Why Adversity
My Trials Can Help Me Become More Like Jesus Christ.
Doctrine and Covenants 98:1–3, 11–14; 101:16
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 98-101”
As children face challenges throughout their lives, they will need faith that the Savior can help them during their trials and that those trials can “work together for [their] good” (Doctrine and Covenants 98:3).
- Ask the children to help you make a list on the board of some challenges that a child their age may face. Tell the children about some of the challenges of the Saints living in Jackson County, Missouri, in 1833 (see chapters 34and 35 in Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 128–34). What advice would they give to a child experiencing these challenges? Ask the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 98:1–3, 11–14, looking for the guidance the Lord gave. How can they follow this counsel as they face challenges like the ones listed on the board?
Section 98 heading: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, August 6, 1833. This revelation came in consequence of the persecution upon the Saints in Missouri. Increased settlement of Church members in Missouri troubled some other settlers, who felt threatened by the Saints’ numbers, political and economic influence, and cultural and religious differences. In July 1833, a mob destroyed Church property, tarred and feathered two Church members, and demanded that the Saints leave Jackson County. Although some news of the problems in Missouri had no doubt reached the Prophet in Kirtland (nine hundred miles away), the seriousness of the situation could have been known to him at this date only by revelation.
Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Chapter 34: God Warns the People of Zion” Images and video

Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Chapter 35: The Saints Leave Jackson County” Images and video

- Invite the children to be as still and quiet as possible for a few minutes while looking at a picture of the Savior or listening to a song about Him. Then invite them to share what they felt and experienced during the stillness. Read Doctrine and Covenants 101:16. How does being still and thinking of Jesus help us? Help the children understand the connection between reverent stillness and our ability to feel the Spirit and think about Jesus.

Section 100 Heading Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at Perrysburg, New York, October 12, 1833. The two brethren, having been absent from their families for several days, felt some concern about them.
Just a few weeks after Joseph learned of the persecution in Missouri, a recent convert asked him to travel to Canada to share the gospel with his sons. Joseph agreed, although he worried about leaving his family, especially because of persecution and threats to his family and the Church. On their way to Canada, Joseph and his companion, Sidney Rigdon, prayed for comfort, and section 100 was the Lord’s answer to them. What do you find in the Lord’s response that may have reassured and helped them?
After reading these verses, you might discuss how blacksmiths must heat metal intensely to remove impurities and then shape it by hammering it over and over again (see the video “The Refiner’s Fire” on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). You might also learn together about how other things are purified, such as water or salt. Maybe you could purify or cleanse something as a family. Why do we want to become pure? What do these examples teach us about how our trials can help us become “a pure people”? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 98-101”)
Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 28: Zion’s Camp Marches to Missouri,” Link includes Zion’s Camp Story
Discuss with the children the tests they take in school.
- Why do teachers give tests? (To see if we are learning certain information or learning how to do certain things, and to help us know if we are learning.)
- What other tests do we have in life?
Explain that one of the reasons we are sent to earth is to have our faith in Jesus Christ tested. We are here to prove that we will live the way Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to live (see Abraham 3:24–25), despite the trials and difficulties we face. Sometimes we do not live the way Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to, but we can repent and change to doing what is right. Tell the children that in this lesson they are going to learn about Zion’s Camp, an experience that tested the faith of some of the early members of the Church.
- Bring a small piece of rough, slivery wood and a piece of sandpaper (or bring a sharp or jagged stone and a smooth one, and adjust the activity accordingly).
- What were some of the problems faced by the members of Zion’s Camp? (Answers may include illness, persecution by enemies, quarreling, bad tempers, spoiled food, unsafe water, and sore feet.)As the children name the problems, pass the rough wood around and let them feel it. Compare the rough, slivery wood to God’s children before they are tested with trials and problems.
- Would you want to use something (such as a spoon or pencil) made out of this piece of wood? Why not?
- What are some of the tests we face in life? Write the children’s answers on the chalkboard.
- How can we pass these tests?As you discuss the tests we face and how we can meet them, rub the wood with the sandpaper until at least a part of the wood is smooth. Compare this to the refining influence of facing our problems and overcoming them. As we overcome problems, our imperfections are “smoothed out” and we become better people and more useful to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.Pass the wood around again so the children can feel the difference between the rough part and the smooth part.
To Help Us Develop and Grow Stronger Spiritually

