Note: Children can use the Gospel Library app to listen to the Friend being read to them while they follow along. They will hear many stories of children choosing the right that will set a good example for them.
A Light to the World
Friend February 2018 “Matt and Mandy” For FHE the family makes stars and then writes on them the things they have done to be a light to the world—such as acts of kindness.
Friend June 2017 “Praying with Zara” When a friend comes to play and have lunch with them, two sisters set an example of prayer and share how it makes them feel.

Righteous Examples in the Scriptures
Friend August 2017 “Being Like Nephi” Mason learns about Nephi and tries to follow his example and make righteous choices,
“A Real Hero” (July 2007 Friend) Ji-Woong likes to play super heroes. At family home evening he learns about a real hero, Nephi. Nephi had power from the Lord to pray and stop a storm, build a ship, shock his brothers, be led by the Spirit through the streets of Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates. Ji-Woong asked, “How did Nephi get his power?” “The Lord gave him power because Nephi was a righteous man who prayed in faith,” Appa explained. “You too can pray and then follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father will help you know when people need help.”
Example of Kindness
Friend April 2018 “A High-Five Example”Students in a special needs class we’re trying to give Lily’s classmates high fives as they walked by, but nobody did it until Lily gave them all high fives then everyone behind her did it.
Friend August 2024 “A Hug for José” José was new to the school. At first, no one talked to him. Then some of the other kids started to tease him. They always called him names and laughed at him. Adam felt like he should help José, but he never knew what to say. One day after a math test, Jose got a 100% and the kids started calling him a cheater. Jose started to cry. Adam walked over to him and gave him a hug. Pretty soon everyone was coming over and apologizing and trying to cheer him up.
Examples of Courage
Friend July 2017 “Charlie’s Big Weekend” Dasch was excited to get Charlie, the class teddy bear, for the weekend, but was afraid the kids would laugh when he told them about his weekend. His sister was going on mission. He thought about what she would do and he bravely shared. The kids clapped.

Friend February 2015 “Who is Your Hero?” Ellie is afraid to say in her school class that her hero is Jesus Christ, but another boy says it and his example helps her not to be afraid anymore to stand as a witness for Christ.
Setting an Example of Service
Friend December 2016 “Cookies, Cans, and Christmas” A mother got out of her car in the rain to help a homeless man pick up spilled cans in the road. It makes an impression on her kids.
Righteous Influences Change Lives
Friend February 2015 “How Can I be Good Example” Richard G. Scott’s’s parents didn’t go to church, but because of the influence of his grandmother, Richard was active in church. Later, his future wife influenced him to go on a mission.
Example of Living the Gospel
Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.
Friend March 2024 “A Good Example” When Elder Mathias Held Of the Seventy joined the church he was a businessman. His father worried because he wouldn’t be joining with others in drinking at business meetings. His co-workers were supportive, and pretty soon many of them stopped drinking as well.
Friend August 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy shares with her friend a time when she prayed about the Book of Mormon and felt it was true. She also shared that she is still praying and reading to help her faith grow stronger.
Friend March 2018 “Shine Your Light” Aaron lives the gospel by serving others at church, preparing for a mission, and being an example of prayer to family members. (Article includes photos.)
Friend October 2016 “What I Learned from Alex” Alex sets a good example of keeping the Sabbath Day holy.
Friend September 2016 “Pretty Much Brothers” Xander likes having Sevak from Armenia staying with his family. It’s like having an older brother, but Sevak doesn’t know the things Xander knows about Jesus and Heavenly Father so Xander helps him.

Example of Choosing the Right
Friend July 2022 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy’s friend steals some fruit and offers it to Mandy. Mandy said she can’t take it because she wouldn’t feel good about it. They decide to return the fruit.
Friend July 2018 “Show and Tell” After an indoor recess, everyone stuffed their games on the shelf. I try to be a good example, so I started to clean up the mess on the shelf. Soon everyone began doing the same.Winnie W., age 10, British Columbia, Canada
Friend Sept 2015 “A Courageous Choice” – Girl able to have courage to do what was right after remembering a story in the Friend magazine about a child choosing the right in the same type of situation.
Friend September 1986 “Apples and Things” A sister encourages her brother to be honest and repent of taking some apples.
Friend May 2016 Matt’s friend accidently damages his father’s car. Matt encourages his friend to choose the right and being honest.
Friend May 2016 “Birthday Surprise” A boy loves the attention on his birthday, but a gift of a framed picture of the temple changes his focus.

Example of a Good Attitude
Friend August 2016 “Brian Leads the Way” Brian has a “can do” attitude when his father needs help in the yard. He sets a good example for his older brothers.

Setting an Example of Praying
Friend January 2023 “Say a Prayer, Helamán” Helaman wants to say a prayer at lunch. His friends ask him what a prayer is and then ask him to say a prayer for all of them. All week they ask him to say a prayer at lunch, and then one of the other kids says he wants to say the prayer. The boy had also asked his parents if they could say prayers at meal times. He had learned how to say prayers by listening to Helaman. The other kids wanted to do it too.