Nephi Builds a Ship
1 Nephi CHAPTER 17 Nephi is commanded to build a ship—His brethren oppose him—He exhorts them by recounting the history of God’s dealings with Israel—Nephi is filled with the power of God—His brethren are forbidden to touch him, lest they wither as a dried reed. About 592–591 B.C.
1 Nephi CHAPTER 18 The ship is finished—The births of Jacob and Joseph are mentioned—The company embarks for the promised land—The sons of Ishmael and their wives join in revelry and rebellion—Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven back by a terrible tempest—Nephi is freed, and by his prayer the storm ceases—The people arrive in the promised land. About 591–589 B.C.

Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter 7: Building the Ship. Images and video
Book of Mormon Videos “1 Nephi 17-18”
Gospel Art Picture: “Nephi Subdues Rebellious Brothers”
Friend February 2016 “Nephi’s Family Crosses the Ocean” Video

Heavenly Father can help me do difficult things.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024
- Children love telling stories. You could invite them to help you tell the story of Nephi being commanded to build a boat (see 1 Nephi 17:7–19; 18:1–4; see also “Chapter 7: Building the Ship,” in Book of Mormon Stories, 21–22; or the video “The Lord Instructs Nephi to Build a Ship” [Gospel Library]). They could also sing together the second verse of “Nephi’s Courage” (Children’s Songbook, 120–21). What helped Nephi have courage when his brothers mocked him for trying to build the boat?
The Red Crystal Tell the story using this puzzle.

Book of Mormon Scripture Figures: “Heavenly Father Commands Nephi to Build a Ship” (February 2012 Liahona and Friend)
35395, Children’s Songbook, Nephi’s Courage, 120

Verse Two Visual Aids and Teaching Ideas
The Lord commanded Nephi to go and build a boat.
Nephi’s older brothers believed it would not float.
Laughing and mocking, they said he should not try.
Nephi was courageous. This was his reply:
“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”

Verse Three Visual Aids and Teaching Ideas\
The Lord gives us commandments and asks us to obey.
Sometimes I am tempted to choose another way.
When I’m discouraged, and think I cannot try,
I will be courageous, and I will reply:
“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”
- Nephi did not know how to build a boat, so he relied on instruction from the Lord. After reading 1 Nephi 18:1 with you, your children could complete this week’s activity page. As they do, talk with them about how Heavenly Father can help us do hard things, just as He helped Nephi.
Friend February 2024 “Nephi Built a Ship”
Nephi was not a sailor. He had been reared in Jerusalem, an inland city, rather than along the borders of the Mediterranean Sea. It seems unlikely that he knew much about or had experience with the tools and skills necessary to build a ship. He may not have ever previously seen an oceangoing vessel. In essence, then, Nephi was commanded and instructed to build something he had never built before. (David A. Bednar, “Learning to Love Learning,” Ensign, Feb. 2010, 28) “Lesson 6: Nephi Builds a Ship” Paper Boat Activity: Give each child a blank piece of paper. Show an example paper boat you folded before class. Tell the children you want them to make the same boat with their paper. Give them a couple of minutes to try and complete the activity. Ask if it was hard to do without instructions. Teach them how to build the boat using the instructions found at the link.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “1 Nephi 16-22” Have the children color the boat and then cut out the boat and the rectangle. Follow the directions to glue the boat together. Words on the handout/craft: Nephi built a boat. Heavenly Father can help me do difficult things too!

Ensign January 2020 “Family Study Fun” Shipbuilding 101: Before Nephi could start building a ship, he asked the Lord where he should go to find ore to make tools (see 1 Nephi 17:9–10). Gather items in your home to use as “shipbuilding materials” (for example: blocks or pots or sofa cushions). Hide the materials throughout the room. Give your family instructions on where the materials are hidden. Bring the materials to the shoreline (middle of the room) and give instructions on how to build a ship.