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 31: The Extermination Order,” Detailed story, lesson and activity ideas
Primary 5:Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 32: Joseph Smith is Jailed Unjustly” Detailed story, lesson and activity ideas
Tell or read the story. Show on the map where the various events occurred. You may want to have a child place a small marker on the map as you mention each place.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–9; 122:7–9
Primary 5:Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 32: Joseph Smith is Jailed Unjustly” Detailed story, lesson and activity ideas
Attention Activity
Display the bag labeled Adversity.
- What is adversity?
Label a paper bag Adversity and place inside it several objects that could each represent a type of adversity, such as a piece of money to suggest financial difficulties, an empty medicine bottle to suggest illness, a fork or spoon to suggest hunger, a schoolbook to suggest difficulties in school, or a picture or drawing of an angry face to suggest a friend who is angry or unkind.
Have each child take an object out of the bag and explain how the object could represent adversity, how a person might deal with that type of adversity, and where a person might go for help with that type of adversity. Make sure the children mention that they can turn to Heavenly Father for help in adversity. Tell the children that in this lesson they will learn about a terrible adversity that Joseph Smith and other Church leaders faced and how they were strengthened by this experience.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 121-123”
One way the Savior comforted Joseph Smith while he suffered in Liberty Jail was by teaching him that “all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good” (Doctrine and Covenants 122:7). This truth can bless the children when they face their own trials.
The Lord’s words to Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail provide an opportunity to help the children recognize that sometimes life is hard, but Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help us.
- Invite the children to listen for the word “peace” as you share with them “Chapter 46: Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 172–74) or Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–8. Help the children think of ways we can trust the Lord as Joseph did so that we can feel peace. Explain that even though Joseph experienced hard things, the Lord was with him.
- To help the children recognize that our trials “shall be for [our] good” (Doctrine and Covenants 122:7), talk to them about how our muscles grow when we carry something heavy. Let them pretend to lift a heavy object or do hard work. Explain that going through hard times can help our spirits grow—if we turn to the Lord for help. Share some examples that the children you teach would relate to. Invite them to repeat with you the phrase “All these things shall … be for [our] good.”
- Invite the children to share what they know about Joseph Smith’s experience in prison and the Saints being forced from Missouri (see chapters 45–47 of Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 167–75). Ask the children how they would feel if they were Joseph Smith or one of the Saints at this time. Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–9; 122:7–9, and invite them to find something the Lord said that would have brought them peace. How can our hard experiences “be for [our] good”?
Latter Day Kids “Our Trials Can Be For Our Good” Lesson Ideas
Friend October 2021 “Scripture Time Fun: Growing Stronger”
- Sing “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75).
- Hard times don’t last forever. Heavenly Father and Jesus can bless and help us (see Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–8).
- Take turns lifting something heavy. Talk about how lifting that load is like going through a hard time. How can trials make us stronger and help us grow? Now lift the object with someone else’s help. Remind everyone that Jesus Christ helps us carry our load.
Why is adversity for our good? Adversity can help us become more like Jesus Christ; It can help us to develop empathy, patience, kindness, humility, faith and trust in God, reliance on God, etc. Ask the children if they would like to share how an adversity they suffered was for their gain.
Family Home Evening Resource Book “Adversity”
- List everyday problems on wordstrips and place them in a bowl. Have each person draw one and identify blessings that could come from such adversity. (Sickness, for example, can increase our compassion for the sick and our appreciation for the blessing of good health.)
- Tell of a trial (either from your own life or from one of your ancestors) that has strengthened and blessed you.
- Ask each one to say how some difficult experience he has had has been helpful to him—what he has learned from it, or how he has been blessed from it.
- Encourage family members to recognize trials as challenges. Remind them to seek the Lord’s help in overcoming them.
The Refiner’s Fire
Job seeks the Lord and asserts his own righteousness—He says, When the Lord has tried me, I will come forth as gold.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022
What does it mean to “come forth” from our trials “as gold”? (see also the video “The Refiner’s Fire,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Who do we know who has done this? Children might enjoy making something with the words from verse 10 written on it. You might also discuss how Jesus Christ overcame His trials (see Luke 22:41–44; Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19).
Latter Day Kids “Job-Trials Can Lift Us Higher” Lesson Ideas
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Becoming Better, Not Bitter” Lesson ideas
- Read together Isaiah 48:10, and talk about what a furnace is and different ways it is used. Explain that metals are purified in a furnace. Why is a furnace a good way to describe affliction? How can our afflictions purify us? (see Alma 62:41).
Develop Empathy
Friend December 2019 “Martin’s Favorite Toys” Martin was not happy about having to move, but eventually he got used to his new home. One Sunday, he noticed a lot of new people at church. He found out that they were refugees. He wanted to help them, but he didn’t want to give them any of his toys because he brought them from his old house. Then he realized that many of the children had to leave everything behind. He remembered how hard it was for him to move, but at least he got to bring his things with him. He then wanted to give them his favorite toys to help them be happier.
Friend September 2021 “A Special Lunch” When Baylor started 3rd grade he had a hard time making friends. So when two new boys arrive at school, he does his best to make them feel welcome and help them. He also had two coupons for lunch with a friend and the teacher, and he invited the two new boys.
Friend December 2023 “Playground Prayer” Davi’s family had just moved from Brazil to England and he couldn’t understand the language. He was lonely and missed his friends. He went into a playhouse and said a prayer. Heavenly Father was always his friend. He practiced really hard to learn English and every time he was sad, he said a prayer and he felt peace and strength to keep trying. Soon he was able to understand better and make friends. One day he saw a new kid from a different country sitting on the swing looking sad. He understood what he was going through and ran over and invited him to play soccer.

