Sabbath Day: Lesson Item 6

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Story Match-Up

“Choosing to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy”


  • Items needed: Two different colors of good quality construction paper – three pages of each color, a display board, and a glue stick.
  • Print the story activity pages. Cut each page in half at the dotted lines. Cut the construction papers in half. Glue each of the story pages to one color of construction paper and each of the picture pages to another color.
  • Before the lesson, post the pictures and stories face down on a display board using sticky tack or some other removable adhesive method.


Explain that on the display board are stories of children choosing to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Have a family member choose a story card and a picture card from the board. Explain that the object of the game is to find a story card and its matching picture. Have the family member read the story card out loud, or if the story has already been read, have them tell the story again in their own words. If the family member makes a match, then the cards are removed. If a match is not made, the cards are place back into their original position. Continue in this manner, with family members taking turns choosing cards and trying to find matches, until all the matches have been made,

(The stories are from the “Trying to Be Like Jesus” pages of the Friend Magazine.)

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