No Room at the Inn
Friend December 2017 “Matt and Mandy” As Matt and Mandy’s family read about no room at the inn, Matt and Mandy learn that Jesus still waits for people to let him in.
Friend December 2017 “No Room In the Inn” Eliza and her family understand a little about what Mary and Joseph went through in Bethlehem when they can’t find a place to spend the night.
For the Strength of Youth December 2022 “Don’t Wait! Be Like the Shepherds” After hearing about the Savior being born, the Shepherds didn’t wait. They went with haste to Bethlehem. We can do the same when coming to Jesus.

Symbols of Christmas
Friend December 2022 “The Symbols of Christmas”
Friend December 1985 “The Answer Tree” A grandma put answers to her grandchild’s questions about Jesus onto tree ornaments. (activity idea)

Friend December 1987 “Christmas Stars” Jody wants to be like the Christmas star and lead people to Jesus by being a good example.
Friend December 2022 “The Nativity Star” Cayden’s family has a tradition of acting out the story of Jesus’s birth. Cayden wants to be the star that led the wisemen to Bethlehem because he wants to help people find Jesus like the star did.

Friend December 2021 “The First Christmas Gift” An 11 year old’s father told her about the very first Christmas gift. It was when Heavenly Father gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. Heavenly Father knew that His Son would suffer on earth, but He still gave Jesus to the world. And Jesus willingly gave Himself so that we could have eternal life.

Friend December 2024 “The Best Gift of All” Jessica and her family were attending a different ward because there had been a fire at their house. She was nervous because she didn’t know anyone, but a girl invited her to sit by her. In Primary she learned that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. All her Christmas gifts had been ruined in the fire, but he knew Jesus would never go away. The Primary teacher gave each child a gift of a carving of baby Jesus, but she didn’t have enough because she didn’t know Jessica would be there. Jessica’s new friend gave her gift to Jessica.

Friend December 2019 “The Christmas Coins” Three people from the neighborhood were singing songs and collecting money to help sick children at the hospital. Janelle’s mother didn’t have any money, so Janelle gave all her coins to the singers. Afterwards she realized she had given away the money she was saving to buy her mom a gift. Janelle’s mom said she gave her the best gift by doing what Jesus would do, helping someone who needed help.

Friend December 2016 “You can’t Wrap a Horse” A family talks about gifts–gifts that can’t be wrapped like service and the gift of our Savior from Heavenly Father.

Jesus is Reason for Season
Friend December 2018 “Waiting for Christmas” Jacob was wiggly because he was excited for Christmas. Then, on Christmas Eve, his family had a Christmas program about Jesus, and he felt peaceful and remembered what Christmas was all about.
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Friend December 2015 “Finding Jesus at Christmas” Luke learns that drawing closer to Jesus is true happiness. Activity Idea also.
Jesus is the Light of the World
Friend December 2020 “Matt and Mandy” After seeing the lights at temple square, they almost fall into a hole in the dark. The talk about how lights keep us safe and how Jesus is the light of the world.
Friend December 2018 “Christmas by Candlelight” Ellie and her siblings are not happy when the power goes off on Christmas, but it helps them remember the reason Christmas is important when they use that time to read the story of Jesus’ birth together. (Friend December 2018 “Family Night Fun” Make a cup lantern by making holes all around it and then putting a glow stick or battery candle inside. Use for example of Jesus being a light to the world.)

Gratitude for Jesus
Friend December 2020 “A Christmas Song for Grandpa” Jennifer’s grandfather passed away on the day she is supposed to sing a solo at the Christmas community program. She is heartbroken but remembers that because of Jesus she will see her grandfather again. She decides to sing about Jesus at the program so she can share the light and hope Jesus gives.

Friend December 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Paulo had a hard day, but after looking at Christmas displays and seeing the baby Jesus in one of them, he feels much better. (Jesus is the Prince of Peace.)
Christmas Priorities
Friend December 2015 ” Making Room for Christmas” A family decides which Christmas activities are most important.
Christmas Nativity
Friend December 2019 “Searching for Baby Jesus” Lizzy and her brother are upset when their baby Jesus from their Nativity set is lost. Their mom tells them that the Nativity set is just a model. The real Jesus lives and is always with them and loves them.

Acting Out the Nativity
Friend December 2022 “The Nativity Star” Cayden’s family has a tradition of acting out the story of Jesus’s birth. Cayden wants to be the star that led the wisemen to Bethlehem because he wants to help people find Jesus like the star did.

Christmas Programs
Friend December 2024 “Brave Enough” Terry and Hailey were in a special play for their ward Christmas party. He needed to practice with the other kids but was afraid because he didn’t know some of them. At family prayer he asked them to pray for him to have courage to go to play practice. When he went to the practice, he was nervous to sit by kids he didn’t know, but he found out that they were fun. Terry hardly felt nervous anymore. He knew Heavenly Father had helped him.
Christmas Gift for Jesus
Friend December 2024 “Bjorn Wants to Be an Angel” At FHE, after a move to a new country, Bjorn’s parents taught about giving gifts to Jesus by serving others. The next day they found a gift at their door. His mother said it was an angel, and his father explained that sometimes we call people angels when they do kind things for us. Bjorn wanted to be an angel too, and that would be his Christmas gift to Jesus. He secretly shined Papi’s shoes while he was at work and drew a heart for Mami. Then he wrapped one of his favorite toy cars for his brother. He got bubble gum for his sister. Bjorn felt happy inside. He knew that showing love to his family was the perfect present to give Jesus!