Friend June 2020 “Eli’s Helping Hand” Eli was sad when he missed a ball and his soccer team lost the game. At church he noticed that his friend Kate was feeling sad too because her body hurt from sitting in a wheelchair. He knew what feeling sad felt like and he wanted to help her. He rocked her wheelchair to help her feel better. Afterwards, he realized that helping Kate made him feel better too.

Develop Humility
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 53-63” Here’s an object lesson that can help your family understand that we can choose to be either “hardened” or “softened” by our trials: Place a raw potato and a raw egg in a pot of boiling water. The potato and the egg represent us, and the water represents the trials we face. As the potato and egg boil, you could talk about some of the trials your family faces. What are some different ways to react to trials like these? According to Alma 62:41, how do our reactions to trials affect us? After the potato and egg are fully cooked, cut open the potato and crack open the egg to show that the same “trial” softened the potato and hardened the egg. What can our family do to be sure that our trials humble us and bring us closer to God?
To Help Faith Grow
Friend August 2021 “Peace through Priesthood Power” When Elder Steven R. Bangerter was a child, he had gamma globulin anemia which made it hard for his body to fight off germs, so he got sick a lot. One night he had an earache so bad that he thought his head would explode. He father gave him a blessing and he was able to sleep through the night and feel better the next day. The next few year his father continued to give him priesthood blessings. He taught him that those blessings were opportunities for Heavenly Father to speak to him. His sickness became a way for Heavenly Father to help his faith to grow.

Friend November 2023 “Jesus Christ Healed a Man”

Show the children a plant with thorns (or a picture of one). Help them imagine what it would feel like to have a thorn stuck in their skin for a long time. Summarize 2 Corinthians 12:7–10 for the children, explaining that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a trial, something difficult in his life. Even though Paul asked God to remove the trial, God did not. Instead, God taught Paul that challenges can help us learn to be humble and trust Him. Then God can make us strong. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )
Testify that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and He will give us what we need, even if it is different from what we think we need. You might also share an experience when your prayers were answered in a way or at a time that was different from what you expected. A story like “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5) or “Please Bless Ace” (Friend, Nov. 2019, 32–33) can also help. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )
Friend September 2019 “The Diabetes Dilemma” Joe prayed that his sister didn’t have diabetes. When they found out she did have diabetes, he was devastated. He didn’t understand why Heavenly Father didn’t answer his prayer. His mom explained that answers to prayers don’t always happen the way we want. Sometimes, instead of taking something hard away, He answers by giving us peace and helping us be strong. Joe then realizes that Heavenly Father was blessing his sister and family with peace.
Friend November 2019 “Please Bless Ace” Zach’s dog, Ace, has to have surgery and Zach is worried about him. Zach prays that Ace will live. After his pray, Zach felt the worried feeling leave. He remembered that peace throughout the day. When he got home, he found out that his dog was okay. The family gave Ace extra care that week. Then Ace got sick again and he died. Zach had wanted Ace to live, but he was glad he had been given extra time to spend with him and show Ace how much he loved him.

Sing with the children a song about Heavenly Father’s love, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Ask the children what they would say to someone who wonders whether Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Sing the song again, and point out lines that describe how Heavenly Father feels about us. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )
Invite the children to compare 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 and Ether 12:27. What words or phrases are repeated? What are these verses teaching? (You may need to explain that Paul was comparing his challenge to a thorn in his skin.) What did God teach Paul about trials? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )

Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles commented that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was “some unnamed physical infirmity, apparently a grievous one from which the Apostle suffered either continuously or recurringly” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols.
Invite the children to list some trials people have in life. Help them consider how someone might learn from these trials and be blessed by them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )
The Cozy Red Cottage 2 Corinthians 12:7–10 “Explain that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a trial, such as a physical weakness. Even though Paul asked God to remove the trial, God did not. Instead, God taught Paul that challenges can help us learn to be humble and trust Him. Then God can make us strong.” (primary Manual)
Use the “blessing and thorn” page to discuss some of the trials people may experience. Write their ideas by the thorns. Then discuss some of the blessing that come from trials and write their ideas on the petals. (Ideas for trials might include: friendship difficulties, school difficulties, health issues, family difficulties, etc.) (Ideas for blessings might include: adversity can help us become more like Jesus Christ; It can help us to develop empathy, patience, kindness, humility, faith and trust in God, reliance on God, etc.)
Read with the children “The Diabetes Dilemma” (Friend, Sept. 2019, 4–5). Ask the children to share experiences when they prayed for something and did not receive it. Ask them to share what they learned from their experiences. You might have your own experiences to share as well. Bear your testimony that Heavenly Father always answers our prayers in the way and at the time that will bless us the most.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “2 Corinthians 8-13” )
Friend September 2019 “The Diabetes Dilemma” Joe prayed that his sister didn’t have diabetes. When they found out she did have diabetes, he was devastated. He didn’t understand why Heavenly Father didn’t answer his prayer. His mom explained that answers to prayers don’t always happen the way we want. Sometimes, instead of taking something hard away, He answers by giving us peace and helping us be strong. Joe then realizes that Heavenly Father was blessing his sister and family with peace.
Friend November 2019 “Please Bless Ace” Zach’s dog, Ace, has to have surgery and Zach is worried about him. Zach prays that Ace will live. After his pray, Zach felt the worried feeling leave. He remembered that peace throughout the day. When he got home, he found out that his dog was okay. The family gave Ace extra care that week. Then Ace got sick again and he died. Zach had wanted Ace to live, but he was glad he had been given extra time to spend with him and show Ace how much he loved him.

Paul asked God to remove his weakness, but God knew that Paul’s weakness would humble him and God could make him strong.
Liahona September 2019 “Family Study Fun: Muscleman Challenge”
Paul wrote of “a thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7) to describe challenges and personal weaknesses. These challenges can weigh us down. With the Savior’s grace, however, we can find strength.
- Gather some heavy objects (personal challenges).
- Give each family member one or more heavy objects to carry.
- Make these “challenges” even more challenging by completing tasks while holding them (for example, making a sandwich, folding clothes, dancing).
- Try the same activity again, but this time ask someone to help you with the heavy objects.
Discussion: What was difficult about carrying the objects alone? How does Christ lighten our burden? What are some trials or challenges that we’ve experienced as a family? When have we been strengthened by the Savior’s grace? (see Ether 12:27).
Life is a Test
Friend November 2020 “Conference Notes” President Eyring told a story about when he was a boy. He was pulling weeds in the garden. “This is too hard!” he said. His mom smiled. She told him it was supposed to be hard because life is a test. He learned that doing hard things is part of Heavenly Father’s plan.
Friend November 2023 “The Tryouts” Jared was excited to try out for the regional basketball team. Only a few players get invited to try out for it. But when he found out it was on Sunday his excitement faded. But he knew God was more important than basketball. He said a prayer and afterwards felt a comforting feeling that everything would be okay. Two days later he got an email saying tryouts would be on Saturday instead. He prepared very hard for the tryout and did his best but wasn’t selected. Then, a comforting thought came to him. “Things won’t always work out how I want,” he said. “But Jesus Christ knows exactly how I feel. He’s on my side.”

The Cozy Red Cottage The manual states, “Perhaps your family could contrast Nephi’s account of traveling in the wilderness (see 1 Nephi 17:1-6) with his brothers’ account (1 Nephi 17:17-22). Why do you think they saw the same events differently? What can we learn from Nephi about having a faithful perspective?”
Friend February 2020 “Coloring Page: Nephi Trusted God”
To Help Us Grow Wiser
Friend April 2023 “The Allergy Lesson” Elder Hans T. Boom Of the Seventy had terrible allergies that made it hard for him to breath when he was a child. He had to mostly stay inside and couldn’t do many things that he wanted to like playing soccer. No medicine helped. He didn’t get better until he was an adult, but he learned many important things during this difficult time.
Friend February 2015 “Happy Alone, Happy Together” Ideas on what to do when you want to be alone or when you are lonely.
Friend April 2021 I was feeling lonely at recess, so I asked someone if they would play with me. We started playing with chalk, and more people came, and it was so much fun! If you feel lonely, you can ask someone to play with you! (includes photo)
Friend June 2017 “Running with Dad” TJ is sad and lonely after moving, but he feels better after he and his dad set a goal and start preparing to run a marathon.

Friend October 2019 “The Phone Call” Mackenzie is lonely after her best friend moves. She prays for help, and Heavenly Father blesses her with a new best friend.
Friend December 2017 “Signs of Friendship” Conner has autism and has a hard time finding friends. His mother suggests he pray about it. A boy that is deaf moves into the neighborhood. Conner realizes the boy must be lonely too, so Conner learns some sign language and goes and introduces himself.

