Prophets: Joseph Smith

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Joseph Smith was Chosen Before the World Began

2 Nephi 3:6–24

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) Chapter 3 of 2 Nephi records Lehi’s dying words to his youngest son, Joseph. Lehi quoted a prophecy [from the brass plates] made by Joseph of Egypt roughly 1,700 years before the birth of Christ. Imagine Joseph Smith’s surprise when he discovered that he was the subject of much of the prophecy made by Joseph of Egypt. (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:24–38 (Note that “fruit of thy loins” refers to children or posterity.)

Read the verses for each picture and identify who these four pictures represent. 2 Nephi 3:32 Nephi 3:42 Nephi 3:112 Nephi 3:15

  • Invite the children to search 2 Nephi 3:6–24 for clues about which prophet is being spoken of. List the clues on the board. Why is Joseph Smith called a “choice seer”? What did Joseph Smith do that is “of great worth to [his brethren]”? (verse 7).

Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) It was decreed in the counsels of eternity, long before the foundations of the earth were laid, that he, Joseph Smith, should be the man, in the last dispensation of this world, to bring forth the word of God to the people, and receive the fulness of the keys and power of the Priesthood of the Son of God.(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 96343)

Joseph Smith was a prophet and seer

2 Nephi 3:6–24

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “2 Nephi 3-5”

  • Consider how you can teach your children about the great work that God accomplished through Joseph Smith. To begin, you could help your children find the word “seer” in 2 Nephi 3:6 and explain that prophets are called seers because Heavenly Father helps them see things we can’t see. Share why you are grateful to have a seer leading the Church.

To help family members understand what a seer is, perhaps you could show them pictures of tools that help us see things we couldn’t otherwise see, such as binoculars, a telescope, or a microscope. How are these tools like a seer? (see Moses 6:35–36). What can seers see that we do not? What evidence do we have that Joseph Smith was a seer?

  • The Gospel Art Book has several pictures you could use to teach about the work God did through Joseph Smith (see pictures 89–95). Let your children share what they know about the pictures. Why is Joseph Smith called a “choice seer”? What did Joseph Smith do that is “of great worth”? (verse 7).

Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?

Friend February 2020 “My Family Night Fun: Pretend Plates”

  • Prophets long ago knew that a man named Joseph would translate the scriptures (see 2 Nephi 3:7, 15). They wrote about him on the gold plates. Can you imagine how Joseph Smith felt when he translated those words?
  • Make your own metal plates! Wrap heavy aluminum foil around a piece of cardboard and tape it in place. Use a matchstick and press gently to write on your “plates.”

Joseph’s Childhood

See “Teaching Children the Gospel” Joseph Smith History 1:1-26 Includes stories, lesson ideas, song ideas, and activities.

For the Strength of Youth February 2021 “Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith”

Friend December 1981 “Brother Joseph” – Stories about Joseph Smith

Friend December 2018 “Digging into History” Children help archaeologists dig for clues for what life was like for Joseph Smith when he was young living in Vermont with his family. They find stone fences and some artifacts. The article includes photos.

The First Vision

New Era February 2020 “Joseph’s Search for the Truth”

Friend June 2015

Friend June 2015

Friend December 1984 “Joseph Smith, the Prophet” – history of church- also timeline on next page

Friend October 2017 “Jesus Visited Joseph”

Doctrine and Covenant Stories “Joseph Smith’s First Vision”

Latter Day Kids “”My Servant Joseph” Lesson, story, and song ideas

The Red Crystal

Friend November 2023 “James Says “Ask of God”

Friend November 2019

Latter Day Kids “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” Lesson ideas

Friend April 2020 “Hello from the Sacred Grove” Photos of the sacred grove and the recreated home of the Smith family. Also tells the story about Joseph.

Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates

Book of Mormon Stories: Chapter One “How We Got the Book of Mormon” Video and images about the story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates.

Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

Friend February 2017 “Golden Plates to Book of Mormon”

Friend July 1988 “Calendar Cutouts” Read one scripture each day. Match the highlighted scriptures to the correct picture. Ezekiel 37:15-20, 2 Nephi 3:12; 29:8, Psalm 85:11& Mormon 8:16, Moses 7:62 & Isaiah 29:4, 2 Nephi 26:14-17, Ether1:1 & 2:11, Enos 1:15-16, Mormon 5:12-14, Revelation 14:6, 1 Nephi 1:1 & 9:5, Omni 1:8-9, Introduction to Helaman, 3 Nephi 23:4-5, 3 Nephi 23:6-14, Words of Mormon 1:1-2, Mormon 8:1 & Moroni 10:1-2, Joseph Smith History 1:30-35, D&C 27:5 & 128:20, Joseph Smith History 1:44-47, Joseph Smith History 1:48-50, Joseph Smith History 1:51-52, Joseph Smith History 1:53-54, Joseph Smith History 1:59, Joseph Smith History 1:62, Joseph Smith History 1:67 & D&C 3:preface, D&C 25:1&5-6, Isaiah 29:11, Joseph Smith History 1:61 & 63-65, 2 Corinthians 13:1 & D&C 5:4 &11&13, D&C 19:preface & 26 & 34-35, Joseph Smith History 1:60

Friend July 1988

What does translate mean? Translate means to change from one language to another.

Show the paper with the words “Le Livre De Mormon” written on it. Tell the children that the words are French. The English version of these words is “The Book of Mormon”. Show this paper. Both sets of words mean the same thing, but they are different languages.

The gold plates were written in an ancient language that needed to be translated into a language others could read.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon”

Show the children an image of characters from the golden plates. Explain that God helped Joseph translate these characters into words we can read and understand.

For the Strength of Youth January 2921 “Joseph Smith Jr.”

Lost 116 Pages

Friend January 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Plain and Precious Plates” The Lord told Nephi to make another set of plates for a special and wise purpose (see 1 Nephi 9). Make your own set of plates out of folded paper or pieces of cardboard. (You can even wrap your paper or cardboard with aluminum foil!) Write or draw what you learn from the Book of Mormon on your plates.

Emma Smith

Friend January 2021 “Church History Cards”

What the Lord accomplished through the Prophet Joseph Smith

  • Show the children pictures that represent important things Joseph Smith did or taught (see, for example, Gospel Art Book, nos. 89–959798117118). Help the children think of blessings we have because of Joseph Smith. For example, how has his work helped us come closer to Jesus Christ?
  • Display items that represent some of the Lord’s marvelous works during the latter days, such as a picture of the First Vision or of Joseph Smith receiving the priesthood (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 909394) or a copy of the Book of Mormon. Invite the children to choose an item and share why it is marvelous to them.

Friend January 2021 “Church History Cards” Cut out the cards, fold on the dotted line, and tape them closed.

Lehi Refers to a Prophecy About Joseph Smith

Liahona February 2020 “Meet the Four Josephs” Lehi tells his son Joseph about some of the prophecies that Joseph of Egypt made about Joseph Smith, who was named after his father, Joseph. The article includes the following: What Did Joseph of Egypt Say about Joseph Smith? How Was Joseph Smith Like Joseph of Egypt? How Did Lehi Know about Joseph of Egypt?

Joseph of Egypt Prophesied about Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:27–33 (in the Bible appendix)Joseph in Egypt prophesies of Moses freeing Israel from Egyptian bondage; of a branch of Joseph’s descendants being led to a faraway land, where they will be remembered in the covenants of the Lord; of God calling a latter-day prophet named Joseph to join the records of Judah and of Joseph; and of Aaron serving as a spokesman for Moses.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 42–50” Thousands of years in advance, Joseph of Egypt saw that the Lord would call Joseph Smith to do a great work in the latter days. Teach the children how the Lord has blessed us through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

  • Give the children descriptive clues about Joseph Smith, and invite them to guess who you are describing. Include clues from Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:27–33 (in the Bible appendix), such as “he taught us about covenants” (see verse 28), “he gave us the word of the Lord” (see verse 30), and “he was named after his father” (see verse 33). After the children guess correctly, invite them to find these clues in the verses. What else do we learn about Joseph Smith from the prophecy of Joseph in Egypt?


