Alma 23-29

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Lesson 19: The Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s Covenant

Teaching the Scripture Readers: Book of Mormon “The People of Ammon”


Book of Mormon Stories “The People of Ammon” Images

Lesson Ideas

Because Heavenly Father is merciful, we can repent and change.

Alma 24:7–1026:23–3427:27–30

Friend August 2015 “You Can Repent and Forgive”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29” Write Before and After on the board. Ask some of the children to read the following verses to find out what the Lamanites were like before Ammon and his brothers taught them: Alma 17:14–1526:23–24. Ask other children to read the following verses to find out how the Lamanites changed: Alma 26:31–3427:27–30. Invite the children to list under the headings what they found. Then invite them to discover, in Alma 24:7–10, how these Lamanites were able to change so completely. Bear your testimony of God’s power to forgive us and help us repent and change.

I am blessed when I keep my promises.

Alma 24:6–24

Friend May 2017 ” Conference Notes” Sister Jones told the story of five-year-old Lizzie and her big brother, Kevin. Kevin’s dad asked him if he would promise not to tease Lizzie for one day. Kevin agreed. He kept his promise! Then his mom asked him to try not teasing Lizzie for two days. He kept his promise again! Sister Jones said that when we keep our promises, we are learning to make and keep sacred covenants.

Covenants are promises I make with God and He makes with me.

Alma 24

Friend February 2019 “Family Night Fun” A covenant is a promise between two individuals: you and Heavenly Father. Here’s a recipe that needs just two ingredients! Bananut Ice Cream.

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Gospel Media “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords”

Show the picture of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their swords. Ask the children if they would want to bury their weapons if they knew they were in danger of attack. The people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi knew their enemies were planning to kill them, but they had made a solemn covenant with Heavenly Father that they would not fight. 

Give all the children small rocks, and invite them to write the word covenant on their rock. Explain that a covenant is a promise between Heavenly Father and His children. How do our covenants make us strong or “firm” like a rock? What covenants have the children made?Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”

Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Buried Their Weapons”

Friend July 2020 “Funstuff: Find It!” The Anti-Nephi-Lehies promised God they would never use weapons to hurt people again. They buried their weapons in the ground as part of their promise. Find 23 weapons in the ground and 30 hearts above the ground.

Friend August 2018 “Family Night Fun” Write a bad habit on a piece of paper. “Bury” the bad habit! Tear up the paper, or bury it outside. You could even plant a flower to represent replacing a bad habit with a good one.

Invite the children to draw pictures of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies’ weapons. Then invite them to write, on the back of the weapons, something they feel they should change in order to follow Jesus Christ more fully. Let them pretend to bury their weapons and make a plan to act on what they wrote. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”

Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”

Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 23:7 together and talk about how the Anti-Nephi-Lehies promised never to hurt people ever again. Draw weapons on pieces of paper. As you bury each one under a rug or towel, help your littles ones say, “I will be a peacemaker.”

Friend August 2018 “The No-Fighting Promise” After a few days of staying at cousin Timmy’s house, Madi and Timmy start to fight. Timmy suggests they be like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and make some toy swords and bury them and promise they won’t fight each other anymore. After that they found ways to compromise so they didn’t fight.

The gospel brings me joy, and I can share this joy with others.

Alma 2629

Friend March 2011 “How can the gospel help me be happy?” Elder David A. Bednar shares how to have happiness in life: “The source and cause of true happiness are gospel truth and obedience to eternal law. Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness is designed to provide direction for His children, to help them become happy, and to bring them safely home to Him. For your happiness and protection, I invite you to study and live more diligently the Savior’s gospel.”

As you read Alma 26:11, 13 or Alma 29:13–14 invite the children to stand every time they hear the words “joy” or “rejoice.” Help the children understand that sharing the gospel made Alma and Ammon happy.

Invite the children to draw pictures of things that bring them joy. Invite each child to give his or her drawing to another classmate and explain it. Point out that when something brings us joy—such as the gospel—our joy grows when we share it. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”

Ensign July 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read Alma 27:17–19 and Alma 29:13–14 together, paying special attention to the word joy. Ammon and Alma found great joy in serving other people and the Lord.

  1. Invite one or two people to act out helping someone else—no speaking allowed! Examples could include opening the door for someone, helping a person in their yard, helping fix dinner, and so on.
  2. While the scene is being acted out, other family members guess what the service is.
  3. Take turns until everyone has had a chance to act.

Discussion: Why is it important to help other people? When have you felt joy after helping someone? What could our family do to help someone this week?

Additional Missionary Ideas

I can help my friends live the gospel.

