Reading Charts
Friend January 2019 “I Can Read the New Testament” The scriptures in this chart coordinate with the Come, Follow Me manuals for home and Primary. Color in the spaces after you read.

The Twelve Apostles
Friend February 2023 “Picture Puzzle” What were Peter and Andrew trying to catch when Jesus spoke to them? (See Matthew 4:18–19.) Color in the squares on the grid to answer the question. The first one is done for you.
Sermon on the Mount
Friend March 2019 “Sermon on the Mount” Look up the scriptures and match them with the pictures.
Friend February 2023 “How to Have Joy” When we follow Jesus Christ, we are blessed even in hard times. Read what Jesus promised us in Matthew 5 and fill in the blanks.
For the Strength of Youth February 2023 “Fun Stop”
Jesus Raises Jarius’s Daughter from the Dead
New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus Raised Jairus’s Daughter from the Dead”
Jesus Walks on Water
The Prodigal Son

Miracles of Jesus
Friend March 2023 “Miracle Maze” Jesus Christ performed many miracles. Answer the questions to go through the maze.
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Friend August 2019 “Coloring Page: Paul Saw Jesus”
New Testament Review Activities

Friend Jan 2015

For the Strength of Youth January 2023 “Fun Stop” Let’s see how many of the 27 books of the New Testament you can place in the correct order (without peeking!).
Friend October 2023 “New Testament Sudoku” Use the clues to help you write numbers in the colored boxes. Fill in the empty squares so that the numbers 1–6 are in each row (across), each column (up and down), and each outlined box.