For the Strength of Youth December 2023 “Christmas Nativity Countdown”For the last 10 days leading up to Christmas, cut out one piece each day. Learn more about the first Christmas by reading the information and scriptures on the back. By Christmas Day, you’ll have the full set. You could also think about sharing the nativity with a friend, giving it to them piece by piece or all together.

Friend December 2023 “Christmas Countdown” Mathis and his family have 3 different christmas countdown calendars. One is a German tradition of lighting a candle each week in an advent wreath. Another is a wooden house with 24 doors with little prizes in each door. The last one was a hanger with 24 long ribbons hanging on it, each with a scripture about Jesus tied to it. Mathis’s mother and father explained that Advent is the time before Christmas, but it also means the coming of someone or something important. Whose coming do we celebrate on Christmas? Jesus

Each Sunday in December, read these scriptures about Jesus Christ’s birth. Then color in the candle!
Friend December 2019 “Ten Days of Christmas” Do this countdown activity to help your family stay focused on Jesus this Christmas season. Starting on December 15, do one of these activities together each day and color a star.
Friend December 2018 “Have a Song-a-Day Christmas” Starting 12 days before Christmas, sing along each day with one of these Christmas songs on Color the music notes when you hear each phrase!
Friend December 2017 “Light the World” Each day, read something that Jesus taught, and then think about how you can follow His teaching. Then color in the star! Friend December 2018 Ideas for using and doing “Light the World.”
Friend December 2016 “Watching For Jesus” Starting on December 1st, read the scriptures for each night. Then cut, fold, and tape the strip of paper down. On Christmas Eve you’ll see the sign that people everywhere saw on the night Jesus was born!
Friend December 2015 Read each page and put the picture on the calendar that goes with it. 1. Music video 2. Mary 3. Joseph 4. Journey 5. Inn 6. Stable 7. Shepherds 8. Baby Jesus 9. Wise men 10. Nativity Story

Friend December 1988

Friend December 1983

Friend December 1984

Friend December 1985
Friend December 1985 – For each day in December, read one of the following scriptures, in the order given , and then find the matching picture to put on a calendar: Isaiah 7:14, 2 Nephi 25:19, Helaman 14:6, Micah 5:2, Moses 6:57, Luke 1:13,17, Luke 1:26-27 & 30-32, Matthew 1:20-21, Luke 2:1, Luke 2:3, Luke 2:4-5, Luke 2:6, Luke 2:7, John1:1,3,14, Luke 2:8, Luke 2:9-11, Luke 2:16, Matthew 2:1-2, Matthew 2:3, Matthew 2:4, Matthew 2:7-8, Matthew 2:9, Matthew 2:11, D&C 20:1, Isaiah 9:6

Instructions and printouts for below calendar can be found here.
Friend December 1986

Friend December 2024 “The Prince of Peace” President Dallin H. Oaks “At this Christmas season, the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace” (see more at link) Sharing the Savior’s Peace: You can share the love and peace of Jesus Christ! For 12 days leading up to Christmas, choose an activity to do with your family. Then color in an ornament.
Pocket Chart Ideas
Ideas for candy free advent calendars from Overstuffed . Includes service ideas, activity ideas, Christmas books, etc.