Friend May 2021 “Draw Joseph Smith”

Friend May 2011 “The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Restored” Hidden in the picture of Joseph in the Sacred Grove are items related to the restoration of the Church.

  • Gold plates (the word of the Lord)
  • Kirtland Temple (temple work)
  • Sacrament tray (remembering Jesus Christ)
  • Missionary name tag (missionary work)
  • Baptismal font (covenanting with the Lord)
  • Keys (the priesthood)
  • Dove (the Holy Ghost)

Doctrine and Covenants 30-36

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I should focus more on the things of God than the things of the earth.

Doctrine and Covenants 30:1–2

Friend February 2017 “Conference Cards” Handout that says, ““The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us.”

Friend August 2018 “Soccer and Sundays” When we try to live the gospel and put the most important things first, we are blessed! Follow the path of scriptures to help the boy get to church.

Two Stories of people who believed the gospel was worth more than the things of the world.

Parley and Thankful Pratt

Parley and Thankful Pratt responded to spiritual stirrings to leave their prosperous farm in Ohio with the intent to preach the gospel as they understood it from the Bible. As Parley told his brother, “The spirit of these things had wrought so powerfully on my mind of late that I could not rest.”3 When they reached eastern New York, Parley had a prompting to stay awhile in the area. Thankful, they decided, would continue on without him. “I have a work to do in this region of country,” Parley told her, “and what it is, or how long it will take to perform it, I know not; but I will come when it is performed.”4 It was there that Parley first heard of the Book of Mormon. “I felt a strange interest in the book,” he said.5 He requested a copy and read through the night. By morning, he knew the book was true, valuing it “more than all the riches of the world.6 Within a few days Parley was baptized. He then returned to Thankful, who was also baptized. (For more information about Parley P. Pratt, see Doctrine and Covenants 32.) Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

Sidney and Phebe Rigdon

For the Strength of Youth April 2021 “To Do the Will of God”

How are we doing as a family at focusing on the things of God rather than “the things of the earth”?

First Missionaries in the Church

Doctrine and Covenants 33:2–3, 6–10

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 13: The First Missionaries Preach the Gospel,” 

Scatter the small pictures of people or papers with names around the room. Ask for a volunteer. When you say “go,” have the volunteer gather as many “people” (pictures or pieces of paper) as possible in a specified amount of time (about five seconds, or the amount of time it takes the other children to count slowly to five). Count how many people the child was able to gather.

Ask the children if more people could be gathered if the child had help. Scatter the pictures or papers around the room again, and ask for a second volunteer. Have the two children gather as many people as possible in the same amount of time as before. Count how many people the two children were able to gather.

  • How many people did one child gather? How many people did two children gather?
  • How many people do you think could be gathered if the whole class worked together?

Display the picture of Joseph Smith.

Explain that after the Book of Mormon had been printed and the Church was organized, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wanted everyone to hear the gospel and have the opportunity to become a member of the Church.

Help the children look up Doctrine and Covenants 133:37, and ask a child to read the verse aloud. Explain that this verse is part of a revelation given to Joseph Smith in 1831, the year after the Church was organized.

  • To whom does the gospel need to be preached?
  • How long do you think it would take for one person to teach the gospel to everyone on the earth?

Explain that Joseph Smith knew it would be impossible for him to teach the gospel to everyone by himself. He needed others to help him. Just as two children were able to gather more pictures (or pieces of paper) than one child was, more members of the Church working to share the gospel would be able to teach more people than Joseph alone could teach.

Friend April 2017 “First Missionaries”

Friend April 2017

Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Stories “Samuel Smith’s Mission” Images and video

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

Parley P. Pratt had been a member of the Church for about a month when he was called “into the wilderness” to preach the gospel (Doctrine and Covenants 32:2). Thomas B. Marsh had been a member for even less time than that when he was told, “The hour of your mission is come” (Doctrine and Covenants 31:3). Orson Pratt, Edward Partridge, and many others had likewise barely been baptized when their mission calls came. Perhaps this timing was all of necessity—in the fall of 1830, no one had been a member of the Church for more than six months. But there’s also a lesson in this pattern for us today: if you know enough to accept the restored gospel by baptism, you know enough to share it with others. Of course we always want to increase our gospel knowledge, but God has never hesitated to call upon the “unlearned” to preach His gospel (Doctrine and Covenants 35:13). In fact, He invites all of us, “Open your mouth to declare my gospel” (Doctrine and Covenants 30:5). And we do that best not through our own wisdom and experience but “by the power of [the] Spirit” (Doctrine and Covenants 35:13).

Friend April 2021 “Missionaries Shared the Gospel”

Mission to the Lamanites

Doctrine and Covenants 3235

Doctrine and Covenant Stories “A Mission to the Lamanites” Images and video

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Missionaries Called to the American Indian Nations”

See also “A Mission to the Lamanites,” Revelations in Context,45–49.

Invite a ward member to learn about one of the missionaries called in Doctrine and Covenants 30–34 and to share with the children what they learned (see “Voices of the Restoration: Early Converts” in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families or “The Faith and Fall of Thomas Marsh,” “Ezra Thayer: From Skeptic to Believer,” “Orson Pratt’s Call to Serve,” Revelations in Context, 54–69).

I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Invite the children to try to say a phrase like “God loves you” with their mouths closed. Point out that we can’t teach people about the gospel if we don’t open our mouths. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:8–10, and invite the children to open their mouths every time they hear the phrase “open your mouths.” Why does Heavenly Father want us to open our mouths and share the gospel with others?
  • Whisper something very quietly to the children, such as “Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God,” and ask them to repeat what you said. Then say the same phrase in a louder voice. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:2. Help the children understand that “lift[ing] up [our] voices” means to not be afraid to tell others about Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and other gospel truths.
  • Pick a phrase from verse 10, and invite a family member to whisper it. Other family members could try to guess the phrase. Then ask a family member to say the phrase in a loud voice. How does this activity help us understand why the Lord commands us to “lift up your voice”?
  • Draw a large mouth on the board, and help the children find in Doctrine and Covenants 33:8–10 the Lord’s promises to us when we open our mouths to share the gospel. Let the children write these promises on the board, and help them understand what these promises mean. Ask each child to write inside the mouth a gospel truth they can share with others.
  • Show a picture of a trumpet, and talk about what it means to preach the gospel “as with the sound of a trump.” How do we “lift up” our voices? (Doctrine and Covenants 33:234:6).
  • Place paper dolls or pictures of people around the room. Invite the children to find the people and gather them to the front of the room. Read Doctrine and Covenants 33:6, and explain what it means that the Lord will “gather [His] elect.” Testify that we can help gather people to the Lord as we share the gospel.
  • Ask the children to share how they are preparing to serve missions someday. If they know someone (perhaps a family member) who is serving, invite them to tell about his or her experiences. Or invite missionaries, a returned missionary, or someone preparing for a mission to share his or her enthusiasm for missionary work. Share some of your experiences sharing the gospel, including experiences in your daily life.

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 13: The First Missionaries Preach the Gospel,” 

Set up a row of dominoes (or similar items such as thin blocks of wood, slender boxes, or small books). Place them on end just far enough apart so that if one is knocked down, it will knock down the next one. As you knock the first domino down, ask the children to observe the chain reaction. Call attention to the effect of one domino upon all the others. Explain that we too may affect the lives of others in a chain reaction. By sharing the gospel with even one person, we sometimes touch the lives of many others. (You may want to remind the children of how Samuel Smith sold a Book of Mormon to Phineas Young, who gave it to his brother Brigham, who passed it on yet again. Samuel Smith’s small action of selling one Book of Mormon affected many people.)

Sing a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Help the children think of ways they can help other people learn about Jesus Christ.

Friend April 2021 “I Can Share the Gospel” Coloring Page

As you read the Lord’s promises to Thomas B. Marsh about his family, you could talk about the blessings that have come to your family because of missionary work. You could also sing a related hymn, such as “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” (Hymns, no. 270). How has your family been blessed by sharing the gospel with others?