No Friends at School
Friend February 2023 “Lost and Found Friends” Leah didn’t know anyone in her new class. She hoped she could make a friend. A girl named Anna sat next to and asked if Leah wanted to be friends. They were good friends through the year and played together every day. Then Anna started acting strange and not talking to her. When asked why, Anna said her new friend said Leah was weird and she didn’t think they could hang out anymore. Leah was hurt, but soon school ended and she was busy with lots of activities hanging out with her best friend. School was about to start and Leah was worried about not having a friend. She kept praying for help. Then on the first day of school she found that her best friend was in her class. Heavenly Father had helped her.

Can’t Speak the Language at School
Friend December 2023 “Playground Prayer” Davi’s family had just moved from Brazil to England and he couldn’t understand the language. He was lonely and missed his friends. He went into a playhouse and said a prayer. Heavenly Father was always his friend. He practiced really hard to learn English and every time he was sad, he said a prayer and he felt peace and strength to keep trying. Soon he was able to understand better and make friends. One day he saw a new kid from a different country sitting on the swing looking sad. He understood what he was going through and ran over and invited him to play soccer.

Friend August 2021 “Dear Friends” I was scared I wouldn’t make new friends when we moved to South Korea. When I was reading the Friend, I saw Matt holding the South Korean flag in the “Find It!” activity (April 2020). Matt said, “Wherever you go in the world, Primary is the same.” I felt Heavenly Father was telling me that Matt was right and that I can go to Primary in South Korea and make friends! Alice W., age 10
Friend August 2019 “The Hard Move” Liesl was sad when she found out she was moving because it was her first move and she would miss her friends. Her friends encouraged her, and she tried to believe that she could do it and that God had a plan for her. When she got to her new home she quickly made friends and loved the new house, school, and city. She was grateful Heavenly Father had a plan for her.
Friend March 2019 “Who Will Come to My Party” Enzo is excited to plan his future party and inviting his friends until he remembers that he will live in a new place when it happens. He worries about making new friends, so he prays for help to find friends. During his prayer he remembers that he already has a great friend there because his uncle lives there. Heavenly Father answered his prayer.
Friend March 2016 “Trading Mountains for Trees” A family moves from Utah to Georgia and prays for comfort and help.
Friend May 2021 “I Can Do Hard Things”
Family Issues
For the Strength of Youth “Hard Times in Your Family?”

Friend April 2021 “Show and Tell”
I watched my parents divorce, so I prayed and Heavenly Father filled my mind with warm thoughts. Aika C., age 7 (Includes a drawing of her parents fighting and her praying)
Friend May 2021 “Charlotte’s Family” In Primary, Charlotte didn’t want to hear the song “Families are Forever” so she sat in the hall. Her parents were getting a divorce and it made her feel sick. Sister Henry came and talked to her about what made her feel better when her parents got a divorce, such as remembering that her parents loved her and also thinking about her perfect family in heaven. Charlotte decided to think about her heavenly family when they sang the song “Families are Forever.”

Family Illness
Friend September 2016 “A special Big Brother” Daniel is upset that he doesn’t get to go to the park like the other boys due to his sister’s health issues.
Family Member in Prison
Friend March 2021 “The Best Pen Pal Ever” Jane’s mother had been in prison for a year and still had three more years to serve. Because of the long drive to go see her, Jane’s mother suggested they become pen pals. But Jane was too sad to write because she just wanted her mother home. Her father suggested that she think of things she was grateful for. After saying a prayer she was able to think of lots things she was grateful for to write her mom about.

Body Issues
Being Small
Friend August 2016 “Crickets Big Moment” Cricket is upset that she has to perform cheerleading with a younger group because she is small, but she perseveres and is acknowledged for her sacrifice and help.
Learning Issues
Friend March 2018 “The Write Choice” Justina had a hard time with reading and writing in school, but her teacher told her, “You can’t always choose what you’re good at. But you can always choose how hard you try.” Justina started putting more effort into trying, and reading and writing became easier and easier. Eventually she became good enough to become a writer.
School Issues
Middle School
Friend September 2023 “An Unexpected Solution” Derek was now in middle school. The school was much bigger, with lots more students, and the classes were harder. But what worried Derek most of all was the other kids. Some of them seemed so mean! He didn’t want anyone to get mad at him, so he kept his eyes down in the halls. His dad suggested that he try smiling at whoever he sees because it’s pretty hard to get mad about a smile. Derek tried it on a older, bigger student and the other boy’s face brightened a little bit. Derek smiled at more people on his way to class. Almost all of them smiled back! Derek thought that middle school might not be so scary after all. Maybe his smile could help someone else feel better too.

