Meet the Apostles: Elder Dale G. Renlund”

Friend December 2017 “How Can Repenting Make Me Feel Happy?” When Elder Renlund was young, he lit a firecracker in a church building and felt terrible about it. His bishop helped him repent and feel happy again.
Neil L. Anderson
Friend July 2020
Meet the Apostles “Elder Neil L. Andersen“

Gary E. Stevenson
Friend September 2020 “Meet the Apostles”
Friend October 2016 “Meet Elder Gary E. Stevenson”
For the Strength of Youth December 2023
Gerrit W. Gong
Friend November 2020 “Meet the Apostles: Elder Gerrit W. Gong”
For the Strength of Youth September 2023 ” Beloved of God”
Ulisses Soares
Friend December 2020 “Meet the Apostles: Ulisses Soares”
Friend December 2021 “Elder Soares Speaks to Children” Video
Patrick Kearon
Friend May 2024 “Meet Elder Patrick Kearon”
Latter Day Apostles from the Past
M. Russell Ballard
Friend January 2020 ” Meet the Apostles: President M. Russell Ballard”

Friend January 2021 “President Ballard Visits Canada” President Ballard was a mission president in Ontario, Canada 46 years ago. He travelled to Ontario to visit the people there.
Tom L. Perry
Friend November 2017 “Elder Perry helps a girl find her family when she become separated from them at a pumpkin walk.
Robert D. Hales

Friend November 2017 “Remembering Robert D. Hales”
Neal A. Maxwell
Liahona December 2022 “Neal A. Maxwell in World War II” Story of his experience in a muddy foxhole in World War 2 when the Japanese was shelling his position, and how the Lord spared his life.

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