Friend December 2021 “A Gift for Jesus” Amy’s family write down kind things they do in during December and then put them in a gift box for Jesus. They open the box and read them on Christmas day.

Friend December 2023 “The White Stocking” Chakell’s favorite family tradition was the white stocking. Each family member would write things they promised to do for Jesus that year. They then put them in the stocking and read them the following year. Chakell previous year’s promise was to help more at home, and she felt she did a pretty good job of it. Chakell watched her older brother write something and put it in the stocking. She wasn’t too happy with him because he had constantly teased her the previous year. She didn’t think he would ever do anything to be more like Jesus. Later that night, she was curious about what he wrote, so she read his note. It said he wanted to be kinder to Chakell that year. Her Mom had always said that having faith in Jesus Christ could help anyone change and become more like Him. Maybe she was right. Chakell gave her brother a big hug the following morning and he hugged her back.

Friend December 1986 “A Christmas Gift For Jesus” A boy wants to get Jesus a gift, but he uses all his money to help others and learns that is the best gift.

Thinking of Others at Christmas
For the Strength of Youth December 2023 Helping others helps bring the spirit of Christmas

Friend December 2020 “I Can Give a Little Too” Trent heard about some families that needed help for Christmas. Trent wanted to help them so he decorated a box, and he and his family members and friends put coins in the box. Soon the box was full and they were able to help four families.

Friend December 2020 “A Christmas Surprise” When their water heater burst and flooded their house ruining their Christmas presents, Christmas seemed to be lost for Anna’s family because they didn’t have money to replace the gifts. Anna prayed for help and got a wonderful idea to make Christmas coupon books for everyone.
Friend December 2017 “The Christmas List Surprise” Samantha makes a fancy Christmas list, but she learns to think of others when she sees her brother’s list.

Friend December 2017 “A Sister’s Gift” Emilie’s Family has no money for Christmas gifts. Emilie knows that that will be hard on her little sister, so she wraps up and gives her precious doll to her sister, and her heart is filled with warmth and love that Christmas .
Friend December 1980 -“Fish for Three” – A boy buys a Christmas feast for his family instead of something for himself.
Friend December 1980 – “Christmas Horse” – Girl spends her savings on Christmas for her family. She learns to think of others.
Friend December 1985 – “A Sharing Christmas” Rebus Story – Sue learns Christmas is much better when it is shared.
Friend December 1986 “Mommy’s Christmas” Justin helps his busy mom get ready for Christmas as a surprise.
Friend December 2015 A family who has very little gives to another family who has even less.
The Giving Machine
For the Strength of Youth December 2024 “The Giving Machines”
Family at Christmas
Friend Dec 2014 “Matt and Mandy” All the Coopers are sick on the morning of Christmas except Matt. Christmas is no fun without his family.
Company for Christmas
Friend December 2020 “A Neighbor Nativity” Every year at Christmastime, Rose and her family acted out the Nativity. They always invited people to come over and join them. This time they had invited their neighbors and the missionaries! She loved having everyone there celebrating Jesus.
Friend December 2017 “The Christmas Eve Guest” Shannon thinks it will be uncomfortable having a stranger join them for Christmas Eve, but as she gets to know the guest, she decides maybe it’s time to add a new tradition.
Friend December 1986 “Cousin Everene” Stephen learns how to enjoy having an elderly relative visit for Christmas.
Christmas Service
Friend December 2023 “Kindness for Christmas” Akari helped her dad at a service project to feed peope who didn’t have food for Christmas. There were still people in line when they ran out of food. Akari said they could have her sack lunch. Then all the other helpers gave away there sack lunches as well. She felt warm inside because she shared the Savior’s love.

Friend December 2021 “Special Christmas Cards” Hyrum’s family make Christmas cards for people. It helps them know and remember what Christmas is all about. (Also, help Hyrum find the Nativity pieces.)

Friend December 2021 “Warm, Fuzzy Service” Alex made scarfs for his friends for Christmas. When he was done, he had lots of fabric left over. He remembered a cold looking, homeless man he had seen. He and his family decided to make scarfs for people who need them.

Friend December 2021 “The Christmas Cake” Kaiya was worried about his friend that was quarantined for two weeks. He asked his mama if they could check on him. The family was fine, but they hadn’t been able to get the traditional Japanese Christmas cake. Kaiya asked his mom if they could give them their cake and some pizza.

