General Conference Activities for Kids Ideas for Games, Crafts, Coloring, Drawing, etc.
Friend March 2024 “Conference Squares” Here’s an activity to do while you listen to conference. When a speaker talks about one of topics, cover the square with a small item. Try to cover four in a row. Then try to cover all the squares!

For the Strength of Youth September 2023 “Fun Stop”
Friend September 2023 “How to Draw” Next month is general conference! Learn how to draw the pulpit and speaker.
Friend May 2023 “Find It” Our prophets and apostles speak to the whole world from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah! Can you find the hidden items?
Friend September 2022 “Conference Activities”
- Conference Speakers: Color the picture of the prophet. Draw some other speakers in the spaces to the left.
- I Will Walk with Jesus: Color a footprint when you hear someone talk about Jesus Christ.
- Conference Squares: When a speaker talks about one of these things, place a small item on the square. Can you fill a whole row?
- Joyful Noise: Color in a musical note when you hear a Primary song or another song you like.

For the Strength of Youth September 2021 “Conference Notebook” Prints in Color or Black and White Write down questions, impressions, inspiration, counsel, and goals. Later, review what you wrote so you can follow up on your inspiration and continue learning.
Friend September 2021 “Conference Notebook”
Four in a Row: When you hear someone talk about one of these things, put a marker (like a button or a pebble) on the square. Can you fill out a whole row? What about the whole box?
Conference Coloring: Listen for the words below as you watch conference. Color part of the picture as you hear each word.
Listen with Your Heart: When you hear the words Holy Ghost or Spirit, draw a heart in this space. When you hear the word listen, draw a smiley face.
Friend May 2021 “For Little Friends”
Find General Conference activities for children at
Friend September 2020 “My General Conference Notebook”

Friend September 2020 “Women who Help Lead the Church” Color these pictures and then look for these women during general conference. Which of them spoke or prayed during conference? What did you learn from them?

Friend May 2020 “Conference Dot-to-Dot”
Friend March 2020 “Your General Conference Notes” Color the pictures when you hear the items mentioned in the talks. Write in the speech bubbles other words you hear. Draw the speakers behind the podiums. Color the special bookmark/image while listening to the prophet.
Friend November 2019 “Conference News” The next general conference will celebrate 200 years since Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. President Nelson invited us to get ready by reading about the First Vision. Color in each scripture icon as you read the verses from Joseph Smith—History.
Friend October 2019 “Prophets and Apostles” Color the pictures during general conference of the people who speak, or after conference as you remember your favorite talks. Color a heart every time you hear someone mention Jesus. He loves you!
Friend September 2019 “Funstuff: Go for Four this Conference” Whenever you hear one of the words in the list, take turns writing your letter (X or O) in one of the circles on the bottom row. See who can build four in a row first.
Friend April 2019 “Conference Building Blocks” Fill in the temple building blocks with numbers from the list. During conference, when you see or hear something from your list, place a marker (like a bean or candy) on that block.
Friend March 2019 “While You’re Watching Conference” Color in each space as you hear the words in the spaces during conference.
Friend October 2018 “Funstuff” “Conference Hearts: Each time you feel loved or hear the word “love,” color a heart.” “Conference Words: Write down a word to help you remember what a talk was about. For example, if someone speaks about faith, write “faith” in a bubble.”
Friend May 2018 “Our Prophets and Apostles Today” Match the picture with the names and facts about each leader, or tape the top of the picture to the facts about the leader and flip it up and learn more about them during conference.
Friend March 2018 “Pitch Your Tent” Cutout to build a tent like King Benjamin’s people. Children put strips of paper in the tent of things learned during conference.
Friend October 2017 “Conference Quest” Fill in the empty spaces along the path with words from the list, or think of your own. When a speaker says the next word on your path, move a coin or bead forward.
Friend April 2017 Draw lines from the picture of the speaker to what they are speaking about. If a topic isn’t already on the page, write it in!
Friend March 2017 Put a penny or bean on a square each time you hear that word in a talk. Whenever you reach five times on a word, you could switch out the pile with a five-cent coin or different-colored bean.
Friend May 2019 “Cover” Find items in the illustration of a family watching conference.
Friend November 2016 “Show & Tell” Make cereal necklaces while watching conference (could put one on every time hear a certain word-like prayer). Set up a small tent in living room to watch conference in like King Benjamin’s people did.
Friend April 2016 “Bulletin Board” Play Conference “I-Spy”! How many of these scenes can you see while watching general conference this month?

Friend April 2016 “Conference Words” As you listen or watch conference, circle or cover (with a small object) the words of the pictures you hear.
Friend May 2021 “Find It” Emma and Lily love to draw temples when they watch conference with their grandparents. How does your family watch conference? Can you find the hidden objects?
Friend March 2022 “General Conference Fun!”
Friend October 2022 We made a collage from old Church magazines while we listened to conference. It helped us feel the Spirit and was a lot of fun! (see image at link)
New Era March 2019 “General Conference Notebook” Sixteen pages of conference note taking ideas.

- • Click or tap here to download a PDF for printing a folded, 2-sided version of this booklet in full color.
- • Click or tap here to download a PDF for a nonfolded or 1-sided printout in full color.
- • Click or tap here to download a PDF for printing a folded, 2-sided version of this booklet in black and white.
- • Click or tap here to download a PDF for a nonfolded or 1-sided printout in black and white.
For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “General Conference Notebook” Eight pages of conference note taking ideas