Alma 27:20–30

  • Tell the children the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies making a promise not to fight anymore (see Alma 27:20–30). Explain that because of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies’ promise, they could not defend themselves from their enemies. Read Alma 27:23, and explain that their friends among the Nephites chose to protect the Anti-Nephi-Lehies so they could keep their promise. How can we help our friends keep their promises? Tell about a time when a friend helped you keep your promises with God.
  • Role-play with the children situations in which they can, in a kind way, help others choose the right. For example, what can we say to a friend who wants to lie or be mean?Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 23-29”

Friend May 2016 Matt’s friend accidently damages his father’s car. Matt encourages his friend to choose the right and be honest.

Friend May 2016

Mosiah 25-28

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Alma the Younger Repents


Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 14: Alma the Younger Repents”

Introduction Ideas

Friend May 1988

Friend May 1988

Story Ideas

Friend July 2020 “Alma the Younger Repents”


More Repentance Ideas (lesson, activity, story, and song ideas)

Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “Alma the Younger”

Friend July 2020 ” Alma Repented and Followed Jesus” Coloring Page

The gospel helps people change and become more like Jesus.

Help the children see the differences between what Alma and the sons of Mosiah were like before they repented and afterward. Invite the children to make a list of words from Mosiah 27:8–10 that describe what Alma and the sons of Mosiah were like before their conversion. Then ask them to make another list from Mosiah 27:32–37 that describe what they were like afterward. According to verses 24–29, what caused this great change in Alma?

To be forgiven, I must forgive.

Friend May 2020 “Family Night Fun” Family Love Notes”

Mosiah 26:30–31 Mosiah 26:22–23, 29–3027:8–37

Ask a child to draw a bridge on the board, and share this statement quoted by President Thomas S. Monson: “He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven, for everyone has need of forgiveness” (George Herbert, quoted in “Hidden Wedges,” Ensign, May 2002, 19). Erase part of the bridge, and ask the children to help you rebuild it, piece by piece, as they share ways they can extend forgiveness to others. Invite them to think of someone they need to forgive.

More Forgiveness Ideas (lesson, activity, story, and song ideas)

I can pray and fast for God to bless those I love.

Mosiah 28:1–8

Share an experience in which you fasted and prayed for someone, and encourage the children to share their own experiences.

More Fasting Ideas (stories, lesson ideas, & activities)

I can share the gospel.

Mosiah 27:8–24

Sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Point out phrases in the song that suggest how we can share the gospel with others.

More Missionary Ideas (stories, lesson ideas, activities, and song ideas)

Creation: Lesson for Little Ones

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Jesus Created this World for Us


  • Item needed: a bible, a large, light blue felt display board and a small felt choosing board, 1/3 yard of brown felt and 1/2 yard of sea blue felt. (The felt needs to be good quality.)
  •  Print the visual aids. (Visual Aids are from the Primary One Manual cutouts and Microsoft Word clipart.)  Add felt or 60 grit sandpaper to the back of each item and cut the figures out.
  • Cut the brown felt 11 1/2″ x 28″ and the sea blue felt 15 1/2 ” x 28″.
  • Before teaching the lesson, attach each picture randomly to the small felt board.


Open the Bible to Genesis 1:1 and read, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Invite the children to repeat the scripture with you, a few words at a time. Explain that Heavenly Father had Jesus Christ make the world and everything in it.

Show the children the display boards.

Tell the children that Jesus made the light of day.

  • What gives light to our world? (The sun) Have a child find the sun and put it at the top of the board.

Jesus also made the night.

  • What we do we see in the sky at night time? (The moon and stars) Have a child find the moon and stars cutout and put it on the board.

Tell the children that Jesus made the waters in the sea and in the sky. (Put on the large, blue felt piece. Have the children then find the water in the sky–the rain cloud.  Have a child stick the rain cloud to the sky area.)

Jesus also made the dry land. (Put the brown felt land piece on top of the sea, leaving some of the sea exposed on top.)

Jesus made all the plants. (Have the children find the plants and put them on the land.)

Jesus also made the fishes and other sea creatures. (Have the children find the fish and put them in the sea area.)

Jesus made the birds. (Have the children find the birds and put them in the sky area.)

Jesus also made all other animals. (Point to an animal and have the children say what it is or make the sound it makes, and then have a child put it on the land area. Continue until all the animals are on the board.)

Jesus also made people.

  • Who were the first people that lived on the earth? (Adam and Eve) Put Adam and Eve on the display board.

Heavenly Father and Jesus made the earth for us to live on because they love us.

Sing the song “My Heavenly Father Loves Me.” (Make the song visual aid, and then follow the singing instructions listed under junior primary.)