Tithing #1

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 Pay Tithing with a Grateful Heart – Game and Activity


Print one copy of the blessing cards found in the November 2008 Friend.  Glue the cards onto heavier paper so that the images can’t be seen through the cards when playing the game. Cut out each card.   

Print the purse, envelope and the page entitled “Our Blessings from Heavenly Father”.  Cut out the purse and envelope. Cut out the front windows of each, and cut out the handle opening on the purse. Tape a piece of clear plastic (a piece of a Ziploc baggie or page protector) over the window on the inside of the purse and envelope. To form the envelope and purse, fold each on the lines and glue the two side tabs to the inside fold.

Items needed: ten dimes or pennies, Doctrine and Covenant scriptures, a pen or a marker


Place the cards facedown. Have the family take turns flipping over two cards trying to make a match. When someone makes a match, have them tell why they are thankful for that blessing. Have them write that blessing, and an additional blessing they are grateful for (not duplicating any previous ones), on the paper entitled “Our Blessings from Heavenly Father”. When the game is over, point out all the wonderful blessings Heavenly Father has given us.


Read D&C 104:14-15    According to this scripture, who created the earth and who does everything belong to? (The Lord)  Everything we have is His, but He has created it and provided it for us to use.

The Lord asks (commands) that we give 10% of the income that He provides to help strengthen and build His church on the earth. This 10% is called tithing. This is a small amount compared to all the many things the Lord has given us.

(Hold out the ten dimes (or pennies) in your hand). Ask the family, “If we are to give 10%, which is one of every ten, how much would we owe the Lord if we had ten dimes.”  Put one dime in the envelope that says “For the Lord”. Put the rest in the container that says “For Us”.  Ten percent is a small amount compared to all he has given us (Indicate the blessing chart and the other 90% of the money).  We should give 10% with gratitude in our hearts.