Mental Health Issues
Sadness & Depression
Also see story “A Butterfly for Courtney” Friend September 2016
Social Anxiety
Friend July 2023 “Courage from the Holy Ghost” Mathias had extreme social anxiety and could only talk to close family members. He was seeing a counselor but didn’t seem to be getting any better. When he turned 8 he was baptized and received the Holy Ghost. He knew the Holy Ghost would comfort him and give him courage. I decided to try to speak to his friend, Charlie. He tried all week, but couldn’t. Then one day when they were alone in the school garden, Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost helped him say hi to his friend. After that day, it was easier to complete more goals. Soon he was talking to pretty much everyone!
Anxiety, Stress, & Worry
Friend January 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Ways to de-stress. Also includes a stress meter.
Friend September 2023 “Why Do I Feel Anxious?”
Friend January 2019 “Friends by Mail”
Every night, I read the Friend before sleeping. Whenever I read it, I feel happy and my worries go away. It has helped me when I have worries. Thank you for the Friend! Jehee C., age 11, Alberta, Canada
Friend May 2017 “Worried or Afraid? Here’s Help” Ideas to help with anxiety.
Friend September 2024 “The Worry Box” Olivia felt worried a lot. Sometimes she felt so worried that it was hard to sleep or have fun with her friends. On Olivia’s first day of therapy. Her mom explained that Heavenly Father gives us doctors to help us. The doctor gave her a worry box to try. It was a place she could put all her written worries in. Then she could pick a time to open the box every day for worry time. That way she wouldn’t have to think about the worries until that time. Olivia felt peaceful. She was grateful Heavenly Father had given her lots of things to help her feel better.

Friend February 2020 “Anxious but All Right” Lincoln was glad to get into the car after school. His day had been filled with anxious feelings. His mother helped him figure out some things he could do to feel better now and in the future if it happened again.
Friend May 2017 “Ella’s Worries” Ella is anxious and worries about many things. She prays for help and then talks to her dad. She learns her mom has anxiety too and gets help for it. (Ideas for helping anxiety)

Natural Disasters
Friend May 2022 “Tom and the Terrible Flu” Tom helped take are of his dad and other villagers when the Spanish Flu hit. He gave them coconut milk, made chicken soup for them, and got them water. It was scary seeing so many people sick and dying, but he had faith that God would help them.

Friend April 2021 “Hi, Friends” I drew rainbows of hope for my neighbors during COVID-19. I was happy I helped, like Jesus would! Willow Age 5 (Photo)
Friend May 2020 “Learning and Serving at Home” Ways children around the world have been coping with the COVID-19 pandemic by learning, serving others, and fasting and praying .
Friend August 2020 “For Older Kids” During COVID-19, I thought, “How’s the Church going to keep bringing us closer to God?” Then I realized I have more time with my family and to read scriptures. Then over time I was brought closer to Heavenly Father. I know that spending more time with my family and reading the scriptures brought the Spirit to my home. Mason L., age 10,
Friend November 2020 “We are Moving Forward” The work of the Lord is steadily moving forward regardless of a global pandemic, wildfires, and other natural disasters that have turned our world upside down. Through it all, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love us! They and Their holy angels are watching over us.
Friend April 2021 “Show and Tell” The coronavirus made me feel sad. I drew a picture of everyone fasting and praying around the world, and it made me happy. Scotty J., age 7 (link includes the picture Scotty drew of people joining hands around the world and angels looking down from heaven.)
Friend October 2020 “Doorstep Surprise” Taylor is lonely and is missing here friends because she can’t see them during the pandemic. She decides to drop cookies off at their doorstep so they will know she is thinking about them.
Friend October 2020 “A Package of Love” Tom worries that his grandparents might get Covid. He and his mom go and get face masks and hand sanitizer for them .Tom was still worried about his grandparents, but doing something to help made him feel a little better.
Friend May 2020 “For Older Kids” Staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic helped Penny get creative and gain a testimony.
Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.

Storms and Tornados
Friend April 2019 “Matt and Mandy” A big storm makes the power go out and is very scary. They pray for protection. A tree falls on their garage but nobody is hurt.
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Friend August 2021 “Tornado Scare” When Josiah heard about the tornado, he was scared. He was afraid a tornado would blow his house away. His parents noticed. He wondered why Heavenly Father didn’t help the people’s who houses were destroyed. His parents told him that Heavenly Father was helping them. They said, “Sometimes He sends little miracles, or helps people feel comfort, or inspires other people to help out.” Josiah and his family decide to help Heavenly Father help the people whose homes were damages by the tornado. They also prayed for the people.
Friend April 2020 “Building Again” After experiencing a terrifying fire where Sam’s house burnt down along with most of the town, Sam didn’t know if anything would be okay again. One day at learning center, Sam built a temple out of blocks of wood. His mother said it could be the first decoration in their new house because, “The temple is a place of peace. It can remind us that no matter what happens, we’ll be OK.”
Friend September 2018 “A Voice of Peace” (Part One) Grace Vlam was a nine-year-old girl living in Holland in 1940, during World War II. Nazi Germany had just begun attacking Holland. When Holland was taken over by the Nazis, Grace’s Father was taken prisoner. Grace was comforted by the Holy Ghost .