Friend April 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

  • Sing “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168).
  • After Jesus Christ’s Church was restored, God called missionaries to go and teach more people about it. You can read about some of the first missionaries on page 42.
  • Write letters or draw pictures to send to the missionaries! You could give them to the missionaries serving in your area or send them to a missionary serving somewhere else. Talk about ways you can share the gospel too.

See also Missionary and Resources by Topic: Missionary Work

I can build my life on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–17

  • Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”
    • Show the children a picture of the foundation of a building, and ask them to describe it. Why does a building need a strong, solid foundation? Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–13, and explain that the Lord wants us to build our lives on His gospel. Help the children think of some ways they can build their lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • Give the children some objects that they can use to build a tower, such as blocks or plastic cups. Label each object with a picture representing things the Lord said in Doctrine and Covenants 33:14–17. Invite the children to build a tower as you talk with them about how these things help us build our lives on Jesus Christ’s gospel.
    • Bring to class items of differing hardness, such as a stuffed animal, a sponge, clay, and a rock. Allow the children to handle each one. Ask them to look in Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–13 to find out how the Lord describes His gospel. Why is “rock” a good word to describe the gospel? How can we build our lives on the rock of the gospel?
    • Help the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 33:12–17 and find things we can do to build our lives on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Invite the children to draw a picture of something they find, and let them guess what each other’s pictures are portraying.

    Friend August 2020 “A Strong Foundation” We need to build our foundation on the gospel Jesus Christ. When we do, we will be able to withstand hard things in life.

    Sing “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

    Additional Resources:

    See also Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 30-36”

    Sidney and Phebe Rigdon

    On his way from New York to a mission in Missouri, Parley Pratt and his fellow laborers stopped in Mentor, Ohio, at the home of Sidney and Phebe Rigdon—old friends Parley knew from his days in Ohio. Sidney was a Christian minister, and Parley was once a member of his congregation and considered him a spiritual mentor. Parley eagerly told his friends about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s gospel. Sidney himself had been searching for a restoration of the true Church that he found described in the New Testament, though he was skeptical about the Book of Mormon at first. “But I will read your book,” he told his friend Parley, “and will endeavor to ascertain, whether it be a revelation from God or not.”7 After two weeks of study and prayer, both he and Phebe were convinced the book was true. But Sidney also knew that joining the Church would be a major sacrifice for his family. He would obviously lose his job as a minister, along with his social status in the community. As he and Phebe discussed this possibility, Phebe declared, “I have counted the cost, and … it is my desire to do the will of God, come life or come death.”8 Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 30–36”

    Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

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    See more teaching ideas at Easter and Resurrection

    Because of Jesus Christ, I will be resurrected.

    Doctrine and Covenants 63:4988:14–17, 27138:11, 14–17

    Easter Scripture Story


    Friend April 2020 “The First Easter” Cut out the story and the pictures to tell the story of the first Easter.

    Joseph Smith knew how it feels to mourn the death of loved ones. Two of his brothers, Alvin and Don Carlos, died as young men. Joseph and Emma buried six children, each younger than two years old. But from the revelations he received, Joseph gained an eternal perspective on death and God’s eternal plan. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

    The Prophet Joseph Smith testified that Jesus Christ lives.

    Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”

    • Show the children a picture of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Invite the children to tell you what is happening in the picture, and ask them to find Jesus Christ.

    Ask the children if they know about other times Joseph Smith saw the Savior. In your own words, tell about the experiences described in Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–7. Why is it a blessing to know that Joseph Smith saw the risen Savior?

    For the Strength of Youth April 2021 “He Lives” Line by line explanation of D&C 76:22-24

    • April 3, 1836, was Easter Sunday. After helping administer the sacrament to Saints gathered in the newly dedicated Kirtland Temple, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found a quiet place behind a veil in the temple and bowed in silent prayer. Then, on this sacred day when Christians everywhere were commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior Himself appeared in His temple, declaring, “I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:4).

    Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: Visions in the Kirtland Temple 

    Video: Watch the first part of Doctrine and Covenant Stories: The Three Kingdoms of Heaven

    Doctrine and Covenants 76:11–24110:1–10Joseph Smith—History 1:14–17

    • On the board, list some truths we learn about the Savior from these verses. Invite the children to identify which verses teach the truths listed on the board. On this week’s activity page, help the children match the pictures with the scripture verses.
    • As the children color this week’s activity page, read to them the scriptures it refers to. Point out details in the pictures that are described in the verses. Testify to the children that the Prophet Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ, and this is one reason we know that Jesus lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

    Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

    To help your family consider the many ways the risen Savior blesses us today, you could sing together “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136) and connect truths taught in this song with those taught in the following scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 6:3445:3–584:7798:18138:23. Your family might also enjoy writing additional verses for the hymn that express how they know that their Redeemer lives. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Easter: “I Am He Who Liveth, I Am He Who Was Slain”)

    Because of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven of my sins.

    Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–1319:16–1945:3–558:42–43

    In addition to saving us from physical death, Jesus Christ provided a way for us to be saved from spiritual death—in other words, to be forgiven of our sins and return to God’s presence.

    Write on the board two headings similar to these: What the Savior did and What I must do. Invite each child to search one of the following passages to find something that belongs under these headings: Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–1319:16–1945:3–558:42–43. Share your joy and gratitude for what the Savior did for us.

    Help the children learn the third article of faith. You could help them memorize it by showing pictures that go with key phrases.

    Friend February 2015

    Show the video “The Shiny Bicycle” (, or tell a story of your own about a child who made a wrong choice and then repented. Help the children discuss what the child in the story did to receive forgiveness. How has the Savior made it possible for us to be forgiven?

    Additional Resources

    Liahona April 2021 “Gospel Basics: Jesus Christ Saved Us from Sin and Death”

    Resources for Teaching Children: Resources by Topic: Atonement

    Teaching Children the Gospel: Jesus Christ: Atonement

    Doctrine and Covenants 29

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    Jesus Christ will gather His people before He comes again.

    Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–8

    We are gathered by the Savior when we accept and follow His teachings.

    Watch the Video “Chicks and Hens”

    After reading Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–, act out the analogy of Christ gathering His people “as a hen gathereth her chickens.” One child could pretend to be the hen and choose a corner of the room to stand in. When he or she “clucks,” have all the children gather around him or her. Children could take turns being the hen. Hold up a picture of the Savior and invite the children to gather to Him. Share with the children how Jesus helps us when we gather to Him. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 29: “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People”)

    Friend March 2024 “The Hen and the Baby Chicks” Clara helped her dad pick out a hen to care for some baby chicks they had bought. She watched as the hen lifted up her wing and the baby chicks disappeared under it. Her dad explained that that was the way the hen protects and keeps the baby chicks safe and warm. Her dad shared the scripture of Jesus gathering us and protecting us and caring for us just like a hen gathers her chickens under her wings.

    What did the Lord say we must do to be gathered by Him?

    Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun” Paper Name Gathering Game


    We “gather Israel” when we help other people learn about the gospel. Jesus taught about this gathering in 3 Nephi 20–22.

    1. Give each person a piece of paper and ask them to write down any name that comes to mind.
    2. Everyone should close their eyes while one person hides the papers.
    3. Read 3 Nephi 20:18 and 39–40 out loud. How can you help other people learn about Jesus?
    4. While listening to a song about Jesus, invite everyone to help find the names and put them by a picture of the Savior.

    Discussion: How does it make you feel to know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know each person by name?

    Friend February 1986 Ways to be a missionary

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 29: “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People”

    • One way to get the children excited about the gathering is to share the story of someone who joined the Church. For example, who introduced your family to the Church? Consider asking children in advance to find out about the first member of the Church in their families and share his or her story with the class.
    • Invite the children to make a list of ways they can help people gather to the Savior. For example, they could invite friends or family members to a Primary activity or to a home evening with their families.
    • The tenth article of faith talks about the gathering of Israel. Do any of the children have this article of faith memorized? If they do, invite them to recite it for the class. If not, help them set a goal to memorize it.

    See Jesus: Second Coming and Resources by Topic: Second Coming for additional teaching ideas also see Missionary for ideas on how the children can help with the gathering.

    I can prepare to meet the Savior.

    Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–11

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 29: “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People”

    Show a picture of the Second Coming (see Gospel Art Book,no. 66), and help a child read Doctrine and Covenants 29:11. Help the children notice phrases in the scripture that describe what they see in the picture. Share with the children how you feel about Jesus Christ coming to earth again.

    Friend October 2019 “The Living Christ” Second Coming of Jesus Christ

    Show the children pictures of things they can do to prepare to meet the Savior (such as the ones below) . Help the children find other ways to prepare for the Second Coming in Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–10.

    Friend December 2015

    Friend December 2015

    Sing a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).

    Heavenly Father prepared a plan of salvation for me.

    Doctrine and Covenants 29

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 29: “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People”

    • Ask several children to share an example of a time when they had a plan, such as for a trip or for accomplishing a task. You could also share examples of plans, such as a calendar with activities written on it or instructions to make something. Why are plans useful? Share with the children that Heavenly Father has a plan that will allow us to become like Him.
    • To help the children understand God’s plan, make signs with these terms:
    • After explaining each term (see Doctrine and Covenants 29:9–45), give each sign to a different child, and ask them to stand in a line in the correct order to show when each event occurs in Heavenly Father’s plan. Each child could share what he or she knows about what is on his or her sign. Help the children see how knowing about Heavenly Father’s plan helps us become more like Him and the Savior.

    See also Resources by Topic: Plan of Salvation

    Use one or more of the activities below to teach truths about the plan and how they apply to us. Consider asking a few of the children to come prepared to help you teach.


    • 2017 Sharing Time Outline Tell the children that you are thinking of a word, and give them clues to help them guess the word. Ask them to raise their hands when they know the answer. Clues could include the following: We had this before we came to earth. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is an important part of Heavenly Father’s plan for us. Satan wanted to take it from us. We use it when we make choices. It is a gift that lets us choose for ourselves. It starts with the letter A. After the children have guessed the answer, say together, “Agency is the gift to choose for ourselves.”
    • 2017 Sharing Time Outline Show the children a container of many different colors of crayons. Show them a second container with only one color. Ask the children: “If you were going to color a picture, which of these containers of crayons would you want to use? Why?” Explain that having a variety of choices is a blessing. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and They want us to make correct choices.
    • Show the children a long stick that has the word choice written on one end and the word consequences written on the other end. Explain that a consequence is what naturally happens because of a choice we make; for example, if we choose to practice playing a musical instrument, we will get better at it, and if we choose to touch fire, we will be burned. Pick up the stick and show the children that every time you pick up the stick, you get both the choice and the consequence of that choice.


    • The commandments. Invite the children to make a list on the board of some of the commandments. (For examples, they could search Exodus 20:3–17 and Gospel Art Book, nos. 103–15.) Why does Heavenly Father give us commandments? What do we learn from Doctrine and Covenants 29:35 about Heavenly Father’s commandments?

    The Atonement of Jesus Christ

    • Show the children the shirt you brought, and lay it on top of a spread out plastic garbage bag. Explain to the children that sin is like dirt and stains. Apply staining items to the shirt as you mention wrong choices that stain our spirits, such as lying, using bad words, hitting a sibling, etc. (The garbage bag is to help prevent spills on the carpet.) Ask the children how they would feel if they had to wear the dirty shirt and how they would feel if they could never change the shirt or take a shower.
    • • Would it be difficult going out among people in that state?  Would we feel comfortable in heaven being among spiritually clean people if we have stains of sin upon us? Show the children the soap and explain that just like we have soap to clean our bodies and our clothes, Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to become clean from our sins. He provided a Savior for us who took upon himself our sins. How wonderful it is that we can be clean of sin because of what the Jesus Christ did for us

    What new insights did you gain? How would your life be different if you didn’t know about these truths?

    Sing “I Will Follow God’s Plan” See here for resources on how to teach the song.

    Additional Resources

    Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 29”

    Doctrine and Covenants 27-28

    Posted on

    The sacrament helps me remember Jesus Christ.

    Doctrine and Covenants 27:1–3

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021″Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”

    Sally Knight and Emma Smith were baptized in June 1830, but their confirmations were disrupted by a mob. Two months later, Sally and her husband, Newel, came to visit Emma and Joseph, and it was decided that the confirmations should now be performed and that the group would partake of the sacrament together. While on his way to obtain wine for the sacrament, Joseph was stopped by an angel.

    The angel told him not to buy wine from his enemies (see D&C 27:3). The angel also told him that it did not matter what was eaten or drunk in the sacrament as long as those who were partaking remembered Christ’s atonement (see D&C 27:2). (Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History“Lesson 12: Important Ordinances Are Restored”)  

    Read Doctrine and Covenants 27:2, beginning with “remembering unto the Father,” and ask the children to listen for what the Savior wants us to remember when we take the sacrament.( Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”)

    Activity and Story Ideas

    Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

    Friend June 2020 “Koa and the Sacrament” He sings the sacrament hymn.Koa thinks about Jesus. He listens to the sacrament prayers. Koa is reverent. He feels happy inside!

    Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 17–19: “Behold, My Joy Is Full” Have the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus on the last square.

    Friend June 2019 “The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ” Ways to prepare for the sacrament before hand, what to do during the sacrament, and remembering Jesus and following him after the sacrament.

    Friend June 2019 “The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ” Ways to prepare for the sacrament before hand, what to do during the sacrament, and remembering Jesus and following him after the sacrament.

    Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “The Sacrament”

    For more teaching ideas see Sacrament

    Doctrine and Covenants 27: 5-14

    What do we know about the prophets in these verses? You could search for information about them in the Guide to the Scriptures ( What blessings have been unlocked for us through the keys they held? For more information about some of these keys, see Matthew 16:16–19Doctrine and Covenants 110:11–16.

    The armor of God protects me and helps me withstand evil.

    Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18

    Cut out the pieces of armor, and let the children put them on one of the figures as you read Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18.

     outline for Ephesians in Come Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2019
    Friend June 2016

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”

    Perhaps your family would enjoy staging a pretend battle with additional clothing to represent the armor of God, such as hats, vests, aprons, or shoes. How does armor help protect us in battle? Discuss some of the evil influences your family faces and the things you can do to put on spiritual armor. Consider showing the video “Put on the Whole Armor of God” (

    Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun: Armor Up”

    Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”

    For additional ideas see Armor of God or Resources by Topic “Armor of God”

    Only the Prophet Receives Revelation for the Whole Church

    Doctrine and Covenants 28:1–7, 15

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”

    In August 1830, Hiram Page, one of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon, claimed to have received two revelations about the future location and organization of Zion using a black seer stone. These revelations contradicted previous revelations given to Joseph Smith, but many members believed them.

    Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 14: The Prophet and Revelations for the Church”

    Why is it important to know that only the living prophet can receive revelation for the whole Church? How does this protect us from deception?

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”

    Doctrine and Covenants 28:1–7, 15 can help the children understand that everyone can be guided by the Holy Ghost, but revelation for the Church will always be given through the prophet.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 27–28: “All Things Must Be Done in Order”)

    Ask the children to play “follow the leader”—one child could stand at the front of the room, and the rest of the children could imitate whatever he or she does. This could lead into a discussion about why we follow the prophet. You could show a picture of Jesus Christ and emphasize that we follow the prophet because he follows the Savior and speaks the Savior’s words.

    For additional ideas about prophets, see the following resources:

    Why was Oliver Cowdery’s mission to the Lamanites significant?

    Doctrine and Covenants 28:8–9

    One purpose of the Book of Mormon is “that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the Lord” (Doctrine and Covenants 3:20). This was consistent with promises the Lord made to many Book of Mormon prophets (see, for example, 1 Nephi 13:34–41Enos 1:11–18Helaman 15:12–13). Early Church members considered the American Indians to be descendants of the Book of Mormon people. (The official position of the Church today is that the Lamanites “are among the ancestors of the American Indians” [introduction to the Book of Mormon].)

    To read more about Oliver’s mission to nearby American Indian tribes, see “A Mission to the Lamanites” (Revelations in Context, 45–49). What does this mission teach you about the Lord and His work?

    Additional Resources:

    Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 27-28”

    Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

    Posted on

    When I pray always, Heavenly Father will bless me.