Friend December 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt sacrifices to make and give cookies to others, but he realizes that it was much better than what he had wanted to do.
Friend December 2018 “Show and Tell” Service that children did at Christmas including going to the hospital and singing Christmas carols, shoveling neighbor’s sidewalk, playing Christmas songs on the piano at church, and giving out candy canes on a university campus during the stressful finals week at Christmas.
Friend December 2018 “A Green-Bean Christmas” Peter was excited to play with his new remote car at Christmas, so he wasn’t too happy when he and his family went to the shelter to help serve dinner. His grumpy attitude changed when a boy his age came through the line. He remembered what Christmas was all about, and that they were celebrating Jesus’s birth by doing something Jesus would do—helping others.

Friend December 2017 “Gabriel’s Cello” Gabriel played Christmas songs on his cello at a shopping center for tips to give to the food pantry to feed the homeless. (Includes photos)
Friend December 2016 “A Different Christmas” Christmas doesn’t feel right since Diego’s parents got divorced, but Diego brings joy back into Christmas by doing service.
Friend December 2018 “The Secret Santa” After Tasha’s grandma and father died, Christmas was difficult and sad. But then a Secret Santa started dropping off gifts. She wanted to thank them and pass on the kindness, so she started doing kind things for others. She learned that helping others made her feel happy.
Friend December 2020 “Christmas Service” Every year Danido’s ward makes gifts to give to people who don’t have very much. Danido feels that the activity has brought him closer to God and helped him feel God’s love for His children on earth.
Service Helps Us Forget Our Own Problems
Friend December 2022 “Cookies, Hugs, and Love” Because of a hurricane and Covid, Eva’s family Christmas traditions of celebrating with family, friends, and neighbors was not possible. Eva was sad. Their family decided to buy food for people who lost their homes in the hurricane and Eva wanted to make cookies for the children in the shelter. Serving others helped her feel better.

Gifts of Love at Christmas
Friend December 2018 “Carl’s Christmas Gift” Carl does everyone’s outside chores so the family can enjoy Christmas day together.
Friend December 2019 “The Red Paper Bird” Eve was so sad that she was sick and couldn’t go to the school Christmas party. She felt loved though when her teacher sent home the craft they did and her brother and sister helped show her how to do it.

Friend December 2016 “A Tree for Travis” Jacqueline feels sad for her friend who moved to a small trailer and doesn’t even have room for a Christmas tree. She thinks of an idea to give him a decorated branch, but it isn’t as nice as a tree. Her friend loves it, and Jacqueline realizes that gifts of love are what matters.

Christmas Giving
Friend December 2016 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy learn there are lots of gifts we can give at Christmas that don’t cost money, like service.
Friend December 2016 “The Getting Tree” Tyler thought the tree at church was the “Getting Tree.” When he finds out that it’s the giving tree, he earns money to buy the toy and ends up “getting” a wonderful feeling.
Friend Dec 2014 “The Christmas Pony” Includes an activity idea and a coloring page A young Tommy Monson was disappointed when he didn’t win the pony give-away at the store. But when he gave all the money he had to the poor in the bell ringing kettle, he felt like I received a far greater gift, even ‘the smile of God’s approval.’”
Share Your Testimony of Jesus
Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.
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Help Others Learn About Jesus
Friend December 2022 “Chieko Learns about Jesus” Chieko’s family were Buddhists and she had never heard of Jesus, but she was invited to be in a nativity play. Years later she met missionaries who asked if she would like to learn more about Jesus. She accepted and was later baptized. When she was 60 she served in the Relief Society General Presidency and travelled the world and shared the Savior’s love.
Christmas Spirit
Friend December 1988 “The Sand Tree” Christmas doesn’t feel the same without snow, but Lynn and Jim discover the Christmas spirit is even in warm California.

Christmas Tree
Friend December 2020 “The Perfect Tree” Joshua kept looking for the perfect tree even though his family didn’t have very much money. Finally he found it. It was bent over and scrabbly, but after decorating it, it was beautiful. “Our tree is just like Jesus,” Joshua said. “Jesus was born in a poor, dirty manger. Our tree was poor and sad in the marketplace. But now the tree is beautiful and grand, just like how Jesus is our glorious King.”
Friend December 2016 “Joel’s Family Christmas Tree” Each ornament is sentimental

Family Gifts
Friend December 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Paulo gets his sister for secret Santa. He decides get her a stuffed animal and to be extra nice to her as well.
Showing Gratitude
Friend December 2022 “The Purple Teddy Bear” Liam wasn’t happy when he didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas. His older sister explained that the family didn’t have much money. She also explained that the stuffed animals they each got showed how much their mother loved them because their mother had sat at a table for hours sewing a toy for each of them. Liam ran and gave his mother a big hug and told her thank you.

Christmas Traditions
Treats to Neighbors
Friend December 2023 “French Toast for Everyone” Melissa and Rebeca’s family have a tradition of making French toast for all their neighbors at Christmas. Melissa and Rebecca didn’t want to take one to Miss Daisy because they heard she doesn’t like children, but they found Miss Daisy was friendly and liked children. Their French toast tradition helped them make a new friend.

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