Friend October 2018 “An Answered Prayer” (Part Two) One day a Nazi came to the door. He took their radio and told them that they would have to leave because the Nazis were going to take over their house. Grace’s mother prayed for help and the Nazi’s never came back to take their house.
Friend November 2018 “Hope in Holland” (Part Three) People in Holland were starving and cold because the Nazis took everything, but the war eventually ended and Grace’s father came home from the prison camp. Church leaders sent supplies to help the people, but the Germany people were now starving. The Holland saints forgave and shared some of their supplies with them.

Friend June 2021 “Ombeni’s New Home” Ombeni’s family were refugees in the U.S. School was hard because he didn’t know the language and didn’t have any friends. His mother suggested he try to find someone to serve. He found a girl sitting alone at lunch and sat by her and smiled. She smiled back. It made him feel happy that he could help someone.

Friend March 2019 “Bright Ideas” Remember you are a child of Heavenly Parents and they love you.
Friend November 2020 “Help Passing the Sacrament” Brayden was almost old enough to pass the sacrament, but he didn’t know how he was going to do it because he used a walker to help him walk. But then the other deacons volunteered to take turns pushing him in his transport chair so he could carry a tray. He was glad to be part of such a great deacons quorum!

Friend October 2019 “I Don’t Want to Be Different” Mika loved going to dance class. When the dancers all moved together she felt like she wasn’t the only one with Down Syndrome. But one day, when she asked for help with a new dance step, some girls said she talked funny. Mika wished she wasn’t different than other people. Her mother suggested that she pray and ask Heavenly Father how he feels about her. She got a loud answer that He loves her just the way she is, so she stopped worrying about what the other girls thought and started focusing on helping others who looked sad.
Friend September 2022 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child asks, “Sometimes kids at school say mean things. How can I make them stop?”
Response: You can’t make anyone do anything. But when you speak kindly, others might follow your example. Words are powerful. Especially when you use your words for good. Mean words can be hurtful, but kind words can be helpful, healing, and inspiring.
Friend August 2024 “Fight Bullying with Love” When Matilda moved to a different country she was bullied for looking different than the other kids. Her mom taught her to respond to bullying with love. So now she talks to the person who is saying bad things and tries to stop the situation by explaining how it feels to hear bad things about themselves for being different. (Picture and story at link.)
Friend August 2024 “5 Ways to Stand Up to Bullies”
Friend October 2016 “Family Night Fun” Acting out situations where a bully might dare you to do something. Also includes discussion and refreshment ideas.
Friend January 2018 “Forgiving Demi” Mae is made fun of by a girl because of how tall she is. In tears, Mae says a prayer and she feels Heavenly Father’s love. She is also remembers that the bully is a child of God too.

Friend August 2017 “Enough is Enough” A girl learns that trying to be mean and hurt the bully back doesn’t help. It just makes her feel worse.

Friend July 2017 “Standing Up with Kindness” A boy who moves to England is bullied because of his accent. He helps the kids learn more about the difficulties of being an immigrant by presenting a slideshow. (Link includes real life pictures of the boy.)
Friend April 2015 “Flowers and Friends” A girl in Jenny’s class keeps demanding Jenny’s flowers that other classmates can only take if Jenny is talking. Jenny prays about it and tries to be a friend to the girl.

Friend June 1984 “The Trial of Billy Fisher” – A bully threatens a boy to try and get him to share answers to a test.
Friend September 2016 “Which Path to Choose” Abbey is harassed and made fun of by Hannah, but Abbey doesn’t say mean things back because she was taught to treat others like you want to be treated.
Friend March 1988 “Grandma Fenton Says” A bully gives Olivia and Jeremy a hard time. Olivia finds a way to point out the good.
Friend October 2016 “Turning Down the Dare” Tyler struggles with the persecutions of a bully.Tyler helps some kids at recess when the bully persecutes them. The bully wants to fight him but Tyler makes the good choice not to.
Friend August 2024 “The Kindness Test” Melanie kept being made fun of by a boy at school, so she asked her sister what to do when someone is being mean to you. Her sister suggested doing something nice for him. A few days later, she shared a treat with him and she found out he was funny and fun to be with when he wasn’t teasing her. Now he was her friend.