    Doctrine and Covenants 10:5

    Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves or their families praying at different times and places, such as in church, before school, or at bedtime. Explain that praying always can mean praying often throughout the day. How can we pray even when we are around other people, such as at school or with our friends?

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 20–26: “Ye Are the Children of the Covenant”

    • Ask the children to show you what they do when they pray. What do they do with their arms? their heads? their eyes? Explain that sometimes we want to talk to Heavenly Father, but we can’t kneel or close our eyes. What can we do? Read to the children from 3 Nephi 20:1: “[Jesus] commanded them that they should not cease to pray in their hearts.” Tell the children how you pray in your heart.
    • Draw a mouth and a heart on the board. Ask the children to point to the mouth and tell you some things they say when they pray. Then ask them to point to the heart, and explain that we can say those same things in our hearts. Testify that Heavenly Father knows our feelings and thoughts.

    Doctrine and Covenants 10:1–33

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    Satan would prefer that we forget he exists—or that we at least fail to recognize his attempts to influence us (see 2 Nephi 28:22–23). But the Lord’s words in Doctrine and Covenants 10 reveal that Satan is in constant, active opposition to God’s work. As you read verses 1–33, identify how Satan sought to destroy God’s work in Joseph Smith’s time (see also verses 62–63). What similarities do you see with the ways Satan works today? You could ask the Lord to help you see how Satan may be tempting you. What do you learn from section 10 that can help you resist Satan’s efforts?

    Friend February 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”

    The Lord’s “wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.”

    Doctrine and Covenants 10:34–52

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    As the translation of the Book of Mormon progressed, a question naturally arose: What should Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery do about those pages of the translation that had been lost? The logical thing might be to go back and retranslate that portion, but the Lord could see something that they could not—wicked men were plotting to alter the words on those pages to cast doubt on Joseph’s inspired work. God had a plan to thwart Satan’s efforts and compensate for what was lost. This plan was put into motion thousands of years earlier when the prophet Nephi felt inspired to create a second record that covered the same time period. Later, Mormon was inspired to include this record in the Book of Mormon “for a wise purpose” known to the Lord (see Words of Mormon 1:3–7).

    Liahona February 2021 “How Does the Lord’s Wisdom Bless our Lives?” Take a look at this time line to see how the Lord had compensated for the pages He knew would be lost.

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    More than 2,400 years in advance, the Lord prepared to compensate for the lost pages of the Book of Mormon (see 1 Nephi 9).The record that God prepared to replace the lost manuscript is now found in 1 Nephi through Omni. How have the stories and teachings in this record [helped bless your life]?

    Faith in Jesus Christ

    Doctrine and Covenants 10:55-70

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    Invite family members to find or mark phrases that begin with “I am” or “I will.” What do we learn from the “I am” phrases about who Jesus Christ is and what He is like? What do we learn from the “I will” phrases about what He does? Encourage family members to share how these truths strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.

    If I ask of God, I will receive.

    Doctrine and Covenants 11

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    Several of Joseph Smith’s family members and friends asked him to seek the Lord’s will on their behalf. Joseph was happy to do so, but the Lord was also willing to give them personal revelation. In Doctrine and Covenants 11, a revelation that Joseph received for his older brother Hyrum, the Lord said, “I will impart unto you of my Spirit, … and then shall ye know … all things whatsoever you desire of me” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:13–14). What is the Lord trying to tell you about personal revelation?

    The Holy Ghost leads me to do good.

    Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–13

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 10–11: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”

    Reading these verses can help your family members recognize when the Spirit is communicating with them. You could shine a flashlight on the floor and invite a family member to move to where the light is shining. How is this like following the guidance of the Holy Ghost? What personal experiences could you share?

    Ensign July 2019 “Family Study Fun”(Acts 1:1–8, 15–26; 2:1–42; 4:1–13, 31–33) Finding someone in need by listening to the still small voice.

    1. Scatter pillows, couch cushions, and other soft objects throughout the room.
    2. Assign someone in the family to be the “person in need” at the end of the obstacle course.
    3. Place a blindfold on a member of the family and assign someone else to whisper directions into the person’s ear to guide them safely through the course to the person in need.

    Discussion: When was a time you felt directed by the Holy Ghost to help someone else? How did you recognize those promptings?

    Sing a song about the guidance of the Holy Ghost, such as “Listen, Listen” (Children’s Songbook, 107). Ask the children what the song teaches them about how the Holy Ghost helps us.

    I need to know the gospel so I can help others find the truth.

    Doctrine and Covenants 11:15–26

    Even before the Book of Mormon had been translated, Hyrum Smith was anxious to preach the gospel. As you read the Lord’s response to his desires, consider what it means to you to “obtain [God’s] word” (verse 21). How does obtaining God’s word help you serve in the Church?

    Consider making a list of the things the Lord told Hyrum Smith to do so that he would be ready to share the gospel. What should we work on as a family?

    21 Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.

    27 Behold, I speak unto all who have good desires, and have thrust in their sickle to reap.

    Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “The Lord Told Hyrum to Study the Scriptures”

    Sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). What does this song teach about how we can be missionaries every day?

    Additional Resources

    Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 10-11”

    Doctrine and Covenants 6–9

    Posted on

    Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

    Because of the lost 116 pages of manuscript, the angel Moroni took the gold plates and the Urim and Thummim away from Joseph Smith for a time (see lesson 6). After Joseph repented, these items were returned. As Joseph continued the translation, he found that he did not have time to take care of his family and farm and still translate as fast as he wanted to. The work of translation was also slowed because Joseph had no scribe to write for him as he translated. Martin Harris was no longer allowed to be Joseph’s scribe. Emma sometimes served as scribe, but she had other work to do also. Joseph knew that the translation was not going as fast as it needed to, so he prayed and asked Heavenly Father for help.

    The Holy Ghost speaks to my mind and my heart.

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation””

    In the fall of 1828, a young schoolteacher named Oliver Cowdery took a teaching job in Manchester, New York, and stayed with the family of Lucy and Joseph Smith Sr. Oliver had heard about their son Joseph, who was now living in Harmony, Pennsylvania, and Oliver, who considered himself a seeker of truth, wanted to know more. The Smiths described visits from angels, an ancient record, and the gift to translate by the power of God. Oliver was fascinated. Could it be true? Lucy and Joseph Sr. gave him advice that applies to anyone seeking truth: pray and ask the Lord. Oliver did, and the Lord answered, speaking peace and reassurance to Oliver’s mind.

    Doctrine and Covenants 6:5, 15–16, 22–238:29:7–9

    Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Oliver Received Answers from the Lord”

    In spring 1829 Oliver Cowdery traveled to Harmony and volunteered to be Joseph Smith’s scribe as he translated the Book of Mormon.

    For the Strength of Youth January 2021 “An Answer for Oliver”

    Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 5: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery” Video and Images

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints “Gospel Media: Days of Harmony” Video of Oliver Cowdery’s experience as Joseph Smith’s scribe during the translation of the Book of Mormon

    Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

    With Oliver assisting, the translation of the Book of Mormon went faster. After working as scribe for some time, Oliver wanted to translate. He was given permission to translate but failed when he tried. Oliver thought that the ability to translate would be given to him by merely asking Heavenly Father for it, but he learned that it required great mental and spiritual effort. The ability to translate had to come through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    Oliver Cowdery tried to translate the Book of Mormon but couldn’t, so Joseph asked the Lord why. Read to the children the Lord’s answer: “You must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right” (Doctrine and Covenants 9:8).

    Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

    Discuss with the children the process for making decisions that was revealed to Oliver Cowdery through Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants 9:8–9:

    1. Study the problem or question in your mind. Think about how you could solve the problem or answer the question.
    2. Decide what you think you should do.
    3. Ask Heavenly Father if your decision is right.
    4. Listen with your heart and mind. If your decision is right, the Holy Ghost will give you a good feeling about it. If your decision is wrong, you will not feel good about it, and you need to make a different choice.