Discussion: Why did Nephi need help from the Lord? What are some hard things that the Lord asks us to do? What attributes did Nephi possess that made the ship a reality? How can we as a family develop those same attributes?
Friend March 2021 “Dear Friends” Ian built a ship like Nephi did.
Friend January 2016 “Funstuff: Build Your Own Boat”
Crossing the Sea

I must keep the commandments to have the guidance of the Lord in my life
Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon “Laman and Lemuel Bind Nephi”
Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 7 – Crossing the Sea” (See additional lesson ideas at link.) Attention Activity: Ask the class if they think crossing the sea in a ship is easy.
Pour the container of water into the rectangular pan. Have a volunteer try to blow the paper boat from one long side of the pan to the other. Have two other volunteers try to make the task difficult by blowing the boat in the opposite direction and by blowing on the water to make waves. (Have the volunteers stay about a foot away from the boat as they do their individual tasks.) When the boat reaches the other side of the pan, or when it sinks, point out the difficulties that occurred during the activity: the boat tumbling over, the boat filling with water, the boat going in the wrong direction, etc.
Remind the children of the ship that Nephi built. Nephi was blessed with Heavenly Father’s guidance in building the ship, so it was a well built ship, but crossing a sea in any ship can be dangerous. Storms can occur, causing heavy winds that could blow the ship off course. Large waves can form that could flood or capsize a ship. Navigating a ship can also be a problem. In the vast, wide open, empty sea it is difficult to know where you are and what direction you are going. People could starve to death or die of thirst if they can not find their way to land. Nephi and his family needed the help of the Lord to carry out the difficult and perilous journey of crossing the sea.
Game: Show the game board and explain to the children that the object of the game is to get the ship from the start to the promised land.

Ask the children if they remember what the promised land is a representation of. (Eternal Life) Explain that as we travel through our mortal lives, we need to strive to do the things necessary to attain eternal life. There are things that help us move toward that goal, and there are things that impede our progress. In this game we talk about both.
Have the children take turns drawing papers out of the bag and moving the ship on the game board. If they draw the sun, they move the ship forward two spaces. They must then tell of something that helps keep the guidance of the Lord in their lives. They must also explain how doing that thing helps them in life. Answers might include: prayer, scripture reading, keeping the commandments, being honest, being kind to others, etc.
If they draw the lightning they move the ship back one space. They then tell of something that drives the Spirit away and causes suffering in people’s lives. They must also explain how it causes suffering. Answers might include: swearing, lying, cheating, complaining, arguing, stealing, using drugs or alcohol, etc. Note: If they draw a lightning piece at the start, they stay at the start position.
Continue in this manner, with the children taking turns drawing papers from the bag and moving the ship, until they have reached the space marked “Promised Land.”
Come Follow Me Kids “I Will Prepare the Way Before You”Liahona in Our Home – Imagine that there is a Liahona in our home. Mom/Dad read the following statements. If it’s something that would make the Liahona work, have the kids make a thumbs up sign. If it would stop the Liahona from working, make a thumbs down sign. Talk about additional ways we can keep the commandments and feel the Lord’s spirit and guidance in our home even though we don’t have an actual Liahona.
You hurt your brother/sister.
You disobey your mom/dad.
You share your candy with your brother/sister.
You tell your family members that you love them.
You help your brother/sister clean up their toys.
You give a family member a hug to help them feel better when they get hurt.
You listen to songs with bad words.
You pray reverently.
You try to be like Jesus
Primary 4: Book of Mormon ” Lesson 7: Crossing the Sea” Write words or phrases such as prayer, choice of friends, words we use, television shows, video programs, music, movies, obedience to parents, keeping the commandments, kindness to brothers and sisters, respect for other people, service, or other appropriate activities on separate slips of paper. Put the papers in a small container. As each child draws out a piece of paper, have him or her read it to the class and tell how what is written can affect our ability to have the Holy Ghost in our lives. (See more lesson ideas at link.)
Gospel Art Picture: “Lehi and His People Arrive in the Promise Land”
Book of Mormon Stories ” Chapter 9: A New Home in the Promised Land” Watch to timecode 0.40
Additional Resources

Friend February 2024 “Nephi Built a Ship”
- Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “1 Nephi 16-22”
- Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 6: Heavenly Father Commands Nephi to Build a Ship”
- Come Follow Me Kids “I Will Prepare the Way Before You” “Lesson 6: Nephi Builds a Ship”

Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon Connect the dots to help Nephi build the ship. How did Nephi know how to build a ship?
“Sharing Time: Nephi Builds a Ship” (March 1992 Liahona and Friend)
Friend February 2020 “Scripture Boats” Use this script to act out parts of 1 Nephi 17.
Friend February 2020 “Scripture Boats” Ideas for making different kinds of boats. “Lesson 6: Nephi Builds a Ship” Print the ship on brown paper. Cut out the boards and give one to each child. Have the children write a commandment on their board. Have the children take turns taping their boards to the ship outline, telling what commandment they chose, and what the good results of keeping that commandment would be. (See additional instructions and lesson ideas for this activity at link. )

Friend March 1988 “Nephi Builds a Ship” When the Lord told Nephi to build a ship, Nephi made his own tools. Circle the tools Nephi might have made in those days, then color.
Friend February 2020 “My Family Night Fun” Banana Boats: Cut unpeeled bananas lengthwise about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep, leaving 1/2 inch (1 cm) uncut at each of the ends. Stuff the slit bananas with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. Then wrap in foil and place them on a baking sheet. Bake at 350°F (180°C) for about 10 minutes.
Friend February 2024 “Boat Building” Find the hidden objects.
Coloring Page: “Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.” (February 2012 Liahona and Friend)
Friend June 2020 “For Older Kids” Nephi is one of my heroes. He was brave enough to go and get the plates from Laban. He was also obedient to the Lord in building a ship. He trusted the Lord would help him, even though he had never built a ship before. When his brothers were mean to him, he forgave them. I hope to “go and do” whatever the Lord asks me to do, just like Nephi. Thomas P., age 10, Florida, USA
Use building blocks to make a scene from your favorite Book of Mormon story, like Thomas did!
1 Nephi 19-22
1 Nephi CHAPTER 19 Nephi makes plates of ore and records the history of his people—The God of Israel will come six hundred years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem—Nephi tells of His sufferings and crucifixion—The Jews will be despised and scattered until the latter days, when they will return unto the Lord. About 588–570 B.C.
1 Nephi CHAPTER 20 The Lord reveals His purposes to Israel—Israel has been chosen in the furnace of affliction and is to go forth from Babylon—Compare Isaiah 48. About 588–570 B.C.
1 Nephi CHAPTER 21 The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles and will free the prisoners—Israel will be gathered with power in the last days—Kings will be their nursing fathers—Compare Isaiah 49. About 588–570 B.C.
1 Nephi CHAPTER 22 Israel will be scattered upon all the face of the earth—The Gentiles will nurse and nourish Israel with the gospel in the last days—Israel will be gathered and saved, and the wicked will burn as stubble—The kingdom of the devil will be destroyed, and Satan will be bound. About 588–570 B.C.
I can liken the scriptures to my life.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 Ask a child to read 1 Nephi 19:22–24 out loud, and ask the children what they think it means to “liken all scriptures” to ourselves. Help them discover how Nephi likened a scriptural account to his experience of getting the brass plates (see 1 Nephi 4:1–4; see also Exodus 14). How did remembering this story help Nephi and his brothers?
As we liken the scriptures to ourselves, we will learn and profit from them.
Review some of the stories that the children have learned about Lehi and his family from 1 Nephi, and invite them to share what they learned from these stories. Help them think of situations in their lives that might be similar to these stories. For example, the Lord asking Nephi to build a ship might remind them of times when they needed to do something difficult and sought the Lord’s help.
I Have Graven Thee Upon My Hands
1 Nephi 21
Come Follow Me Kids “I Will Prepare the Way Before You” I Have Graven Thee Upon the Palms of My Hands – Review who Nephi was. Explain that Nephi shared a scripture about Jesus’s hands. Show picture of the mark in His hands after He was crucified (below). Read 1 Nephi 21:15-16. To help them visualize that we are graven on the palms of Christ’s hands, have each person write their names on the hand in the picture below. You can either give each person their own small picture or print up the big one for everyone to write on together. Remind them that Heavenly Father and Jesus love us, remember us, and want to help us in life. They want to lead us to good things.

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