Resurrection – Easter, Item #5 – Song

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Resurrection – Easter
Item #5- Song
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?”


  • Items needed: removable double-sided tape, a clear page protector, a recording of the song with words and a device to play it on.
  • Print the two small pages of visual aids. Glue the two pages together, back to back. (All parts of the picture will need to have glue on it.) Cut the small pictures apart into individual sections.
  • Note: If using this idea in Primary, print the larger version of the visual aids. You will need to tape four page protectors together, edge to edge, using clear tape, and also tape or glue the four pages of the picture of Jesus together. The song pictures will need to be glued to the back of the picture of Jesus in the right order as displayed in the above picture. Then cut apart the song cards so a part of the picture of Jesus is attached to each piece.
  • Note: The song comes from the Children’s Songbook Pg 64, and the pictures are from the Friend Magazine and Primary Manuals.



Give one or two of the song pictures to each class or child. Tell them they are going to put the song words in order on the clear page protector. Have them listen to the song once, then ask who has the first part of the song. Have them put it on the page protector.  (The page protector should be horizontal, and the pictures should start at the top left corner and go towards the right. Each row will be a verse.) Ask who has the second part of the song. You may need to listen to the song again if they aren’t sure what comes next. Also have them sing what they have put in order so far as they listen.  Continue in this manner until all the pictures have been put on the page protector. Turn over the page to sing the final sentence. If the pictures are in the correct order, a picture of the resurrected Jesus Christ will be seen through the page protector.

To help the children learn the song, have a child take one or two of the small pictures off the page protector. Sing the song again to see if they can remember the part that has been taken off. Repeat this process until all the pictures have been removed and the children can sing the song without them. The following actions could be used in place of a removed picture:

Did Jesus really live again (hold hands out with palms up)
Yes, when the third day came (hold up three fingers)
He wakened and he left the tomb (walk in place)
He called Mary’s name (cup hands around mouth)
Did Jesus come to those he loved (Put hands over heart)
Yes, people touched his feet (bend over and touch feet),
And of the fish and honeycomb (wiggle hand back and forth like a fish swimming)
He did truly eat (pantomime eating).
And there were nail prints in his hands (point to hand)
And a spear wound in his side (point to side)
Did Jesus really live again after he had died (hold hands out with palms up)
Oh yes! And so shall I (nod head)!