Friend May 2023 “Rosi’s Prayer” Rosi was teased and made fun of at school because of her skin color. She prays for help. It felt good to tell Heavenly Father about her feelings. She felt warm and loved. She felt that her skin color was beautiful. She was a child of God, and He loved her. After her prayer she had an idea. She and her mom talked to the people in charge of the school about what was happening in her classroom. Rosi also looked out for other kids at school who were being bullied and became friends with them.

Religious Beliefs Persecution
Friend January 2018 “An Answer For Lucia” Lucia is made fun of in school for her different beliefs. Her teacher even mocked her for her different beliefs about the Godhead. She asked the missionaries about it. The missionaries use scriptures to show that the Godhead are individuals but one in purpose, and the Holy Ghost confirmed that what the missionaries were saying was true.
Health Issues
Fiend August 2021 “Comfort from the Friend“ Katie broke her arm and found out she has a cyst in the bone that needed surgery. She was scared and prayed for help. Then she read a story in the Friend Magazine that brought her comfort and peace. She was grateful for Heavenly Father’s help.

Friend July 2024 “I Am Loved” Daryn was born differently, without any way to use the bathroom. She has had three major surgeries and a few small ones. Sometimes she wonders why she is like this, but thinking about God and His plan of salvation helps her remember that she is just as loved as everyone else. And even though she struggles, she knows she can always ask God for help.
Friend December 2019 “Brave Like Joseph” Isabel got bumps all over her arms and legs that lasted months. The medicine made blisters and the blisters got infected. She had to go to the hospital, but she was afraid. Here mom told her about Joseph Smith’s bone surgery on his leg when he was her age. He was scared too, but he knew Heavenly Father would help him. Isabel thought that if Joseph could do that surgery, she could go to the hospital.

Friend October 2018 “The Talent Team”
“When I was one, I was diagnosed with idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis, which makes my joints hurt. I’ve gotten many blessings, and they all helped me. There has been a lot of pain, but I’ve stayed strong. I’ve done gymnastics, dance, rock climbing, and yoga. I know this trial has brought me closer to God as I trust Him and pray to Him.” (Ivy L., age 10)
Friend October 2018 “Nick’s New Look” It hurts Nick’s feelings when classmates make fun of his bald spots. Nick suffers from the condition alopecia which makes his hair fall out. He and his parents pray and fast about what to do. He decides to shave his hair off. He also remembers that his friends, family, and Heavenly Father love him no matter what he looks like.

Friend November 2016 “Never Give Up” True story about a boy who fell from a horse and had brain damage. He had to relearn to do everything, but he never gave up. (Pictures included)

Friend March 2017 “Painting Love” Lucy has a condition where her muscles don’t work well together, so she has a hard time talking and swallowing. She painted a picture about what would make the world a better place.
Friend October 2015 “Dreams and Dolphins” Girl with one leg that doesn’t grow as fast as the other. She has to endure many surgeries, but she never gives up.
Friend March 2016 “Holding onto Hope” A girl with leukemia looks for the good in life.
Friend January 1987 “Impossible Baptism” Brady has faith to be baptized even though it could be life threatening due to his condition.
Death of Loved One
Friend May 2016 Ideas on how to help family member who is grieving the loss of a loved one
Friend November 2019 “What’s on Your Mind? A child wrote this to the Friend: “Someone I love died, and I miss them a lot. How can I stop hurting so much?” The Friend responds with some comforting advice about feeling grief. Article also includes an activity where scriptures are looked up and matched with the truth they teach.
Friend December 2020 “A Christmas Song for Grandpa” Jennifer’s grandfather passed away on the day she is supposed to sing a solo at the Christmas community program. She is heartbroken but remembers that because of Jesus she will see her grandfather again. She decides to sing about Jesus at the program so she can share the light and hope Jesus gives.

Friend March 2024 “More Time with Max” Ashlyn was overcome with grief when she thought she had lost her beloved dog Max while camping. She poured out her heart in prayer and was so happy when he showed up in the morning. Three years later she was losing him again to an injury, but the Holy Ghost comforted her and reminded her that she got more time with him.
Friend January 2017 Will Heavenly Father Answer My Prayers” When Elder Oaks was seven his father died. Dallin’s mother had faith and trusted in the Lord’s will.
Friend August 2021 “Still Hearing Dad’s Song” Leah was upset when her friend said Leah’s dad couldn’t go to heaven because he committed suicide. Leah’s mom explained to Leah that her dad’s brain had been sick when he died, but he had been a very good man. She also explained that Heavenly Father knows and understands all things and loves him. Leah and her mom said a prayer together and Leah asked to know that her father was okay. She felt better after the prayer.
(Article also includes information about what suicide is and how to deal with it.)