If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse two

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If the Savior Stood Beside Me – Verse Two


  • Items needed: 18 feet of string or fishing line and two cans, two crayons (one yellow and one dark brown or black), and a small bag or bowl.
  • Print the second verse pictures from the following website – OCD Primary Chorister. I copied and pasted the first picture of the girl onto Microsoft Word and then cropped and enlarged it. I printed two copies and cut out the pictures. I printed two copies of this picture of the Savior and glued on one picture of the girl to the right side of each picture. I used these page for the last line of the verse and for the line “if he were never far away.”
  • Print and cut out the word bubbles.
  • Print the word chart and word strips. Cut out the word strips. Fold them and put them into a small bag or bowl. The word chart is based on the one found in the February Ensign.
  • Make a homemade phone by hammering a hole into the top of each metal can with a nail. Put one end of the string into the hole at the top of one can. Pull it through a little and tie the end into a knot. Put the other end of the string into the hole at the top of the other can. Pull it through and tie its end into a knot.


Explain that the first line in this verse is the same as in the first verse.  – If the Savior stood beside me. (Put up the picture of the Savior with the children (from verse one visuals) at the top of the board. )

Remind the children that the first verse was about the things we do. Explain that the second verse is about the things we say. Show the first word bubble and explain that word bubbles are used as visual aids to help remind them that the verse is about the things we say.

Put the first word bubble and picture on the board.

Would I say the things I say?   Discuss the picture by pointing out that the big sister’s words are making her little brother feel bad and cry. Ask the children if they think she would change how she is talking about her brother if the Savior was standing next to her.  Remind them that the Savior would like our words to be things that would lift and help people, not hurt or make them sad or tear them down.

Put up the next word bubble and picture on the board. (After discussing this line, continue in this manner–putting up the word bubble and matching picture and then discussing it–for the rest of the lines in the verse.)

Would my words be true and kind   Explain that the word “true” in this sentence means sincere and loyal. In this picture it looks like the girl changed her words to be more kind and loving toward her brother. Point out that he is now smiling and looks happy.

 If He were never far away?  Put up the picture of the girl standing by the Savior.  (Have the children sing all of the song lines up to this point.)

Would I try to share the gospel?   Explain that the girl in the picture is telling her friend about the Book of Mormon. Ask the children if they think talking about the gospel would be words that would help and lift others.

Would I speak more reverently?  Point out that the girl in the picture has her arms folded.  Remind the children that when we speak to our Heavenly Father we fold our arms and bow our heads to show reverence. Explain that we should also speak reverently when we talk about the gospel, or about sacred things, or when we are in the Lord’s house. (Though we don’t necessarily need to fold our arms in the process.)

Put up the last picture and explain that the last line is the same as the first verse. Have the children sing these last three lines of the verse, and then have them sing the entire verse.

Memorizing Activity

Tell the children they are going to do an activity as they memorize the verse. The activity will help remind them that our words affect people. Explain that in a recent Ensign article, President Uchdorf said our words should be a “light to others”.  A word chart activity was included in the article (show the word chart and put it on the board) to help children think about different kinds of words and how they can lighten up and brighten someone’s day or make a day dark and dreary.

Get two volunteers, preferably children who have been putting effort into singing the song. Show the children the homemade can phones. Explain that you will choose one of the words from the bag, which contains the same words that are on the chart. You will show it to one of the volunteers. That volunteer will speak the word into the can. The other child will plug one ear and hold the can to the other ear and listen. That child will tell everyone what word was spoken. If the child is correct he/she gets to draw a bright smiley face or dark unhappy face over the word on the chart, depending on how it would make someone feel. The other child will choose one of the word bubbles to take off the board. Have the children sing the song again. Continue in this manner until all the word bubbles are off the board. The pictures can be taken off next using the same activity.

Note: The string should be taut between the two cans while they are doing the activity.

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2 thoughts on “If the Savior Stood Beside Me – verse two

  1. Do you by chance have any ideas of activities or games to teach “I stand all amazed”? I feel like I can’t do anything without first consulting your site 🙂

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