    Friend January 2021 “The Party Problem” Luz felt uneasy about going to a graduation party. It didn’t sound like the kind of party where she’d be able to feel the Holy Ghost. She thought about it, made her choice not to go, and then asked Heavenly Father if that was the right choice. Afterwards she felt a wave of warmth and light and knew she had made the right choice.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    Invite the children to touch their heads and their chests as you read the words “mind” and “heart” in Doctrine and Covenants 8:2. Help them understand that Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Holy Ghost, who gives us thoughts and feelings. Sing together a song about the Holy Ghost, such as “The Holy Ghost” (Children’s Songbook, 105). What does the song teach about how the Spirit speaks to us? Share an experience when you felt the Holy Ghost in your mind and heart.

    Draw on the board a head and a heart. Help the children read the following verses and determine which describe the Holy Ghost speaking to our minds, to our hearts, or to both: Doctrine and Covenants 6:15, 238:29:89:9. Tell the children, from your experiences, what it’s like when the Holy Ghost speaks to your mind and heart.

    Latter Day Kids “The Holy Ghost” Lesson, song, and activity ideas

    Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

    Show the radio to the children but do not turn it on. Ask the children if they can hear what is being broadcast, and briefly discuss why they cannot. Turn on the radio but do not have it tuned to a station. Point out that the radio is on, but the children still cannot hear what is being broadcast.

    • What must we do before we can hear the radio clearly?

    Help the children understand that listening to the Holy Ghost may be compared to listening to a radio. Before we can hear what Heavenly Father wants us to know, we must be tuned in to the Holy Ghost. 

    Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 7: Joseph Smith Translates the Gold Plates,”  

    Joseph learned that he could not translate without the help of the Holy Ghost. One morning he was upset with Emma over something she had done. When he tried to translate, he found that he could not translate at all. Joseph went out into the orchard to pray and ask the Lord why he could not translate. He soon realized that he needed to make peace with Emma before he could have the help of the Holy Ghost. He came back into the house and asked Emma’s forgiveness. He was then able to continue with the translation.

    1. Make two columns on the chalkboard. Label one Invites the Spirit and the other Offends the Spirit. Help the children understand that the Spirit (the Holy Ghost) is very important in our lives. Explain that good things invite the Spirit into our lives while bad things offend the Spirit and cause him to leave (see Moroni 7:12–13). Ask the children to think of actions to list in each column, such as listening to good music and being kind under Invites the Spirit and quarreling and being dishonest under Offends the Spirit.Explain that the Holy Ghost will teach us, comfort us, protect us, strengthen us, and guide us (see Gospel Principles [31110], chapter 7), but to receive his help we must do things that will invite him to continue to be with us.
    2. Explain that when we have the Spirit with us, we feel differently than we feel when we do not have the Spirit or when Satan is influencing us. Read the statements below, and ask the children to stand when the statement describes how we feel when we have the Spirit, and sit when the statement describes how we feel when we do not have the Spirit.
      • You feel happy and calm.
      • You feel selfish.
      • You feel generous.
      • You become easily discouraged.
      • You want to make others happy.
      • You want to get even.
      • You are forgiving and kind.
      • You feel happy when others do well.
    3. List on separate pieces of paper several activities that invite the Spirit and that can be pantomimed by the children. Put the pieces of paper in a container. Have each child select a piece of paper and pantomime the activity listed while the other children try to guess what the activity is.Possible activities:
      • Read the scriptures.
      • Pray.
      • Perform an act of kindness or service (such as washing dishes or playing with a baby).
      • Sit reverently in church.You may want to have the children choose one of these activities to do during the week. Give the children paper and pencils so they can write down what they have chosen, and tell the children to put their papers where they can be seen often to remind them to do the chosen action.
    4. Sing or say the words to “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, p. 106) and discuss how the Holy Ghost speaks to us. Help the children understand that we do not often hear the Holy Ghost speak out loud. Usually the Holy Ghost gives us feelings or puts ideas into our minds about what is right.

    Holy Ghost: Song Ideas

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation””

    Doctrine and Covenants 6: 7, 13

    How can you help your family understand that real “riches” are found in eternal life? (verse 7). You could invite family members to make pretend money and write or draw on it some of the many blessings your family has received because of the restored gospel.

    With the Savior’s help, I don’t need to be afraid.

    Doctrine and Covenants 6:33–36

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had many reasons to be afraid—persecution and poverty were just some of the challenges they faced. The Lord’s message to Joseph and Oliver can also encourage the children when they feel afraid.

    • Ask the children to repeat the phrase “fear not, little flock” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:34) several times. Explain that a flock is a group of animals, like sheep. Show a picture of the Savior as a shepherd (see Gospel Art Book, no. 64), and testify that He is watching over us like a shepherd watches over His sheep. Because He loves us, we don’t need to be afraid.
    • Let the children pretend to be a flock of frightened sheep. What might sheep sometimes be afraid of? Let one child pretend to be the shepherd keeping the sheep safe. What are we sometimes afraid of? Bear your testimony that Jesus Christ is like our shepherd and that He can calm our fears. Sing together a song about the Savior, such as “Little Lambs So White and Fair” (Children’s Songbook, 58).

    “Fear not to do good.”

    Doctrine and Covenants 6:33–37

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    The children you teach may at times feel afraid to stand for the right. Doctrine and Covenants 6:33–37 can inspire them to be courageous, even in difficult circumstances.

    • Read together Doctrine and Covenants 6:33, and discuss why someone might fear to do good (see also verses 28–29). Help children find words or phrases in verses 33–37that help give them the courage to do good.
    • Help the children make drawings they can display in their homes to remind them to “look unto [Jesus Christ] in every thought” (verse 36). As they make their drawings, discuss what looking to the Savior means and how it can keep them safe.
    • Sing together a song about courage, such as “Dare to Do Right” (Children’s Songbook, 158) or “Let Us All Press On” (Hymns, no. 243). Ask the children to find in the song some reasons why we should “fear not” (verse 36).

    For the Strength of Youth February 2021 “Fear Not” A line-by-line explanation for the words in D&C 6:33-37

    I can ask in faith.

    Doctrine and Covenants 8:10

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”

    • Write on the board Without  you can do nothing; therefore ask in . Invite the children to try to think of a word that fits in both blanks. Then read together Doctrine and Covenants 8:10 to find the answer. What are some things we can do if we have faith?
    • After reading together Doctrine and Covenants 8:10, help the children think of things they could ask the Lord to help them with. Invite them to draw a picture that represents something they should ask for. As they show the class their pictures, let the other children guess what the picture represents.

    Friend January 2021 “Come Follow Me

    Doctrine and Covenants 3–5

    Posted on


    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates” Lesson includes the story of the lost 116 pages, questions ideas, activity ideas, etc.

    Once Joseph and Emma Smith were settled in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Joseph began to translate the gold plates. At first Joseph spent a lot of time becoming familiar with the plates and the language in which they were written.

    Display the page “Book of Mormon Titles.” Ask the children if they can read any of the words or characters. Help the children identify each language.

    Discuss the many languages used throughout the world, and explain that the word translate means to change writing or speech from one language to another.

    • What was the language of the writings on the gold plates? (Reformed Egyptian.)

    Explain that usually translators need to understand both of the languages they work with. Joseph Smith, however, had had very little schooling and could not speak or read languages other than English. The reformed Egyptian characters on the plates were very strange to him. As he studied and prayed, the Urim and Thummim helped him understand the characters on the plates. Joseph learned that the process of translation requires faith, hard work, worthiness, patience, and obedience.

    Martin Harris went to Joseph Smith’s home in Harmony to help the Prophet in his work of translating the gold plates. Martin became Joseph’s scribe. As Joseph read out loud from the plates, Martin Harris wrote down the words Joseph read. 

    Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 4: Martin Harris and the Lost Pages” Video and Images

    Below: Martin Harris tells a young man the story of the lost manuscript, 

    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates”
    Explain that even though Martin Harris lost the 116 pages of translation, he repented and went on to make important contributions to the Church. He was not permitted to assist Joseph further in the translation of the gold plates, but later he sold part of his farm to help pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon. He was one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon and testified of the truthfulness of the book throughout his life. Show the children “The Testimony of Three Witnesses,” printed at the front of the Book of Mormon.

    Lesson Ideas

    I should care more about pleasing God than pleasing others.

    Doctrine and Covenants 3:5–105:21–22

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work Shall Go Forth”

    The above story and scriptures help us to “be inspired to remain faithful when others tempt [us] to be disobedient. Read together Doctrine and Covenants 3:5–85:21–22, and look for the blessings that come when we remain true to God.”

    Friend January 2021 “Come Follow Me

    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 6: Joseph Smith Begins to Translate the Gold Plates” Write the following on the chalkboard: “When the Lord commands, do it.” Explain that Joseph Smith learned from his mistakes and challenges. Even though he faced despair when the 116 pages were lost, he learned the importance of obedience, repentance, and accepting the will of Heavenly Father. He learned to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and grew in his ability to use the Urim and Thummim. Later in life he was able to say, “I made this my rule: When the Lord commands, do it” (History of the Church, 2:170).

    The Lord needs me to do His work.

    Doctrine and Covenants 4

    D&C 4:2 See that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

    D&C 4:4 “For behold the field is white already to harvest;”

    Latter Day Kids “The Field is White” Includes lesson, song and activity ideas.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work Shall Go Forth”

    Bring tools (or pictures of tools) that someone might use to work in a field. How do these tools help us? Help the children find things in Doctrine and Covenants 4:5–6 that could be like tools for doing God’s work.

    Friend September 2013 “I Will Serve God with All My Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength” Article includes a story of a child serving with her heart. It also describes what it means to serve with each of the following: heart, mind, and strength.

    D&C 4:2 See that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

    Song Ideas

    I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162) or

    I can be a witness that the Book of Mormon is true.

    Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–7, 11, 16, 23–24

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work Shall Go Forth”

    Martin Harris was promised that he could be one of the witnesses of the gold plates if he was faithful [and humbled himself]. We won’t see the plates like Martin did, but we can receive a spiritual witness of the Book of Mormon.

    • Write questions like the following on the board, and help the children find answers in Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–3, 7, 11What did Martin Harris desire to know? Who could Joseph Smith show the gold plates to? Why would seeing the plates likely not be enough to convince someone that the Book of Mormon is true?
    • Ask the children what a witness is and why a witness is important.
    • What did Martin Harris need to do to be a witness of the gold plates? (see Doctrine and Covenants 5:23–24).
    • Even though we haven’t seen the plates, what can we do to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon? (see Doctrine and Covenants 5:16Moroni 10:3–5).

    We have received the word of God through Joseph Smith.

    Doctrine and Covenants 5:10

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work Shall Go Forth”

    Hide a picture of Joseph Smith somewhere in the room (see Gospel Art Book, no. 87). Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:10 “But this generation shall have my word through you,” and invite the children to look for the picture to find out who the word “you” is referring to. Show the children copies of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. Explain that God gave us these scriptures through Joseph Smith.

    Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

    Posted on

    Doctrine and Covenants Stories “Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates” Images and Video

    Joseph Smith was called by God to do an important work.

    Joseph Smith—History 1:27–54

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    It had been three years since God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in the grove, but Joseph hadn’t received any additional revelations since then. He began to wonder about his standing before the Lord. Like all of us, he had made mistakes, and he felt condemned by them.

    I can pray to be forgiven.

    Joseph Smith—History 1:28–29

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:29. How did Joseph Smith feel about his mistakes? What did he do about them? What can we learn from Joseph’s example that can help us when we make mistakes? Ask the children how it makes them feel to know that Joseph was called by God even though he was not perfect.

    What does it mean to know your “standing before [God]”? (Joseph Smith—History 1:29).

    • Why is it important to think about our “standing before [God]”?

    Liahona January 2021 “What did Moroni Teach Joseph” A short explanation of what Moroni taught Joseph when he appeared to him four times.

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    You could ask a family member to read aloud part or all of Moroni’s message from Joseph Smith—History 1:33–42 four times (because Moroni repeated this message four times). Between each reading, ask the other family members to share what they remember from his message, without looking at the scriptures. Why might the Lord repeat important messages several times? What are some other ways the Lord teaches us through repetition?

    (Another option would be to have some items covered on a tray that are related to Moroni’s message. Uncover the tray for a short time and then recover it. See if the children can remember what was on the tray. Do this three more times and see if they remember more each time. Afterwards, use the items on the tray to teach about the words Moroni spoke.)

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    Read Joseph Smith—History 1:33 aloud, and ask the children to stand when they hear the phrase “God had a work for me to do.” What did God want Joseph to do? What does He ask us to do? Let the children draw pictures of things God wants them to do, such as praying, serving, or reading the scriptures.

    Display a picture of Moroni visiting Joseph Smith (see Gospel Art Book, no. 91). Ask the children to point out things they notice in the picture. Summarize the account of Moroni’s visits to Joseph. Invite the children to pretend to be Joseph Smith at various points in the story by folding their arms like they are praying, pretending to climb the Hill Cumorah, and so on.

    Invite the children to act out or draw pictures of events from Joseph Smith—History 1:30–54, such as Moroni appearing to Joseph, Joseph talking to his father, and Joseph finding the plates. What do we learn from this account about the work Joseph was called to do?

    Read with the children Joseph Smith—History 1:33–35, and ask them to listen for what Moroni wanted Joseph to know about the work Joseph was called to do. How have we been blessed because Joseph Smith fulfilled his work as translator of the Book of Mormon? Invite the children to read the Book of Mormon regularly.

    Friend January 2021 “Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates”

    Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni Buried the Gold Plates”

    Friend January 2021 “Getting the Gold Plates” Coloring Page

    Friend November 2015 “Find the Gold Plates”

    Friend November 2015

    Friend December 2015 Beginning at the star, draw lines from dot to dot as instructed in the answers to the following questions.

    Friend December 2015
    1. After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)
      • True: Move right three dots
      • False: Move left three dots
    2. Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)
      • True: Move up one dot
      • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
    3. Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)
      • True: Move down two dots
      • False: Move left two dots
    4. Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)
      • True: Move right three dots
      • False: Move down two dots
    5. Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)
      • True: Move down and right one dot
      • False: Move diagonally up and right two dots
    6. Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)
      • True: Move down two dots
      • False: Move up two dots
    7. Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)
      • True: Move down one dot
      • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
    8. Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)
      • True: Move down two dots
      • False: Move up two dots
    9. Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)
      • True: Move up two dots
      • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots
    10. The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)
      • True: Move left three dots
      • False: Move right one dot.


    Friend December 1988 “Do You Know” Joseph is visited by Moroni. Story and question.

    On the way home Joseph passed out. When he came to, Moroni was there calling his name. The angel repeated what he’d told Joseph the night before; he also told Joseph to do something then. What did Moroni tell Joseph to do? Do you know?

    A. Joseph was to tell his father everything that Moroni had told him.

    B. Joseph was to go home to bed until he felt strong enough to work with his father again.

    C. Joseph was to go immediately to where the gold plates were hidden and dig them up.

    D. Joseph was to get his five brothers to help him get the gold plates and translate them.


    Craft Idea

    Friend January 2021 “Show and Tell” Anna made a diorama of Joseph Smith getting the gold plates.

    Additional Resources:

    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 3: The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph Smith”  Story, activity and lesson ideas.

    Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65”

    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 4: Joseph Smith Prepares to Receive the Gold Plates”

    Primary 5 Manual: Doctrine and Covenants “Lesson 5: Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates” 

    Resources by Topic: Joseph Smith Stories, Activities and Media

    Song Ideas

    Sing or say the words to “An Angel Came to Joseph Smith”(Children’s Songbook, p. 86)

    Heavenly Father wants families to be sealed in the temple.

    Doctrine and Covenants 2.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    • Ask the children to read or listen to the prophecy in Doctrine and Covenants 2:1. Ask them to look for who the Lord would send in the last days and what this person would reveal. Display a picture of Elijah in the Kirtland Temple (see Gospel Art Book, no. 95), and talk about how this prophecy was fulfilled 13 years after Moroni’s visit (see Doctrine and Covenants 110:13–15).
    • Explain that Elijah restored priesthood keys that allow families to be sealed together eternally. Show some objects that could help the children understand what it means to seal something, such as a can of food or a plastic storage bag with a zipper lock. How do these objects help us understand what it means for a family to be sealed?

    Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: A Welding Link: (The Sealing Power)” Videos, songs, activities, and lesson ideas.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    • Display a picture of a temple, and help the children name some of the things we do in temples. Explain that baptisms for the dead, eternal marriage, and sealing families in the temple are all possible because of the priesthood keys Elijah restored.

    Ask the children to tell you something they love about their families. Display a picture of a family next to a temple—your own family, if possible (or see Gospel Art Book,no. 120). Testify that Heavenly Father wants families to be together forever, and this is one reason He gave us temples.

    Friend April 2020 “Alonso’s Forever Family” Alonso learned that because of Jesus’s resurrection people who have died will live again. He also learned about being sealed to his family. His parents had both died and he was living with his grandma. He couldn’t wait to go to the temple and be sealed to his parents. He saved any money he got so he and his grandma could make the trip to the temple. He was so grateful that  families can be together forever

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    Learning about my ancestors can bring me joy.

    Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    How have you felt your heart turn toward your ancestors? Think of ways you can experience such feelings more often. Perhaps you could ask a relative to share a story with you about one of your ancestors—even better, you could record it. Or you could invite [a family member] to learn about an ancestor and to share what they learn with the rest of the family. Maybe you could identify a deceased ancestor who never received gospel ordinances and then have a family member perform that work in the temple.

    Why does the Lord want us to learn about our family members and perform temple ordinances for them? How are we blessed when we participate in family history and temple work?

    To help your children understand the “promises made to the fathers,” you could read Abraham 2:9–11 together. Identify the promises God made as part of His covenant with Abraham. How do we “plant” these promises in our hearts?

    Doctrine and Covenants 2.

    Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”

    Give each child a paper heart. Help them write their name and “I promise to remember my ancestors” on it. Read Doctrine and Covenants 2:2, and explain that Elijah came to turn our hearts to our ancestors.

    Friend January 2021 “Come Follow Me”

    Song Idea

    Gospel Media: Hearts of the Children Sing-along video

    Additional Family History Resources

    D&C Come Follow Me 2021

    Posted on

    Section 1

    Reading Chart

    An Overview of the Doctrine and Covenants: How it Came to Be and What it Contains

    Topics from Doctrine Covenants 1:1-38

    Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

    Joseph Smith’s Childhood

    The First Vision

    Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65

    The Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith

    Joseph Smith Learns about the Gold Plates

    Elijah and the Sealing Keys

    Doctrine and Covenants 3–5

    Joseph Begins to Translate the Gold Plates

    Martin Harris and the Lost 116 Pages

    Doctrine and Covenants 6-9

    Oliver Cowdery and Joseph work on Translation

    Oliver Cowdery Tries to Translate

    Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

    Joseph and Oliver wonder if they should Retranslate the Lost 116 Pages

    Hyrum Smith asks Joseph to Seek the Lord’s Will on His Behalf

    Doctrine & Covenants 12-13 and Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75

    Joseph Knight wanted to know how he could help in the work of the Lord. The Lord’s answer is D&C 12.

    John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood.

    Joseph and Oliver are Baptized

    Doctrine and Covenants 14-17

    The Whitmer Family: Miracle of the Plowed Field, Joseph and Oliver Stays with them while Translating, and a Revelation for the Whitmer Family

    The Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses

    Doctrine and Covenants 18-19

    Printing of the Book of Mormon

    Doctrine and Covenants 20-22

    Restoration of the Church

    Doctrine and Covenants 23-26

    People disrupt baptisms and break dam and make trouble for the church and Joseph

    Revelation for Emma, including selecting hymns for the saints to sing

    Doctrine and Covenants 27-28

    An angel tells Joseph not to buy wine from their enemies for the sacrament.

    Hiram Page claims to receive revelations for the church

    Oliver Cowdery’s mission to the Lamanites

    Doctrine and Covenants 29

    The Gathering of God’s People and Second Coming Revelation

    Doctrine and Covenants: Easter

    Some scriptures in the D&C about the death, resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ

    Doctrine and Covenants 30-36

    First Missionaries

    Doctrine and Covenants 37-40

    The Saints are Commanded to Gather to Kirtland, Ohio

    James Covel covenants to obey the commandments but doesn’t keep his promise.

    Doctrine and Covenants 41-44

    Early Days in Kirtland

    The First Bishop: Edward Partridge

    Law of Consecration

    Doctrine and Covenants 45

    Revelation about Second Coming

    Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

    Gifts of the Spirit

    Church Historian Called

    Doctrine and Covenants 49-50

    Leman Copley and the Shakers

    False Spirits Manifest in Strange Behavior

    Doctrine and Covenants 51-57

    Leman Copley breaks his covenant to allow the Coleman saints to settle on his land

    Doctrine and Covenants 58-59

    Saints begin to settle in Missouri, including the Coleman saints

    Doctrine and Covenants 60-62

    Joseph and the missionaries travel to and from Missouri.

    The Missouri River is dangerous traveling on.

    Some of the missionaries are chastised for not sharing the gospel.

    Doctrine and Covenants 63

    Ezra Booth converted by a healing and then falls away from church.

    Preparations to move to Zion

    Warnings to dissenters

    Doctrine and Covenants 64-66

    Building Zion Difficulties

    William E. McLellin receives answers to his questions through a revelation

    Doctrine and Covenants 67-70

    The Latter-day Revelations Are Published (the Doctrine of Covenants)

    Doctrine and Covenants 71-75

    Ezra Booth publishes letters trying to discredit the church. Joseph and Sydney go on a mission to teach the truth.

    Newel K. Whitney is called to serve as bishop in Kirtland.

    Joseph Smith is commanded by the Lord to work on inspired revisions to the Bible.

    Doctrine and Covenants 76

    Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory

    Doctrine and Covenants 77-80

    Joseph receives answers to questions about the Book of Revelations

    Organizing the United Firm (United Order)

    Doctrine and Covenants 81-83

    Frederick G. Williams called to be a counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith

    Instructions reiterated to establish a firm—known as the United Firm

    Doctrine and Covenants 84

    Revelation about the Priesthood

    Doctrine and Covenants 85-87

    85 Letter to William W. Phelps about those who had not obeyed commandment to consecrate their properties

    86 Revelation about the meaning of the Second Coming wheat and tares parable.

    87 Civil War Prophecy

    Doctrine and Covenants 88

    School of the Prophets

    The Lord wants the Saints to build a temple, a “house of God.”

    Doctrine and Covenants 89-92

    Word of Wisdom

    Establishment of First Presidency

    Revelation about Apocrypha

    Doctrine and Covenants 93

    Revelation about Jesus Christ and Premortal Life

    Doctrine and Covenants 94-97

    The Saints are Commanded to Build the Kirtland Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 98-101

    The Saints Are Expelled from Jackson County, Missouri

    Doctrine and Covenants 102-105

    Zion’s Camp

    Doctrine and Covenants 106-108

    Priesthood Organization

    Doctrine and Covenants 109-110

    Dedication of the Kirtland Temple

    Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear to Joseph and Oliver in Kirtland Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 11-114

    Financial difficulties and apostasy in the church

    Doctrine and Covenants 115-120

    Name of the Church



    Doctrine and Covenants 121-123

    More Mobs in Missouri

    Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail

    The Saints leave Missouri

    Doctrine and Covenants 124


    Saints Commanded to Build the Nauvoo Temple

    Doctrine and Covenants 125-128

    Baptisms for the Dead

    Doctrine and Covenants 129-132

    Revelation about Eternal Marriage

    Doctrine and Covenants 133-134

    Appendix to Book of Commandments

    Doctrine and Covenants 135-136

    Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith

    Brigham Young is the new leader of the church

    The Saints leave Nauvoo and establish Winter Quarters.

    Doctrine and Covenants 137-138

    Joseph Smith’s vision of brother Alvin in Celestial Kingdom.

    Salvation for the dead

    Joseph F. Smith’s vision about the Spirit World

    The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2

    Articles of Faith

    End of the practice of plural marriage

    Blessings of the priesthood made available to people of all races.

    The Family: A Proclamation to the World

    Christmas: The Living Christ